

Multiple Reporting modules exist in BOS Enterprise. Including

  • Custom Reports - Using SQL, you can access any data that is stored in the Database.

  • Inventory - Fixed Inventory Reports including Accounting and Replenishment. Also includes numerous Actions to manage inventory.

  • Cost of Sales

  • Accounting


In addition to the Reporting modules, numerous Summary modules can be used to quickly access information about Customers, Suppliers, Staff or Items.

Reporting Modules

Custom Reports can be opened as free-standing modules simply by adding them to a menu using Menu Manager.

Custom Reports

Custom Reports are generated using SQL. The SQL in turn generates Fields which can be customized as follows:

  • Caption - The Caption is assigned to the Column Header

  • Editor - Set according to the Data Type of the field.

  • Colour Field - Select the Field that contains the colour to be assigned to the column's background.

  • Drilldown - Select a module to drill down to - the column will be hyperlinked

  • Drilldown field - Select the column that contains the ID for the drilldown - eg. TRANSID for Transactions; CUSID for Customers