Voz Pasiva - Future Perfect in Past

El tiempo "Future Perfect in Past" de la voz pasiva responde a la pregunta: "What was going to have been done?" = ¿Qué se iba a haber hecho? o "What was going to have been being done?" = ¿Qué se iba a haber estado haciendo?

Tenses - Continuous Tenses

What was going to have been done? - ¿Qué se iba a haber hecho?

A house was going to have been built.

Se iba a haber construido una casa una casa / Una casa iba a haber sido construida

  • That movie was originally going to have been directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

    • Esa película originalmente iba a haber sido dirigida por Francis Ford Coppola.

  • They thought that, with the new monument, the city was going to have been visited by more tourists that year.

    • Ellos pensaron que, con el nuevo monumento, la ciudad iba a haber sido visitada por más turistas ese año.

  • At first, the statue was going to have been made in bronze.

    • Al principio, la estatua iba a haber sido hecha de bronce.

    • They figured the merchandise was going to have been sent that very day.

    • Ellos pensaron que la mercancía iba a haber sido enviada ese mismo día.

  • They informed us that the stadium was going to have been closed for renovations.

    • Ellos nos informaron que el estadio iba a haber sido cerrado por renovaciones.

  • The famous writer explained that his new novel was not going to have been translated into spanish that year.

    • El famoso escritor explicó que su nueva novela no iba a haber sido traducida al español ese año.

  • The police thought that the robbers were going to have been caughtthat very day .

    • La policía pensó que los ladrones iba a haber sido atrapados ese mismo día.

  • That poor child was going to have been adopted by a new family .

    • Esa pobre criatura iba a haber sido adoptada por una nueva familia.

  • At first, those products were not going to have been manufactured in China.

    • Al principio, esos productos no iban a haber sido fabricados en China.