

This Data Type is used to record the chemical composition of compounds. It allows for a specification of minimum and maximum values as well as for recording laboratory tests. This Data Type can be used in Items and in Transaction Items.

  • Items - Used to record the Max and Min values of the chemical composition

  • Transactions - Used to record the result of laboratory tests where it is compared to the minimum and maximum values

  • Standalone - the module is freestanding and can be added to the Menu by selecting Type = Fixed, Module = Compounds.

Module Layout

The Compound module consists of:

  • A List view with filters for Transaction and Item

  • An Edit view where the Min/Max values or the Lab Test result can be recorded.


The Sample fields are only visible when the record is linked to a Transaction - ie. a Sample has been received for testing.

Laboratory Test

The Test fields are only visible when the record is linked to a Transaction


Adjust to 100%