
Breaking changes

Bank Accounts are now required to be linked to Entities. (In a multi-entity environment)


Service Manager - Categories can now be changed - the defaults linked to a Category are only applied once when the SM is created, however.

Items > Costings - An Actions > Show Notes has been added to show the notes from the linked Costing.

Custom Reports - functionality has been added to drilldown to the SM module using a hyperlink.

Timekeeping - When the Status on a Transaction is changed to Complete (Complete Status Group), all the Timekeeping linked to the Transaction is stopped

Estimating - The Size fields have been added to the Costing table. The Component for Materials and Services at the Root level, has been changed to Other in the Costing table. (Data Pipeline = EstCompSum) (Previously the Item Description was passed to the Component field.)

Close-off Dates - Batch Update functionality has been added to set the Close-off date on multi-selected Transactions.

Sales Module Enhancements

Navigation - When you open an SLS from the Sales Activity Report or the Board Views, the Back button now returns you to the view you started from.

Boards - only the Active transactions are now displayed in the Board Views.

The following General Settings have been added:

Transaction Enhancements

A Department field has been added to Transactions Items - available in the Transaction and the Ledger modules, hidden by default.  The field can be populated from the list of Departments setup in My Organisation > Organigram.

Unit on Transaction Items - When a Transaction uses Supplier Prices (eg. Purchase Orders), the Unit lookup now also lists the Supplier.

Accounting Enhancements

Accounting Reports can now be filtered by Departments. The filter works on the Department field in Transaction Items.

Actions have been enabled in the Ledger's Editing view.

When you drilldown to Detailed Ledger from the Customer/Supplier Age Analysis, the Ledger Entity filter is now set to match the CAA/SAA Entity filter. 

Customer age Analysis - The Reminder Date from the linked SM is now displayed in the list view of the CAA - highlighted in red if the reminder date is prior to today.

Changing the Currency linked to a Bank account, now requires you to first enable the field by right-clicking the Account and selecting Change Currency (Enables Currency column for editing)' A Warning is displayed if there are records linked to the account using the existing currency.

Bank Accounts can now be linked to an Entity and is mandatory if multiple Entities have been setup. (Previously, Accounts could link to multiple Entities, but the functionality was unused)

Bank Import - The list view has been updated to hide the ID and Acc No. and show the Status column by default. You are now only able to import Bank Accounts if you have access to the Bank's Entity (Users that are not linked to an Entity have access to all Entities). When importing the Bank, the transaction will now automatically be linked to the Entity which is linked to the Bank Account. 

A Default column has been added to the chart of Accounts and includes: 


Fixed: The Supplier Module was using an incorrect font.

Fixed: The Transactions > Items View > Find Panel was not displayed by default when the dataset was opened.

Fixed: The Upgrade script now sets the Item Costing Status to blank if an Item does not have a linked Costing. The Batch Update can no longer set the Costing Status if the Item does not have a Costing.

Fixed: The user-field values on Supplier and Customer contact records were not saved if you scrolled the list using the grid view on the left.

Fixed: The Column width adjuster was not working on the Sales > Board (Projected) View.

Fixed: Inventory module - an error was returned when you filtered the default view on a Location.