

Non-Conformance Reports (NCR) - This is a new module. See NCR

Items > Actions > Remove item from Costing & Options - This new Action will remove the selected Item from all the Item BoMs/Costings as well as from the Options on the Item BoMs/Costing.

Supplier Payments - An Approvals field has been added to the Outstanding Payments gridview, hidden by default.

Estimate Input / Item Costing - Email Excel / Export Grid functionality has been added.

Procurement - A Transaction Setting > Default: Enable Procurement/Purchasing (Y/N - Default = N) has been added. When Yes, a Purchasing band is added which includes: Department, Requestor, Motivation fields. See Procurement

Approvals - When you Request Approval, the Transaction is now also set to the default Approval status.

Transactions - Functionality has been added Batch Update the VAT in the Items View.

My Company - the look and feel of this module has been updated to a more consistent Header/Detail view. The Fax field has been removed. Organigram functionality has been added to the My Company module. See Organigram. Notifications - The Notification settings have been moved from the Settings module to the My Company module.

Timekeeping - When the Start or End Date/Time is updated in the Timekeeping module, the record is now flagged as an override, the same as a manually captured timekeeping record.

Tracker - Timekeeping - Functionality has been added to link Timekeeping to an NCR.

Planning Board Enhancements - See Planning Board

  • The Work in Progress view has been renamed to Tasks - See Menu Button > Views > Tasks. The Today filter has been removed in favour of using a standard Date filter on the Start Date.

  • A new Transactions view has been added - See Menu Button > Views > Transactions

  • A General Setting > Planning Board > Default: Set Qty from [] has been added. This setting determines how the quantity will be assigned to the Planning Board tasks. Options include Service (Default), Assembly, Root Assembly and Estimate.

  • Customer Acc No. has been added to the Task and Transaction Views, hidden by default.

  • Output functionality has been added to the Task and Transaction Views. (Default Templates have been uploaded to the Downloads folder - Note: You are not able to output the Routing field as it's displayed in the gridview)

  • Task Edit Form: The From transaction has been added to the Header. Assembly has been renamed to Root ASM and ASM and ASM Code fields have been added to the Tasks gridview.

  • Actions - Update Task Est. Qty - this will update all the Tasks based on the General Setting above.

  • Grid search functionality has been added to the Kanban View

Digital Production Enhancements

  • An Action to Order by Start has been added - Available when ordering by a Staff member in the Task View.

  • Drag-drop Functionality has been disabled on the Boards (for now).

  • The Task lookup on the Timekeeping edit window has been updated to use a containing search.

  • Start and Due Time fields have been added to the Task Edit window.

Service Manager Enhancements

  • Functionality to Add/Edit Customers has been added

  • Functionality has been added to create/Edit Tasks from the Service Manager - use the Action to create the Transactioin used as Tasks. For now, you can only add Custom Items.

  • An Index was added to improve the performance when selecting a large set of Tickets. The text Search function now only searches the Reference field to further improve performance.

  • When an SM is copied to a Transaction, the Reference field on the SM is now copied to the Reference field on the Transaction - previously the Category was copied.


Fixed: The Delete Task function on the Planning Board > Edit Task Form was not working.

Fixed: The [ASMCODE] tag used to set the Planning Board Description was not working.

Fixed: You were unable to hide the Profit column in the Pricing > Selling Price View.

Fixed: The Task ordering was not working correctly after adding functionality to assign multiple Staff to a Task.

Fixed: The warning about open timekeeping records when you closed the application, was only working if the Timekeeping module was open.

Fixed: You are able to override timekeeping records without flagging flagging them as a Manual Override.

Alternate Captions and a hamburger menu have been added to the Actions column in grid views.

The redundant Transactions > Board -Services view has been removed in favour of using the Planning Board.