Production Module - Services


The Production module is used to manage Projects and Tasks using different Views and Actions and is useful for companies that provide a computer-based Service at an hourly rate. Incl. Software Development, Architects, Designers, Writers, Accountants, etc.

This module integrates with two Transaction Types: 

Items Master

To use this model efficiently, you must add your recurring Tasks to the Item master. Items must contain a Note (customer-facing for use in Quotations) and a Specification that will be assigned to the operator.  The Unit = Hr/s, and the Selling Price = Hourly Rate.

Assemblies can be added to group Services and assigned the Hours for each Service. These can be added to a Quotation as an Estimate.

Projects View

Select Menu (button) > View Projects to open this view.

This view displays a list of Projects on the left, linked Tasks (Pending and Active) are displayed in the centre and the Timekeeping Detail linked to the Project is displayed on the right. 

A Filter is provided to filter Projects on the Assign to field.

Batch Update functionality is provided for both the Projects and Tasks gridviews. See Actions (button).

Context Menu

Project Transaction Type Settings

Tasks View

Select Menu (button) > View Tasks to open this view.

This view displays a list of Tasks on the left and the Task detail (Notes and Specification) and Timekeeping records linked to the selected Task on the right.  

Tasks Transaction Type Settings 

Ordering Tasks

Tasks are explicitly ordered when an Operator is assigned and the Task is Active. When a Task is assigned to a different Operator, it is moved to the bottom of the new Operator's list. The Ordering of Tasks in the Tasks View is only enabled when the following data filters are set: 

When Tasks are in an ordered view, the Acc Hr/s (accumulated hours) field is populated, and sorting/filtering is disabled in the Grid View. 


Right-click on a Task to open the context menu which includes items to Edit Task, Move Up, Move Down, Start Timekeeping, and Open Transaction.

The Menu (button) > Link to Project function can be used to add/edit the Project that the Task is linked to.


Actions on the Task Edit form:

Copy Tasks

The Copy function does not copy the Assign to and the link to a Project.  The Project filter remains intact.

Delete Tasks

Delete a Task (Subject to User Access) - This will delete the Transaction Item and Header. 


Output functionality is enabled on the Task form - Templates can be linked in General Settings > Output > Production.

Task Start and End Times

The Task Start and End Times are automatically updated as follows:


A Data Filter can be used to filter Tasks by Date, User (Assign to), Project and Status. Functionality is available to add or remove named Data Filters. eg. Peter - Active; All - Active. The default filter is Today and it cannot be deleted. When the Data Filter is edited directly, the Filter lookup is set to Custom. 


Board Views

The Board Views display the Pending and Active Tasks in columns of Operators (Assign to) and Categories.

Functionality is provided to group these Boards with various fields.


Various Actions are available on the right-most panel and are grouped as follows:

Batch Updates


The Timekeeping Actions allows you to add live Timekeeping using the Start/Stop button and notes to the active Timekeeping record.

Note - You can only log time against one task at a time. 

The Timekeeping edit form opens when you select Start, Stop or Edit. The Actions allow you to Delete the Timekeeping record or Unstop the record - eg. when you have accidentally created a new record or unintentionally stopped your timekeeping.

After you Stop, you can click the same button to start a new Unlinked Timekeeping record.


Due Date Color indicators

Colour can be used to indicate the hours before a Project or Task is due. The colours can be set as follows: 

Save Grid

Select Menu > Save Grid - This will save the Grid views according to the View that has been selected.

Role Settings > Production

Access to the Production module is controlled by the Role Setting > Production - Access Allowed - Options include:

General Settings > Production

Related Topics

Invoicing from Timekeeping