Mio Cid


El Cid summons his vassals; these are banished with him.

Goodbye to Cid a Vivar.

(He sent for all his relatives and vassals, and told them how the king had sent him out

of all his lands and did not give him more than nine days and he wanted to know who

of them wanted to go with him and who to stay.

To those who come with me, may God give them a very good payment;

also to those who remain happy I want to leave them.

Álvar Fáñez spoke then, del Cid was a first cousin:

"With you we will go, Cid, through wastelands and towns;

We must not miss you while we have health,

and we will spend our mules and horses with you

and all our money and cloth clothes,

we will always want to serve you as loyal vassals. "

Everyone gave approval to what Don Alvaro said.

Much thanks to the Cid what they spoke.

El Cid leaves Vivar, Burgos is on the way,

there he leaves his palaces bare and disinherited.

The eyes of Mío Cid are sobbing;

backwards he looks back and stares at them.

He saw how the doors were open and without locks,

empty hangers are left neither with skins nor with mantles,

without hunting hawks and without changed azores.

And he spoke, as he always speaks, so justly so measured:

"Blessed are you, my God, Father who is on high!

These my evil enemies plotted against me. "


Agüeros on the way to Burgos

They already need the horses, they have already let go of the reins.

When they leave Vivar they see the crow at the right hand,

but when going to enter Burgos they took it to their left.

Moved my shoulders and shook his head:

"Courage, Állvar Fáñez, encouragement, from our land they throw us,

but laden with honor we must return to it! "


El Cid enters Burgos

Already by the city of Burgos the Cid Ruy Díaz entered.

Sixty banners carry the Champion behind.

Everyone went out to see him, boy, woman and man,

Many people came to the windows of Burgos.

How many eyes that cried so great was the pain!

And the same reason comes from everyone's lips:

"What a good vassal he would be if he had a good lord!"


Nobody is hosting the Cid.

Only a girl speaks to him to send him away.

El Cid is forced to camp outside the town, in the glera.

Of degree they would shelter him, but none dared him,

that Ruy Díaz de Vivar has the king a lot of fury.

Last night to Burgos they took a real letter

with severe preventions and strongly sealed

commanding that nobody should be given to Posada by Mío Cid,

if anyone gives it to know what awaited him:

his assets would lose, plus the eyes of the face,

and also salvation of body and soul would be lost.

Great pain in Burgos have all the Christian people

They were hiding from Mío Cid: they can not tell him anything.

Mío Cid goes where he always stopped;

When he arrived at the door he finds it closed.

Because of the fear of King Alfonso, those of the house agreed

that as the Cid does not break it will not be opened for nothing.

The people of Mío Cid called out loudly,

those inside did not want to answer a word.

Mine Cid stung the horse, the door was approaching,

the foot drew from the stirrup, and with it great blow gave,

but the door was not opened, which was very well closed.

The nine-year-old girl near the Cid stops:

"Campeador that in a blessed hour you girded the sword,

the king has banned him, last night his letter arrived to Burgos,

with severe preventions and strongly sealed.

We dare not, Cid, to give you asylum for anything,

because if we do not lose the assets and the houses,

We would also lose the eyes of our faces.

Cid, in the evil of us you are not gaining anything.

Go on and let God protect you with his holy virtues. "

This the girl told her and she turned towards her house.

Ruy Diaz has clearly seen that the king does not expect grace.

From there it moves away, through Burgos at a good pace it crossed,

to Santa María arrives, from the horse dismounts,

His knees were on the ground and he was praying with his heart.

When he finished his prayer the Cid again rode,

From the walls came out, the Arlanzón River crossed.

Next to Burgos, that village, on the sandstones,

the stores ordered to plant and the horse gets off.

Mine Cid the one of Vivar that in good hour girded sword

in a sandstone he posed, that nobody opens his house to him.

But around him there are warriors who accompany him.

This is how Mío Cid camped, as if he were on a mountain.

Forbidden has the king in Burgos to sell him anything

of all those things that serve as food.

