
Upgrade 22.01 (Beta) - Exe and Script - 21/01/2022


Pricing Module - Cost Prices in Selling Prices view - The Fixed Cost, Unit Cost and Cost Adj% fields are now editable in the Selling Prices grid view. When Cost and Sell is set to Manual, the Cost Adj% and Sell Adj% values are updated when the Cost or Sell Prices change.

Work Processes - Batch updates have been added - see Menu Button > Batch Updates.

Left/Right Panels - Buttons have been added to the breadcrumbs menu to control the Layout (Left/Right Panels). See image below:

The Item Reference field has been added to the Transaction Items data pipeline.

Numerous look-and-feel enhancements.


  • Fixed: When an email contained HTML stationery, the edit form did not open when Outputting an Email.

  • Fixed: The Transaction lookups in the Copy Rules setup were not working.

  • Fixed: The application opened in the middle of an extended dual-screen configuration - now it opens in the centre of the Primary screen.