Conditional Perfect

También llamado Past Conditional, responde a la pregunta: What would have happened? = ¿Qué habría pasado? o What would have been happening? = ¿Qué habría estado pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + would + have + verbo en participio (I would have worked). Sujeto + would + have been + verbo en progresivo (I would have been working).

Simple Tenses - Continuous Tenses

Conditional Perfect

What would have happened? - ¿Qué habría pasado?

I would have worked - Habría trabajado

  • Harry would have learnt about the catastrophe if he had watched CNN.

    • Harry se habría enterado de la catástrofe si hubiera mirado CNN.

  • If Ben had studied harder, he would have passed the test.

    • Si Ben hubiera estudiado más, habría pasado el examen.

  • If Cindy had seen a spider, she would have been terrified.

    • Si Cindy hubiera visto una araña, se habría aterrorizado.

  • Mrs. Brown would have shouted furiously if her son had dented her car.

    • La Sra Brown habría gritado con furia si su hijo hubiera abollado su auto.

  • If you had not obeyed his orders, something terrible would have happened.

    • Si no hubieras obedecido sus órdenes, algo terrible hubiera ocurrido.

  • Had I known you were in a meeting, I would not have disturbed you.

    • Si hubiera sabido que te encontrabas en una reunión, no te habría molestado.

  • Molly would not have done that if she had been in your place.

    • Molly no habría hecho eso si hubiera estado en tu lugar.

  • Would your brother have gotten a scholarship if he had worked harder?

    • ¿Habría tu hermano obtenido una beca si hubiera trabajado más duro?

  • Would his uncle have visited New York if he had traveled to the U.S.A.?

    • ¿Habría su tío visitado Nueva York si hubiera viajado a los EE.UU.?

Conditional Perfect Continuous

What would have been happening? - ¿Qué habría estado pasando?

I would have been working - Habría estado trabajando

  • The employees would have been working on the project if their boss had been present.

    • Los empleados habrían estado trabajado en el proyecto si su jefe hubiera estado presente.

  • Dr. Hills would have been writing a book if he had found a publisher.

    • El Dr. Hills habría estado escribiendo un libro si hubiera encontrado una editorial.

  • If my neighbors had sold their house, they would have been moving to a new house.

    • Si mis vecinos hubieran vendido su casa, habrían estado mudándose a una nueva casa.

  • If I had seen Patrick, I would not have been calling him.

    • Si hubiera visto a Patrick, no habría estado llamándolo.

  • Would you have been waiting for me if I had not arrived early?

    • ¿Habrías estado esperándome si no hubiera llegado temprano?