Customer Credit Notes (CC)


Customer Credit Notes update the accounting as well as the Inventory. When a Credit Note is complete, the credited amount immediately reflects on the Customer Age Analysis.

Credit Notes can be created manually or from a Customer Invoice.


Main Menu > Workflow > Customer Credit Notes

How to create a Credit Note

Credit Note transactions are generally copied from a Customer Invoice.

New Credit Note from a Customer Invoice

  • Open the Customer Invoice and click Actions > Copy to Customer Credit Note to open the Copy dialogue.

  • Select the relevant items to be credited and click the Copy button to create the Customer Credit Note.

New blank Credit Note

  • Click the New button on the grid view or from an open Credit Note.

  • Customer - Select a Customer and then select a Contact - if only one Contact is linked to the Customer, it will automatically selected. Open Menu > Customer > Add/Edit to add a new Customer or edit the selected Customer.

  • Rep - By default the Sales Representative linked to the Customer will be selected. You are, however, able to select a different Sales Representative.

  • Add Items - Items can be added to an invoice in various ways.

    • Select the item from the Item lookup above the Items grid view

Goods Return (GR)

When a Customer Credit Note is completed (The Status is set to Complete) a Goods Return transaction is created in the background to Receive the Stock which has been returned. This happens automatically when the Credit Note is printed or e-mailed. Only the Inventory Items with a quantity greater than zero will be copied to the Goods Return transaction. When a Credit Note is re-activated (Status set to Active or Pending), the linked GR transaction is cleared. You can open the linked GR transaction by clicking the Links button on the Credit Note.

Item Summary

Click the View button on the right above the Items grid and select View Inventory.

You can right-click an Item and select View Item Summary for detail about the Item's specification, inventory levels, pricing and transaction history.


A red warning bar at the top of the invoice is used to warn you of the following:

  • Missing Serial No's on Item/s: Code, Code, etc. - This warns you that serial numbers have not been recorded against the sale items.