
Upgrade 22.01 - Exe and Script - 14/07/2022


Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) - This module measures the demand for materials in the Estimates (BoMs) of MRP-linked Transactions that are in an Active status, against Stock availability. See MRP documentation.

Customers - A Billing Method field has been added to the Accounting tab and is also visible in the Customer and CAA list view. The field contains a fixed lookup and is copied to the Contract Billing > Billing Method field when the Customer on a transaction is updated.

Customers - Batch Update functionality has been enhanced with the addition of Entity and Billing Method fields.

Staff - Attachments can now be linked to Staff.

Approvals - Last (H) and Open (H) fields have been added with conditional formatting - H = Hours.

Service Manager (SM) - A Reference field (Free text) has been added. This can be used to enter a short string which helps you to identify and find the ticket later.

Item Summary - A Refresh button has been added to the Inventory tabs of the Item Summary.

Info - An Info button has been added to all the modules - useful for checking why a transaction is read-only.

Production Module Enhancements - See Production Module

  • An Action > Reset Task Order was added to explicitly Order the Task list when filtered on Assign to and on Active Status.

  • The functionality to order Tasks has been enhanced to make it more robust. An Action > Reset Task Order has been added as a fail-safe in case the order is corrupted.

  • The ordering/moving of Tasks is supported by the Operator Board. The Operator Board no longer displays Pending Tasks.

  • The Category Board no longer displays Pending tasks and no longer supports any ordering or moving between Categories using drag-and-drop.


Fixed: The Fixed Price/Fixed Qty calculation on Transaction items was not calculating correctly when the Qty < Fixed Qty.

Fixed: The Out Qty on Transactions was not calculated correctly when different units were used on downstream transactions. eg. SO in Ton and DN in kg

Fixed: The SM gridview was not grouping correctly by Date and Due Date.

Fixed: You were able to Approve a checklist item on a Transaction when you did not have access to do so - this could be done by double-clicking the item.

The Meter Data module was optimised to improve performance.