

Periodic Ledger - New Module - See Periodic Ledger

Bank Import - You can now select from any Transaction Type where the Category is Bank and the Account is Blank or where the Account matches the Bank you're importing from. This means you no longer need to create a Transaction Type for each Bank you import from.

Customer/Supplier - Audits - Fields have been added to record the date and user who last updated the record. Audits have been added for changes to Name, Status, Rep (Customer only)

Sales Trends Report - Functionality has been added to view the report by Calendar Years or Financial Years.

Customer/Supplier - Output functionality has been added to the Customers and Suppliers module. See Customers and Suppliers

Attachments - Functionality has been added to Copy link to Clipboard.

Tracker - The execute button has been changed to client width so that long captions are not truncated.

Meter Data Enhancements

  • A Progress summary has been added to the Footer

  • The Action to add the Meter Data records is now automatically executed when you click the View button (If a Date Period and a Transaction are selected)

Service Manager Enhancements

  • You are now able to assign a 1-5star rating to a Service Ticket - Admin rights are required to assign a rating

  • The Edit button can be accessed by Users

  • Find No functionality has been added to the Edit Form.

  • The Assign to field can now only be changed in a Response.


Fixed: The Daily Sales Summary Notification included cancelled transactions.

Fixed: In certain cases, the Credit/Debit Account in the Transaction Items View was not displayed correctly on Customer/Supplier Transactions.

Fixed: When you execute Items > Costings (Tab) > Actions > Open expanded in Costing module, the Material items are no longer expanded by default.

The 'Empty' filter on the Item Dashboard > Locations is now unchecked by default.

Fixed: The Description for the Pump Selector estimate was not generating correctly.