

Weighbridge Module - The data table has been updated with the addition of an explicit Primary Key (The ID from Trekscale has been renamed to TSID - it contains many duplicates, however.) The upgrade script rebuilds the Weighbridge table.

Supplier Payments module - The following reporting fields have been added to the List View (Hidden by default): Invoices (Count), Sup Category, Sup Status (Active), Period (Format Jan 2023)

A new Transaction (Estimate) Data Pipeline has been added - Item_Est_Services displays an ordered list of all the Services linked to the selected Item.

Items > Price History - 2x Text fields (Detail,  Unit) were added to be able to show the details of deleted Cost items. Additional Types were added for Service and Supplier. (Previously we only had a Costing type). The history is now deleted when an Item gets deleted. (The upgrade deletes the orphan Price History items).

Items - Checklist - The Note field will now display multiple lines when applicable.

Planning Board Enhancements

The Action to Set Due Date from Req Date, now sets the Due Date to the maximum of Req Date and Current Date - this avoids back-dated Due Dates. The Batch Update > Due Date can now only be used to set a current date.

Functionality has been added to save the Board layout (Menu (button) > Layout > Save including the Stage and Summary Width, Visible Stages and the View (Compact, Standard or Extended. The Role Settings to set the Default Stage width and Visible Stages have therefore been removed

Calendar View - A Jobs View has been added - Jobs are ordered by the Job Due Date.

Calendar View - Events have been slightly truncated to prevent overlapping when the Finish Date and Start Date of the next Task are the same.

Stage Filter  (button) - An Unselect All option has been added to the Stages filter. When the All or All (Not Empty) and Unselect All menu items are clicked, the menu remains open.

The Action > Set Start/Finish from Now (Stages) has been updated to use the explicit Task order when it is executed on the Board View.

Timekeeping Enhancements

The Exceptions column is now displayed in red text.

Approved and Declined records are now excluded from the Exceptions list.

The Dashboard has been extended with a Cost Centre timeline view.


The tabs in the Settings module have been moved from the left to the top, similar to how they are displayed in other modules.

Fixed: When a record was deleted in the VAT Recon, Bank Recon, NCR and Supplier Payments modules, the Edit form was not closed.

Fixed: An error was returned when a Bank Recon was deleted.

Fixed: The Payment Schedule was not copied when a Transaction was copied. (The Transaction that is being copied to must also use Payment Schedules for the copy to be executed, however) 

Fixed: The Planning Board Action > 'Set Start/Finish by Job Due Date' was not working correctly. The procedure has been updated to iterate through Stages instead of iterating through Active Jobs.

Fixed: VAT Recon - Transactions were available for selection even when they did not contain any items or items that update the VAT Recon Account.

Fixed: The Unit lookup was not working correctly for Estimate and Custom items in a Transaction - the lookup should be empty.

NCR Module - The Status order has been updated to match the order in the edit form... ...> Corrective Action > Cause > ...