
Upgrade 22.01 - Exe and Script - 12/05/2022


Transactions - Contract Billing - Added Escalation % and Month (Month of Escalation)

Transactions - Items View Batch Update - Blanks - Debit/Credit/Assign To - These batch updates can now be used to clear the fields, previously an error message was returned when they were blank.

Transactions - Notes icon - A yellow Note icon, which indicates that notes are linked to the transaction, has been added to the Transactions View as well as to the top right of the Transactions Edit window.

Transaction Copy Dialogue - Item Description format - A setting has been added to the Copy Rule settings which determines how the Item description is formatted. Options include Code - Description (Default), Description (Code), Description, Code.

Hikvision Dashboard - A number of changes were made to the Hikvision Dashboard, including Print Chart, Chart > Full Screen, etc.

Role Settings > Inventory > Default: View Inventory from all Locations (Default = Yes) - This setting can be used to restrict users to only view Inventory from their own location (Linked to their Entity) in the Transactions > View (Button above Items Grid) > Inventory section as well as in Inventory (module) > Default View and the Items Panel

Accounts - A warning has been added to the Accounts setup module when an Account name is blank. Blank Accounts will now be displayed as Blank Name in transactions.

Ledger - A From (Transaction it was copied from) field has been added to the Detailed Ledger view.

Approvals - Totals - The Transaction Totals and Currency have been added to the Approvals module.

Estimating - InActive - All the Estimating Items data pipelines now exclude Inactive items - where Status = InActive (Red). The Estimating Cost Summaries now also exclude InActive Items.


  • Fixed: When adding a Service to an Estimate, the Cost Centre was not linked to internal Services if there was a blank Supplier record linked to the Service Item.

  • Online Library - The Remote Server is now explicitly disconnected when the Online Library form is closed.

  • Fixed: An AV error was returned when trying to select the Company linked to a Supplier Contact.