

The Contacts module is where you load all the Entities that are related to your business or organization, including Staff, Customers, Suppliers. The Contacts table contains fields for names and contact detail. The information that is linked to a contact can be extended by adding Roles which are in turn linked to datasheets. Contacts can be linked to multiple Labels which are useful for CRM and reporting purposes.


Contacts can be linked to each other in the Links grid. For instance, a Company can add Persons who are employed by them. You can also, for instance, link an Accountant to an organisation. As a further example, you could link dependent Persons to a Main Member Person, or you could link the next-of-kin to a Person.

A Description field is provided in the Links table where you can explain the relationship between the Contacts.

Contact Fields

  • Type - Organisation or Person

  • Persons - Title, First name, Surname, Nickname, Known as, ID No., Birthday

  • Organisations - Registered Name, Known as, Reg. No.

  • Active

  • Contact information - Telephone, Mobile, E-mail, Website, Address

  • Labels

  • Roles

  • Links

Setting up

Navigate to Main Menu > Setup > Settings > General and search for Contact.

Contact Labels - Click Edit to add or edit the list of Labels.

Contact Roles - Click Edit to add or edit the list of Roles. Optionally, you can link a datasheet to a Role which will be displayed when the Contact is opened. See below for a list of available datasheets.

Role - Patients

The Patient data sheet contains the fields that will normally be required by a medical practitioner.

  • Medical Aid: Name, Option, Membership No., Dependent No. Main Member (Lookup from linked Contacts)

  • Medication - a memo field where you can list the current medication being used by the patient.

  • Allergies - a memo field where you can list the patient's allergies

  • Note