Service Manager (SM)


The goal of this module is to record Service tickets and have as much information at hand as required to resolve the Ticket efficiently. Create Service Tickets, add Responses, link Transactions and set Reminders.  This module can be used in various scenarios, but there is a strong focus on the functionality required to service Machines, Equipment, Properties or Vehicles, basically any type of Asset that requires maintenance and servicing. For this reason, an Asset can be linked to a Service Ticket. If the Asset links to Meter Data, the Meter Data will also be displayed with an option to record the current reading.

Tickets can be linked to Customers or flagged as Internal. When an Asset is selected, the Customer linked to the Asset is automatically assigned to the Ticket. If a Customer is not linked to the Asset, it is assumed to be an Internal Ticket.

The Reference field is used to add a short note that can be used to find the ticket later. It is displayed in the list view where it is included in the grid search.

By default, the Service Manager list view is ordered by Status, Category and Company.

Click the Email button to send details of the selected Ticket to the Subscribers linked to the Ticket

Batch Update functionality is available from the List View - click Actions (button) > Batch Updates. Administrator and Batch Update Access is required. Fields that can be updated include:


When the Service Ticket is emailed, it is sent to the list of Subscribers which is automatically updated as follows: Internal: SM Creator, Rep, Assign to, Response Creators and External: Customer Contact.

Click on Menu (button) > View/Edit Subscribers to add or remove emails from the Subscriber list or to set Subscribers to, for instance, Notifications = None

The logged-in user can also use Action > Subscribe/Unsubscribe.

Data Filter

Functionality is provided to filter tickets on Date (SM Date or Due Date), User, Rep, Assign To, Customer, Category, Asset, Status, Entities, Departments and Severity. The default filter is Status = Active.

You are also able to search for a ticket by SM No. using the search control next to the View button.

A text Search is provided to search the Responses. Only the first 100 records that match the string will be displayed.


If multiple Entities are linked to the database, SM Tickets also need to be linked to an Entity. By default, the first Entity linked to the User who creates the Ticket will be assigned. If a User is not linked to an Entity, the Entity needs to be manually assigned. A warning is displayed if the Entity is blank. 


If multiple Departments are linked to the database, SM Tickets also need to be linked to a Department


The Ticket Status is used to move the Ticket along from start to completion and to measure the progress along the way and can only be updated when a Response is added.

When a Status is set to a Cancelled or Complete Status (Group), the SM Ticket will be read-only. Users with Administrator rights are able to click the Edit button to make changes to a read-only Ticket.

If the Notification column linked to a Status is checked, you will be prompted to email a Notification when the Ticket is changed to that Status. You can preview the Email first and edit the email addresses. Options include None, Internal and All - the last option includes the Customer Contact.

Note: Status and Category cannot be deleted from Settings if they are in use.


Click the Actions button to open a menu which contains the following:

Header Fields


Users can Add Responses and Edit or Delete their own Responses. Responses are displayed in descending date order (latest first) and can be filtered on Ticket (Default), Flow  (all the linked SM Tickets), Asset (If an Asset is linked to the Ticket) or Customer

Standard Responses can be set up using the Menu button > Setup Responses. Fields include:



Select from a lookup using the Code/Serial No./Reg. No. or a Description of the Asset. The list is filtered to the Item Categories where Input = Assets. If the Asset Item is linked to Meter Data, then you will be able to update the Meter Reading on the Ticket. Once selected, the Asset includes the Serial No. (Code) in the List View.


Filters can be used to display all the Transactions linked to the Ticket, Asset or Customer at a header or at an item level. When Transactions are displayed at an item level, the linked Meter Reading is also displayed. Right-click on a Transaction to open the context menu with the following items: 


SM Tickets

Lists all the SM Tickets that are directly linked to the Ticket, linked to the Asset (If applicable) or linked to the Customer. When you create a new SM, the system checks for existing Active or Pending SMs linked to the same Asset and provides an option to open the existing SMs. 

Meter Reading is also displayed. Right-click on a Transaction to open the context menu with the following items: 

Costing (Parts)

A list of linked Parts is displayed by default, including the Usage since the last Issue/Purchase. Double-click and Item to open the Item Dashboard. 

Multi-select and click the order button (Caption = Transaction Code) to place an Order or Issue the selected Parts.

Meter Data

A Filter is provided to view Meter Data linked to the Ticket or all the Meter Data linked to the Machine. You can turn the Meter Data on/off using the Setting below. 


Timekeeping functionality is provided by the Service Manager. This can be done by clicking the Start/Stop button or selecting Start/Stop Timekeeping when you add a Response.

Service Tickets with active timekeeping are highlighted in yellow in the list view. A warning message is displayed when you close a ticket with an open timekeeping record. The Show Hr/s filter can be checked to view actual Hours logged against Tickets in the List View. 

Setting up

Click the Menu button to access the following functions:


The Status list is an ordered list. Statuses can be linked to colours. The Status filter works on the Group to which the Status is linked. When an SM Ticket is in the Complete or Cancelled group, the Ticket is set to read-only.


 Categories can be changed in a Service Ticket. The defaults linked to a Category are only applied once when the SM is created. 

General Settings

Role Settings

User Settings


Status Change Notification

This notification is sent out when the Status of a Service Ticket is changed and contains all the details linked to the Service Ticket. Users are able to preview and edit the Email addresses before sending. See SM Status Settings.

BOS Server Notifications

SM Notifications can also be sent from BOS Server. The Notifications will be sent according to Settings > Notifications which allows you to allocate Customer, Supplier and Staff Contacts to standard Notifications. 

SM Daily Internal Summary 

This notification is intended for internal use. 

This notification includes the following bands:

SQL for setting up the Email Notification in BOS Server 








SM Daily Customer Summary 

This notification includes the following bands:

SQL for setting up the Email Notification in BOS Server 








Note: You only need to set up one email notification in BOS Server to send all the Customer Summaries .