
Upgrade 22.01 - Exe (Client and BOS) and Script - 06/06/2022


Hikvision - Sales Report - An Entity field was added, hidden by default.

Serial Numbers - The options on the Transaction Setting have been updated to:

  • Receive/Issue (Scan Code) - Scan the Item Code and then Scan the Serial No's for that Item. A new Serial No. is created and linked to the selected Item.

  • Issue (Scan Serial No.) - The Serial No. is checked against numbers that were received.

  • Return (Scan Serial No.) - The Serial No. is checked against numbers that were issued.


Transaction - Serial No. - The Receive option was not working on Transactions that were set to use the Selling Price.

Items > Costings - When the setting that identifies the Costing module was blank, the menu item to Open Expanded in Costing Module was hidden. Now it's always visible and returns an error message instead. When the Item Costing was deleted, the Costing price in the Costing & Prices tab was not cleared.

When a new Task is created in the Production Module, the Due Date is now set to the current date.

Fixed: The Cost Price on Items was rounding off to 4 decimals before the price Qty was applied - this caused a discrepancy when working with a Unit Convert Qty of 6 decimals.