Customer Forex

Customer Forex Gain (CFX+) 


The Customer Forex Gain transaction addresses the financial impact of Currency Exchange Rate fluctuations on international customer Payments. When a customer Payment is received in a foreign currency and the exchange rate is favourable, the converted amount in the local currency may exceed the original Invoice value. This results in a Forex Gain. This Transaction Type is essential for businesses to track and report these gains accurately, ensuring that financial statements reflect the actual benefits derived from foreign exchange movements. In this document, we explain the Transaction Settings required and how to create a Customer Forex Gain (CFX+) in the Ledger.


Main Menu > Accounting > Ledger > Customer Forex Gain

Transaction Settings


Transaction Settings

How to create a Customer Forex Gain transaction

Customer Forex Loss (CFX-) 


The Customer Forex Loss transaction captures the financial implications of unfavourable currency exchange rate movements on Payments received from international customers. When a Payment is made in a foreign currency and the exchange rate shifts unfavourably before the transaction is settled, the amount received in the local currency may be less than the Invoiced amount, leading to a Forex Loss. This Transaction Type is crucial for businesses to accurately identify, calculate, and record losses due to exchange rate fluctuations. In this document, we explain the Transaction Settings required and how to create a Customer Forex Loss (CFX-) in the Ledger.


Main Menu > Accounting > Ledger > Customer Forex Loss

Transaction Settings


Transaction Settings

How to create a Customer Forex Loss transaction