Purchase Orders (PO)


The Purchase Order module is used to purchase materials for

  • Replenishing Stock

  • Sales Order purchase-to-order Items

  • Work Order Materials (Where Resolve is set to Purchase) and Outwork Services (Services linked to a Supplier)


Main Menu > Workflow > Purchase Orders

Creating a Purchase Order

Purchase orders can be manually created or by using the following Copy Rules:

  • Customers > Sales Orders - Click the Copy button and select Copy to Purchase Order

  • Customers > Work Orders - Click the Copy button and select Copy to Purchase Order

  • Materials > Inventory - Click the Menu button and select View > Replenishment View. Select the items to be purchased and then click Actions > Create Purchase Order

How to create a new Purchase Order

  • Click the New button on the grid view or from an open Purchase Order

  • Supplier - Select a Supplier and then select a Contact - if only one Contact is linked to the Supplier, it will automatically be selected. The Purchase Order will automatically be updated to the currency linked to the Supplier.

  • Add Items - Enter a search string and then click on the Items lookup (Above the Items grid) to view the list of items that match the search. Select an item, add a Qty and click the Add button. (Keyboard shortcuts: Enter search box and type a Search string - Tab to Items Lookup - Spacebar to open Items Lookup - Arrow keys to scroll Items - Tab to Qty - Enter to add the selected item)


The Purchase Order can be printed or emailed using the default template which will display the Item Description, Supplier Code, Quantity and Price.