Stock Check


The Stock Check module is used to record the Stock Count as at a specific date.  When Stock Values are calculated they are calculated from the last Stock Check before the selected Date and include all the transactions from that Stock Check to the selected date.

When an Item is added to Inventory, an opening Stock Check is created (TYPEID = 0). Opening Stock Checks are highlighted in yellow in the Stock Check module.  The Date on an opening Stock Check can be edited, for instance,  when transactions linked to the Item need to be backdated to a date prior to when the Item was created. 

Note: It is important that opening Stock Checks are dated prior to any transactions that are linked to the Item.

Data filter 



A Stock Check field in the Item's Units tab (Items module) is used to flag which Units need to be added to the Stock Check. By default, the first Unit added to an Item will be flagged as the Stock Check Item

New Stock Check - You are able to select from all the Stock Locations linked to the Units that have been flagged to use in the Stock Checks. For example, if an Item has 2x Locations and 2x Units that can be used in a Stock Check, you can select from 4x Records.

How to create a new Stock Check 


How to export a CSV file 

This functionality allows you to export a list of Items to a comma-separated-values file (.CSV) which can be updated and Imported back into the system. This is ideal for adding items to Inventory on a new database where the Inventory records have not yet been created.

The following fields are created in the .csv file. The fields that are highlighted in blue are used to import the records. The CHECKDATE field must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy.


How to import a CSV file

Files can only be imported if they are in the same format and contain all the columns as the Export file. (See above)

How the import works

After selecting the file to be imported, each line will be processed as follows.

Note: The Category, Description, Code, Reference and Location fields are there to make it easy for users to populate the file - these fields are not required for the import.


The Action button can be used to update multiple selected Items: