Service Manager - Projects


Projects are used to manage at a high level - days rather than hours. 

Projects support three indented levels as follows

Projects can be used to generate



Project Resources

List of your company's Resources including Departments, Work Centres and Staff. 

The Hourly Rate is used for Costing purposes, for instance, when you generate a Quotation from the Project.

Resources can be applied to


An ordered list of Components can be integrated into the Project Plan. 

Components can be added directly in the Project or imported from the Items of a transaction linked to the Project and linked to the Transaction Setting > Transaction used for Quotations.

Components can be used to generate Progress Invoices using the Total and Completion %.

Component Example (Joinery):

Project Templates

The Project Templates are linked to a Class and consist of Items and a Status list that can be appended to a Project.

The Items are a mini project that starts at Level 1 and can optionally contain Level 2 and Level 3 items. Multiple Level 1 items can be added to create a template that is effectively a complete project plan.

The Components field is used to enable a Component Placeholder and set the Level at which components will be merged. Options include:


Rules for updating the Project Start and End dates

Calculation is applied to Level 3 and rolled up to Level 2 and Level 3.

Update starts at bottom or top depending on Tracker constraint - ASAP - Top (Start Date on Tracker) - Alap - Bottom (Required)

Weekend Days and Holidays are considered when updating Days and End dates. For instance, if a Task takes two days and starts on a Friday, the End date will be set to Monday.

Item Updates


Level 1

Level 2, 3

NB. If an Item is Fixed with blank Start and End dates, the cascading Items will not be scheduled.



Transaction Settings > Service Manager