
Note: The Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Trial Balance modules have been removed in favour of using the new Financial Statements module.


Production > Task View - The Attachments for the selected Task are now displayed in the right panel.

Service Manager - You are now able to double-click on a linked transaction to open it. When a Task Transaction is opened from the SM module, it now opens to the Task Edit Form.

Items can now be added to a Transaction or to an Estimate using the popup (modal) lookup form - click the Popup button to open the lookup. This allows you to save the lookup grid view by Transaction and add simultaneously add multi-selected items to a Transaction. You're also able to view the inventory quantities if you check the Show Inventory checkbox. If your search returns 1x Item, it is automatically added to the Transaction - ideal when scanning barcodes to add items.

Transactions - Batch Update - A batch update has been added for the Location field in the Items grid of the Transaction Editing view.

Items Enhancements

Note: The General Settings that were used to determine the Estimate Description format have been removed in favour of using the Item setting.

Ledger Enhancements

Cost Centre Enhancements

See Cost Centre documentation

See Service Prices documentation

Transaction Checklist enhancements

Financial Statements (New Module that replaces Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Trial Balance)

See Financial Statements Documentation 

Ringroller Estimate Type Enhancements

See documentation.


Fixed: An Arithmetic exception error was returned on the Tracker Receive/Issue functionality if the Supplier Address and company information was too long. (Substring function applied in stored procedure CLIENT_SELECT_TRANS - ie. Script fix only)

Fixed: The date scroll buttons in the Sales Opportunities > Activity Report were not working.

Fixed: Item Summary - The Transactions tab was hidden if there were no inventory transactions linked to the Item. Now, the Transactions tab will be hidden if there are no Transaction items or headers linked to the Item.

Fixed: You were not able to edit the Transaction Item Note if the Item was linked to an Estimate type.

Fixed: Users were able to open a Transaction which they did not have access to by drilling down to the Ledger from Linked Transactions. The drill-down functionality was only checking the Ledger Access setting and not the Role's Transaction access setting.

Fixed: If a User did not have 'All' access to the Ledger, they were not able to drill down to the Ledger, even when they had access to the Transaction type.

Fixed: When you Output from the Production module > Task Edit form, the Subject was in some cases incorrectly assigned.

The User Setting > My Company - Access allowed has been renamed to My Organisation - Access allowed.

Optimisation: The Transaction > 'Add Item Panel' has been removed in favour of using the new modal item lookup form.

Optimisation - The Hr/s field has been removed from the Production Module > Project grid view to improve performance.

Fixed: The Last and Average columns in the Meter Data list view were highlighted in red when they were less than the current reading - it should be the other way around.

Optimisation - The dialogue which prompts you to open modules when the Form Designer is opened has been removed.

Fixed: When a Tasks Transaction was created from the SM module the Assigned to User was not assigned to the Transaction's user list.

Fixed: In some cases, when a Transaction was linked to an Estimate that generated resolve items, the transaction could not be deleted.