Barcode Scanning


The Job Tracking module can be used for shop floor or remote job Tracking using a barcode scanner.

In each case, the relevant field needs to be printed on the Workticket. The bcCode39 barcode type is recommended as the easiest to use (check digit not required) as well as the easiest for scanners to recognize. Up to 43 alphanumeric characters can be added to this barcode type, but for tracking purposes, you will only be adding numeric characters to the barcode.

How to track and record time

  • Refresh - Click to download all the Active Transactions and open Timekeeping records. This needs to be done the first time you log in.

  • Enter a No. or ID. - Scan or Enter the Transaction No/Item ID/Service ID using the number pad provided. The Transaction No/Item ID/Service ID can also be entered by selecting an Active job.

  • Execute (Start/Stop) - Press the Execute button - if the number entered is for an Active Job, it will be stopped, else the Job will be started.

  • Logout - Returns you to the Login Page, ready for the next user to log in.

  • Back - Returns you to the Main Menu


All the Settings are at a Role level under the Tracker group.

  • Transactions > Tracker > Module: Timekeeping - Enables the Timekeeping module for the selected Transaction and adds an icon to the Menu.

  • Roles - Default - Auto-Logout after Start (Seconds) (Default = 0) - When greater than 0, the user will be logged out after clicking the Execute button to start a Job.

  • Roles - Default - Auto-Logout after Stop (Seconds) (Default = 0) - When greater than 0, the user will be logged out after clicking the Execute button to stop a Job

  • Roles > Tracker > Timekeeping: Record Quantities (Yes/No - Default = No) - This setting enables the functionality to record Completed and Spoiled quantities when Timekeeping is Stopped.

  • Roles > Tracker > Timekeeping: Update Status (Yes/No - Default = No) - This setting enables the functionality to change the Planning Board Status when Timekeeping is Stopped.

  • Roles - Tracking Mode - there are three options available for use with scanners:

    • Scan/Enter a Transaction No. - Uses DOCID

    • Scan/Enter an Item ID. - Uses VATITEMID

    • Scan/Enter a Service ID. - Uses QUOTECOMPID