Supplier Payments Module (SPM)


The Supplier Payments module is a tool to help you set up and manage your Supplier Payments before they are due. This model supports multi-currency: The Currency will automatically be set to the Supplier's Currency.

The module can also be used to export a batch of Supplier Payments that can be imported directly into your internet banking.

The Data Filter allows you to select Payments by Date, Supplier, Bank, Entity and Status. The default filter displays all the Supplier Payments for this month.

Navigation depends on where the module was added to your menus.


  • Pending (Yellow) - Supplier Payments are editable when in a Pending Status. This is the default Status for a new Supplier Payment.

  • Complete (Orange) - When the Supplier Payment is correctly loaded, set it to the read-only Complete Status.

  • Approved (Blue) - Only users with Administrator access can Approve a Supplier Payment using Actions.

  • Posted (Green) - Only users with Administrator access can Post the Supplier Payment to the Ledger using Actions.

Note: Whan Invoices have been added to the Invoices to be Paid grid view, all the header fields, except for the Status and Note fields, will be set to read-only.

Bank Details

The Bank Details of the selected Supplier will be displayed in the header. These are required to export Supplier Payment Batches. Select Actions (button) > Edit Supplier to update the Bank Details - User Access to the Supplier Accounting tab is required.

Outstanding Invoices

This grid view displays the list of outstanding invoices, including part-paid invoices. The Due column displays the Outstanding amount less the Pay amount on this and other Supplier Payments that have not been completed.


A Settlement Discount can be added at a header level by Percent or Amount. By default, the Settlement Discount from the Supplier's Accounting tab will be copied to the Supplier Payment.

How to create a Supplier Payment

  • Navigate Main Menu > Accounting > Supplier Payments and click the New button to create a new Pending Supplier Payment.

  • Enter the Date on which the payment will be made.

  • Select the Supplier to be paid.

  • Select the Bank from which the payment will be made - if only one bank exists in the lookup, it will automatically be selected.

  • If applicable, select an Entity - If a user is linked to an Entity, it will automatically be selected.

  • Enter a Reference and a Note - these fields will also be replicated in the Ledger.

  • Optionally enter a settlement Discount percentage or amount.

  • Filter the Outstanding Invoices by All, Current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days or 120+ Days or manually select the Invoices using the checkbox and Due columns provided.

  • Multi-select the Invoices to be paid in the Outstanding Invoices grid view and click the Add to Payment button. You are not able to add the same invoice multiple times.

  • Edit the Pay column in the Invoices to be Paid grid view if the amount paid is less than the Due amount. You are not allowed to add amounts that are larger than the Due amount, however.

  • The Total field in the header is updated from the Pay column in the Invoices to be Paid grid view.

  • Set the Status to Complete when the Supplier Payment is done to prevent further changes.

Multi-select Invoices and click Remove from Payment to move invoices back to the Outstanding Invoices grid view.

Updating the Ledger

The Supplier Payment can be replicated to the Ledger when the transaction is set to Active: Select Actions (Button) > Post to Ledger - This will create a Ledger Transaction using the Entry Type where Default = Supplier Payment (SP) and the Cr. Account on the Entry Type matches the selected Bank or the Cr. Account on the Entry Type is blank. When the transaction has been updated to the Ledger, the Status will be set to Complete. If the Status is changed back to Active or Pending, the linked Ledger transaction will be cancelled. The Ledger ID field in the footer displays the ID of the linked Ledger transaction. Select Menu (button) > Open Transaction in Ledger to open the linked transaction in the Ledger.

The Supplier Payment can be opened in the Supplier Payments Module (SPM) using the Links button in the Ledger.

Note: The Supplier Payment Date will be assigned to the Ledger transaction unless it is dated before the Accounting Close-off date, in which case the day after the Close-off date will be assigned.

Importing Supplier Payments from the Bank

If importing your bank, execute the Ledger > Actions (button) > Update Supplier Payment after creating a Supplier Payment from the Bank Import. The Supplier Payment will be matched on the Supplier, Bank Account, Date and Amount.


Role Setting > Supplier Payments > Access Allowed - None, User, Administrator - Administrator access rights allow you to update the Status on completed Supplier Payments, Approve Payments, Post to Ledger and Delete Supplier Payments.

General Setting > Supplier Payments: Transaction Type - Supplier Discounts - This setting identifies the Transaction used for Supplier Discounts. Only one transaction can be assigned.

Transaction Setting > Supplier Payments > Default: Transaction used for Supplier Invoices - Multiple selections can be made.