Roe Vs. Wade - Banning Abortions or just Safe Ones?

By Sauda Xhabija and Olivia Dignan

May 19, 2022

In a 1970 case overturned by the Supreme Court, Jane Roe (alias name for protection) sued Henry Wade. Roe objected to the new Texas law, constraining women their right of getting abortions unless it were to save a women’s life. Roe argued that this law breached her rights under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

A 98-page draft leaked by the Supreme Court revealed consequential news for women’s rights everywhere. Although there is not yet a final decision, if overturned, it is likely that half of the states will foist abortion rights. In an already extremely divided country, this is horrible news. Crowds assembled in San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, and Salt Lake City, furiously marching for women’s reproductive rights. An elementary school teacher, Jane Jones was utterly shocked by the news, and stated that “Bodily autonomy is important to the sanctity of our democratic process.”

We are moving backwards in time. Women have truculently fought for their freedom for years- only for a group of men to take all of the hard work away. For years, women have sought out their safety, protection, and human rights.

Leaders of five Democratic Party committees joined in a statement claimed “These elections will now determine whether cruel new restrictions on abortion will be put in place: whether states will be allowed to criminalize abortion and ban it even in cases of rape or incest.”

I am a sixteen year old girl in America. I can’t walk home alone without fear. I can’t get into my car without ensuring someone is not under it. I live in a world where I am in fear alone. I’m in fear of being trafficked, raped, or assulted. I now live in a world where if that tragedy occurs, I am forced to give birth to that baby. I live in a world where we preach going forward, but only appear to be moving backwards. What’s next? Will they take away gay rights, marriage rights? Why are they seeking power so forcefully?

Meet the Writer!

Suada Xhabija, Class of 2023, is a writer and Sports Editor for the Dedham Mirror. Outside of school, she enjoys baking, reading, pilates, and spending time with family and friends.

Olivia Digan, class 2024, is a staff writer for the Dedham Mirror. Liv is a Marauder on the field hockey and tennis teams. In her spare time, Liv enjoys hanging out with her friends, watching tv, and playing with her cat.