last day on earth
By Tori Labrecque, Jamie Quinn, Madison Williams, Emily Tarrant, and Julia Walsh
March 4, 2025
"Be with family for the rest of the day."
Hadi Kassab, Grade 11
"Spend time with family at the beach."
Mr. Cavanaugh, Vice Principal
"Break things; be destructive."
Justin Allison-Cardoso, Grade 11
"Go to a theme park."
Finn Davis, Grade 11
"Family time!"
George Greige, Grade 11
"Go on a nice walk."
Joe Vaughn, Grade 11
"Go to the Hershey Factory."
Emma Jenniton. Grade 9
"Rob a bank."
Nick Dauphinee, Grade 11
"Go to the beach."
Payton Macdonald, Grade 11
"Sky dive."
Ava Barucci & Luana Kiami, Grade 11
"Go to Hawaii and wait for the end."
Kaylee Tully, Grade 10
"Fly a plane."
Julie Maclean, Grade 10
Meet the Writers!
Jamie Quinn (far left), Madison Williams, Emily Tarrant, Tori LaBrecque, and Julia Walsh (far right).