Planning Board


The Planning Board module is used in manufacturing environments to manage Production. The board is populated from Services in Estimates (BoMs) linked to Work Order transactions. The layout provides a list of transactions on the left, followed by an ordered list of production Stages. The Stages are updated from Estimate Services linked to the same Cost Centre the Stage is linked to. Each Stage contains an ordered (From top to bottom), colour-coded list of Tasks that need to be completed. Colour is used to indicate the Status of Tasks.

The Planning Board is populated when the Transactions Status is changed to one where Planning Board = True. When the Transaction is moved to a Status where Planning Board = False, the tasks are deleted from the Planning Board.

All the Services on a transaction will be assigned to the default Workstation linked to the Service's Cost Centre. From there, you can assign tasks to the different Workstations.

The Planning Board can be viewed in a Compact, Standard (Default) or Extended View - Click the Menu button to select a View

Navigation depends on where the Planning Board module has been added to the Menu.

The Planning Board is integrated with the shopfloor Timekeeping and Tracking module. See Timekeeping - Planning Board 


The Planning Board can be filtered by 

Planning Board Actions

Custom Planning Board Actions can be added from the Actions module. Custom Actions don't require any input parameters.

Left Column (WiP / Summary)

The left column can be used to display different views as follows:

View: Planning Board - Board

The Planning Board Stages represent the different production Stages in a manufacturing facility and are represented by an ordered list (From left to right) of vertical columns in the Planning Board.

Menu (button)


Each Stage contains a list of Tasks ordered from top to bottom. The following fields are displayed on a Task:

Tasks can be moved up or down a Stage using drag-and-drop. Right-click on a Task to open the Popup Menu that contains relevant actions and drill-down functions.

Right-click on a Task to open the popup menu that allows you to execute the following Stage Actions: 

Editing Tasks

Right-click a Task and select View/Edit Job to open the Task edit window - this can also be done by double-clicking on a Task. The form displays the Transaction Header and the Tasks linked to the Transaction

If you have full access rights, the form allows you to edit the following Transaction fields:

Actions Button

Planning Board Actions

Task Menu

Right-click on a Task to open the popup menu that allows you to execute the following Task Actions

Kanban Board

The Kanban view allows you to view all the Tasks for one Stage in an ordered list of Status columns. You can use drag-and-drop to move tasks up or down and to a different Status. When the Kanban Board is closed, if changes are made, the Stage is re-ordered by Status and the order set on the Kanban board. Right-click on a Task and select Open Kanban Board.

View: Planning Board - Tasks

This view displays all the Tasks on the Planning Board in a horizontal grid view. The following data filters are available:


Batch Updates 

Use the Batch Updates to update multi-selected records. Full Access is required to use the Batch Updates.

View: Planning Board - Jobs

This view displays all the Transactions on the Planning Board in a horisontal grid view. The following data filters are available:



View: Planning Board - Calendar

This view provides a Calendar view of all the Tasks on the Planning Board. 

Views include: Week, Day (15min), Day (6min)

Right-click on a Task or on a stage to open the context menus.

Tools have been provided to:

View: Planning Board - Timekeeping

This view displays all the Timekeeping records linked to a Task on the Planning Board. Editing functionality is available for users who have editing rights on the Planning Board. This view is ideal for managing Timekeeping on a daily basis and fixing faulty timekeeping records. The following data filters are available:


View: Planning Board - Materials

A Materials View in the Planning Board displays all the Materials required for Pending and Active Transactions. See Menu (button) > Views > Materials.



Setting up

Cost Centres

Add all the Workstations that are linked to the Cost Centre. The Workstations are, in turn, linked to the Planning Board Stages in the Planning Board setup module


Custom Actions can be set up in the Actions module.

Planning Board

Menu Setup - Go to Setup > Menu and add the following fixed module menu item: Planning Board.

The Settings can be accessed from the Planning Board - Navigate to Menu (button) > Settings


Edit Group SQL - Enter the SQL to select a value that can be used to cost-effectively group the tasks in a stage. Menu (button) > Edit SQL for Group field

Right-click on the Stages list and select Move Up/Down to change the order of the Stages. Note the keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+U and Ctrl+D.


Transactions > Status

Navigate to Setup > Transactions and select the Status tab. Check the Planning Board checkbox to determine which Statuses will update the Planning Board.