09/10/2023 (Ver 23.01)

Enhancements - Web App

Approvals - The Transaction Category has been added to the Transaction list view.

Timekeeping - The Geolocation (Lattitude and Longitude) is now added to timekeeping records when you Start/Stop for Travel or for Work.

Tech Note: A number of optimisations have been made to the backend code.

Enhancements - Desktop App

Transactions - Approvals - A number of changes have been made to the Approval rules. Notably, transactions are now set to the default Approved or Declined status when the Checklist is resolved, or one item is declined. See Approvals documentation.

Approvals Module - The module has been simplified to only show transactions in the default Approval (Outstanding) or Declined status. Additional filters include Transaction and User. All the Checklist items for Transaction in the Approval/Declined Status are now displayed. (Previously only the ready/waiting items were displayed.)

Transactions > Items View - Batch Update functionality has been added for the Unit Cost and Unit Price / Qty fields.

Transactions - An Attachments icon has been added to the list view - visible when Attachments are linked directly to the Transaction. The Notes field has been changed from yellow to the font colour.

Ledger - Transaction Items View - The Expense Allocation field has been added to the Ledger's Transaction Items View, hidden by default.

Customers - The Reg. As field has been added to the list view, hidden by default.

Production Module > Tasks Creation dialog - The Transaction Reference has been added to the Project lookup.

Changelog functionality has been added to Settings (excluding the BLOB Settings). Right-click on a Setting to view the Changelog.


Redundant settings for the Items Panel have been deleted.

Deleted Setting: Default: Items View - Linked Transactions.

The redundant View > Standard/Touch menu items have been removed.

Fixed: An error was returned when trying to delete a VAT Type.

Fixed: An error was returned when the full 255 chars on the Attachment URL was used.

Fixed: The Balance in the Transaction Payment Schedules was not calculating correctly when Fixed Amounts were used.

Fixed: The Transaction Output button was not sized correctly when font-scaling was used.

Fixed: The GR No. in the Weighbridge module was displaying incorrectly for 'Out' loads - it should be blank.

Fixed: The Location field in Transactions > Items view was displaying values from the previous record when it should be blank.