Down the Line with Mira: Work Ethic

By Mira Bartolino, Mirror Columnist

December 22, 2020

Life has gotten harder for all of us since the beginning of the school year. At some point last month, a switch in my brain went off, and I have found it increasingly difficult to finish all my work. During the early stages of the year, I was chipping away at my course load and trying my best. Three months later...I'm doing the opposite.

It appears I’m not the only one who also feels this way. I have asked numerous friends and peers about it, and they 're all struggling, too. Even straight A students are behind.

All of my weeks proceed through the same mundane cycle, which includes school, sports, and an insufficient sleep. Every Monday, I go into the school-week with the mindset, “all you have to do is get through this week.” And although Friday always comes, the weeknd is short lived and it's an inescapable pattern. Now, when you miss one assignment it's like you miss five, one piling on top of the other as it beckons over you. It is practically impossible for me to ever relax, as my grades and future are always in the back of my mind, unmoving. Even though I understand the big picture, to have consistency throughout the year to achieve my academic goals is exhausting.

The one thing that has especially changed my work ethic is all remote classes. I figured that I would just stay home because I'd feel more rested. Though it has put me in a more comfortable learning environment, it has also made it a thousand times easier for my mind to drift. Admittedly, it is partially my fault. But staring at a computer screen for the first hours of my day makes me feel loopy. It immediately puts me in relax-mode, therefore making me want to wait until after school to do all my work. It’s a tricky cycle that I'm hoping to find my way out of.

I never expected for time to move so fast, especially after previous months where days would feel like weeks. After October hit, November was a complete blur. Slowly but surely, I let myself slip back into my old ways. The good thing at least now is that I'm conscious of it, and that's got to count for something. I believe that self-awareness is the first good step to bettering yourself in ways you didn’t before. Hopefully, with this upcoming break, I will be more grounded and centered. Downtime is hard to come by these days, and I'm grateful for every second of it. With the oncoming cold weather and the new year, hopefully something good will come to get everybody out of their funk. We can only wait and see. I hope all is well in your lifes and hopefully the next time you hear from me I'll have a different disposition; until then, I’m going to continue to fight against the currents, and try to keep my head above water as best I can.

Meet the Writer!

Mira Bartolino, class of 2022, is a columnist for the Dedham Mirror. She enjoys playing soccer, writing, and learning about politics and philosophy. In her spare time, she likes to hang out with friends and go to the movies.