They do not dare to sell him even the smallest ration.


Martín Antolínez comes from Burgos to provide food to El Cid.

The good Martín Antolínez, that burgalés fulfilled,

To My Cid and to his own he gives them bread and wine;

he did not buy it, he brought it from what he himself had;

Food also gave them something to eat on the way.

Very happy that the Campeador was fulfilled

and the other gentlemen who march at your service.

Martin Antolínez spoke, listen well what he said:

"Mío Cid Campeador who was born in such a good time,

let's rest tonight and tomorrow on the way!

because I have to be accused, Cid, for having served you

and in the anger of the king I will also be involved.

If I manage to escape with you, Campeador, healthy and alive,

the king will sooner or later want me to be a friend;

the things that I leave here in very little I esteem them. "

Shot 6

The Cid, impoverished, goes to the astuteness of Martin Antolínez.

The coffers of sand.

My Cid speaks then, who at a good hour girded with a sword:

"Oh good Martin Antolínez, the brave lance!"

If God gives me life I have to bend the weld.

Now I have spent all my gold and silver,

You see, Martín Antolínez, I do not have anything left.

Silver and gold I need for all my company,

They will not give it to me of degree, I have to take it by the bad ones.

Martin, with your advice to do I would like two chests,

We will fill them with sand because they are very heavy,

well trimmed with gold and ornate nails.


The coffers destined to obtain money of two Burgalese Jews.

Bermejo must be leather and nails well gilded.

Find me Rachel and Lives, say I'm banished

for the king and that here in Burgos buying is forbidden.

That my goods weigh a lot and I could not take them,

I'll just leave them for what is fair.

May the Creator judge me, and may His saints judge me,

I can not do anything else, very strongly I do it.


Martín Antolínez returns to Burgos in search of the Jews.

To which the Cid sent him, Martín Antolínez marches,

it crosses all Burgos, in the Jewish quarter it entered,

for Lives and for Raquel in great haste I asked.


Martin Antolínez deal with the Jews.

These go to the Cid store.

They carry the coffers of sand.

The Jews find when they were busy

in telling those riches that were won between the two.

They are greeted by the Burgos, very attentive and very devious:

"How are you, Rachel and Lives, my dear friends?

In secret I would like to talk to the two for a while. "

They did not make him wait; in a corner they moved away.

"My good Rachel and Lives, come, come those hands,

keep the secret to me, be it a Moor or a Christian,

that I have to make you rich and nothing will be lacking.

To charge pariahs to Moors the king al Cid has commissioned him,

great riches he took, and very precious funds,

but then he stayed with what was worth something,

and that is why he now sees himself so badly accused.

In two very full coffers has fine gold kept.

You already know that Don Alfonso of our land has thrown him out,

here it is left heredades, and their houses and palaces,

he can not carry the coffers, which would cost him dearly,

the Champion would like to leave them in your hands

engaged, and that, instead, you give them borrowed money.

Take the coffers of El Cid, put them in a safe place,

but that has to be with sworn oath

that you will not open them in the remainder of the year. "

Raquel and Vidas are whispering for a while:

"In this business we have to get something out of us.

When El Cid collected the pariahs, a lot of money has won,

from that land of Moors great wealth has been taken out.

Who many flows never sleeps rested.

Let's stay with the coffers, good business we will do both,

We will put this treasure where no one can find it.

But we want to know what the Cid asks us instead

and what gain we will have for this year. "

Martin Antolínez says, very prudent and very devious:

"Very reasonable will be Mío Cid in this deal:

Little has to ask you to leave your money safe.

Many men join him and all needy,

El Cid now needs six hundred marks. "

They said Raquel and Vidas: "We will give them a grade."

"El Cid is in a great hurry, the night is getting closer,

We need to have the six hundred marks soon. "

They said Raque and Vidas: "The deals are not made like this,

but taking first, when it has been taken giving ".

