Data Checklists


A Checklist system is provided to manage the data integrity of your Customers, Suppliers and Items.

A Data Filter named Data Integrity (All (default), Passed, Failed) is also available in the List View. This helps you to easily find the items that need attention.

A Checklist field that displays the checklist in an array of colour-coded items, is displayed in the modules List View. This field is only populated when you filter on Data = Failed.

Checklist Items contain the following fields:

  • Description

  • Code - Used in the condensed views

  • Type - Options include:

    • Manual - The Item needs to be manually checked.

    • Auto - This type uses SQL to test if the Item's conditions are met. The SQL must always return two fields - VALUEID (Integer: 0=False, 1=True) and NOTE (string). If a Note is not required, you can pass a NULL value to the note field. A parameter :ID can be used in the SQL to reference the transaction values.

    • Override - This works the same as Auto except that approved users, can override these items when the SQL does not approve them. Approved users are also allowed to Cancel the overrides.

  • Updated - The Date and User that last updated the Item.

Working with Checklists

If a Checklist has been created, it is displayed in the right panel of the Editing View and can be toggled on or off using Approve (Button) > Show/Hide Checklist.

Users with editing access to the module are able to update the Checklist.

Double-click on a Checklist Item to toggle the Status or click the menu column and click on the Pass or Fail menu items.

Checklist Items in the right panel contain the following fields:

  • Status Icon - Pass (Green / Fail (Red)

  • Type Icon - A (Auto), 0 (Override), M (Manual)

  • Code

List View

A Data filter allows you to select All, Pass or Fail. When Fail is selected, the Checklist column displays the approval progress.

Select Actions (Button) > Update Checklist to update multi-selected Items. This action will update the checklist from the setup and approve the Auto/Override items in the checklist.

Editing View

When a Checklist has been linked to the Module, the Approve button is enabled. Click the Approve button to

Select Actions (Dropdown on Actions Button) > Update Checklist to update the checklist from the setup and approve the Auto/Override items in the checklist.

Setting up

  • Items List View > Menu (button) > Edit Classes

  • Customer List View > Menu (button) > Edit Checklist

  • Suppliers List View > Menu (button) > Edit Checklist