Item Costings


The Items module supports two types of Costings models: Item Costings (COS) and Estimate Costings (EST). Both models can be used as a single-level Costing. 

Estimate Costings

Estimate Costings need to be explicitly added using the Add Costing (EST) button above the Item > Costing grid view. 

Item Costings

The Costing tab is used to add a costing to an Item. Items are ordered and can be moved up or down. This is an alternative, easier, way of maintaining your Costings, compared to using Estimates.  Functionality is provided to convert an Estimate Item to a Costing - right-click on the Estimate Costing and select Convert Estimate to Item Costing.

Variable Items can be set up to allow users to select alternate options when Quoting. 

Dependent Costings are automatically updated when the Cost Price on an Item is updated, subject to the setting below.

A Costing (COS) record is automatically added to the Costing & Pricing tab when a  Costing is updated.




Status field - Draft, Review, Ready. When the Status is Ready, the Costing becomes read-only. 

The User Setting > Items and Inventory > Costing - Access allowed (Y/N) controls access to the Status setting. 

A Costing field, which displays the Costing Status, is situated in the Materials list view, hidden by default. The Costing Status is set to Draft when an Item is added to the Costing and to null if the Costing is emptied.


Inventory fields are situated in the Costings and Options grids, hidden by default. 


Dependencies are displayed on a separate tab and include information, such as Status of Assembly, Qty Required etc.  See Dependencies . 

This grid view lists the Products in which the selected Item is used. Drilldown functionality is provided from both the Costing and the Dependencies grid views.

User Setting

Items and Inventory > Dependencies Actions - Access Allowed 


Estimates from Costings

When the Item Costing is converted to an Estimate, the Estimate is populated as follows:

Data extracted from the Costing

Note: The Description, Code and Note cannot be updated in Item Costings - they are looked up from the linked Item. 

Data extracted from the Item linked to the Costing

Data extracted from the Options linked to a Costing  will be the same as above

Variables and Options

The Variables functionality allows you to link Options to a Costing item. Options may be used to specify similar interchangeable items, optional extras or different parameters like colour, etc. 

Options include 

Adding Options to a Costing

Note: When an Option is added to a Costing Item, the linked Costing item is automatically updated to be a Variable

Setting the Default Option

Right-click an Option and select Set Default.

Data copied from the Default Option to the Costing:

The Note linked to the default Item will be copied to the Estimate and will not change if different options are selected.

Using Variables on a Transaction

When you right-click on an item and select View/Edit Variables, the item is automatically converted to an Estimate before opening the Variables dialogue. If the Item does not have a linked Costing, the option to View/Edit Variables is not available. 

Adding Items as Costings

The Popup lookup can be used to add multi-selected Items to a Costing or the Costing Options. 


General Setting > Item Costings - Transaction Type - This setting identifies the Transaction Type used for Costings which is required for the Estimate (EST) model.

Item Categories > Caption: Costing

General Setting > Item Costings - Enable Automatic Updates