Supplier Forex

Supplier Forex Gain (SFX+)


The Supplier Forex Gain transaction is designed to manage and record gains resulting from favourable shifts in currency exchange rates related to Payments to international suppliers. When a business commits to a Payment in a foreign currency and the exchange rate becomes more favourable by the time the payment is processed, the actual cost in the local currency may be less than initially expected, resulting in a Forex Gain. This Transaction Type is vital for accurately capturing and documenting the financial benefits that arise from these favourable currency fluctuations. In this document, we explain the Transaction Settings required and how to create a Supplier Forex Gain (SFX+) in the Ledger.


Main Menu > Accounting > Ledger > Supplier Forex Gain

Transaction Settings


Transaction Settings

How to create a Supplier Forex Gain transaction

Supplier Forex Loss (SFX-)


The Supplier Forex Loss transaction is critical for accurately capturing and managing losses due to unfavourable currency exchange rate movements during Payments to international suppliers. When a commitment to pay a supplier in a foreign currency is met with depreciation in that currency's value against the local currency, the actual amount paid might exceed the original Invoiced Amount, resulting in a Forex Loss. This precise accounting ensures that financial statements accurately represent the additional costs incurred. In this document, we explain the Transaction Settings required and how to create a Supplier Forex Gain (SFX+) in the Ledger.


Main Menu > Accounting > Ledger > Supplier Forex Loss

Transaction Settings


Transaction Settings 

How to create a Supplier Forex Loss transaction