Pricing - Cost and Selling Price

Cost Prices

The Cost Price is derived from a Costing or it can be manually updated. When it is automatically updated, an adjustment can be added to cover handling and landed costs.

The Sell Price is the standard list price which can be derived from  Costing, the Cost Price or it can be manually updated.

When it is automatically updated, a MU% and a Rounding factor can be used.

Costs and Prices are assigned to a Unit and to a Currency. Duplicates, which have the same Unit and Currency are not allowed.

When Costs or Prices are set to be manually updated, the Cost Adj % and Sell Adj % fields are automatically updated.


Cost Price 

Sell Price 

Selling Prices

This view provides access to all the Selling Prices in the Items module which can be filtered by: Category, Price List, Currency and  Status. (Item Status).

The Currency filters are mandatory -  you can only view prices in one currency at a time

When a Price List is not selected, the Updated field indicates whether the Cost and Selling Prices are Manually (M) or Automatically (A) updated - eg. A/M = Cost Price is automatically updated and Selling Price is manually updated.

Conditional formatting is used to highlight the low and high Profit, MU% and GP% values.


The Blue fields are editable

Importing prices

Functionality is provided to update the Selling Prices and Price Lists using an imported .CSV file . See Menu > Import Selling Prices. The Columns must be:

General Setting > Default: Copy and Paste Pricing Import file - Default = No. This allows you to Paste the .csv file instead of selecting it from your hard drive.

Actions (Selling Prices) 

Batch Updates (Selling Prices)