Marauder on the Move 10/31/19

By Tyler Maloney, Jessica Andrews, Audrey Morse, Jack Roslonek, and Bryan Wood

Photos by Ciara Bolotte, Maille Crowley, and Kassidy Hickey

What would you do if this were your last day on earth?

Mr. Becker, DHS Staff

"Go to church and come to terms with things."

Luke Boecher, Grade 9

"A road trip with the boys."

Lauren Coyne, Grade 12

"Tell all of my secrets and go to a club."

Mr. Dwyer, DHS Staff

"Get an ice cream sandwich and split it with my wife and kids."

Emma Egan, Grade 11

"Rob a bank."

Jack Millea, Grade 10

"Go skydiving."

Kevin O'Leary, Grade 12

"Wrestle a bear in Colorado."

Mr. Carucci, DHS Staff

"Crawl under a bush and hide."