Martin Antolínez said: "I have no qualms,

come with me, let the Cid know what has been adjusted

and, as is fair, after we help you

to bring the coffers here and put them in shelter,

with such secrecy that in Burgos he does not know how to be human ".

They said Raquel and Vidas: "Both of us agree.

As soon as you bring the coffers, you will have six hundred marks. "

The good Martin Antolínez in a hurry has ridden,

Raquel and Vidas go with him, so satisfied with the deal.

They do not want to cross the bridge, they went through the water

so that no Christian would know it in Burgos.

Here you see how the famous Cid's shop arrived;

When they entered, the two of them kissed El Cid's hands.

Mío Cid smiled, and so he began to speak:

"Yes, Don Raquel and Don Vidas, you had already forgotten me.

I leave Castile because the king has banished me.

What I will win will have to touch you something,

and nothing will be lacking, while you live, both. "

Then Raquel and Vidas will kiss their hands.

Martín Antolínez has the well-adjusted treatment

that for those coffers they will give them six hundred marks,

they must be kept until the end of that year,

and they had promised and they had sworn,

that if they opened before they are left for bad perjuries

and do not give them in interest don Rodrigo or an ochavo.

Martin Antolínez said: "Rachel and Lives, take us

the two coffers as soon as possible and put them to guard,

I will go with you to give me the frames,

that Mío Cid has to leave before the cock crows. "

How happy they were when the chests charged!

They are stubborn, but carrying them cost a lot of work.

The Jews already rejoice in the money thinking,

for the rest of their days they were judged by very rich.


Farewell to the Jews and the Cid.

Martín Antolínez goes with the Jews to Burgos.

Raquel takes Mío Cid's hand to kiss her:

"Cid, who in good time girded his sword,

Today from Castilla you are going to the strange lands.

Your luck so wants, your profits are great.

A Moorish skin I want a rich color of grana,

I humbly ask you to bring it to me as a gift. "

"Granted, said the Cid, the skin will be sent to you,

If not, you will discount it from what the coffers are worth ".

The chests of Mío Cid the Jews took,

the good Martín Antolínez for Burgos accompanies them.

So with very great secrecy they came to their abode.

They spread a cover on the floor of the camera

and on it a sheet of very white linen cloth.

Don Martin counted in one blow three hundred silver marks,

with the account he had enough, without weighing them he took them,

the other three hundred marks in another one paid to them.

Five squires brought and the five carry cargo.

When Don Martin finished, he spoke to the Jews:

"In your hands, Rachel and Lives, are the coffers

you earn a lot, I deserve that you give me a pair of shoes ".


El Cid, provided with money by Martín Antolínez, is preparing to leave.

Then Rachel and Lives stood aside:

"In truth, this gain is he who has sought it for us."

They say: "Martín Antolínez, well-known burgalés,

deserved you have it, we will give you a good gift,

you can buy shoes, good skin and rich cloak.

The donation we make you, Don Martín, of thirty marks,

and well you will have deserved if you keep this deal,

that you are the guarantor of what we have agreed upon. "

Don Martín is grateful, he receives the thirty marks,

from his house he wants to leave, he says goodbye to both.

Through Burgos he crossed, the Arlanzón has passed,

go to the store of Mío Cid bienhadado.

Ruy Díaz has received him, both arms open:

"You are already here, Mr. Martín Antolínez, faithful vassal,

God grant that the day will come when I can give you something. "

"Here I am, Campeador, and good help I bring you,

for you six hundred marks, and for me thirty I have removed.

Manage to collect the store and hurriedly depart;

that in San Pedro e Cardeña we take the song of the rooster.

We will see your wife, that prudent daughter.

Very short stay, from Castile do not leave,

so it is necessary, that the term of exile is expiring. "


El Cid rides on horseback and says goodbye to the Cathedral of Burgos,

promising thousand masses to the altar of the Virgin.

This said, the Cid orders to raise his tent immediately.

El Cid and all his people ride in a hurry.

The face of his horse turns towards Santa María

the right hand is raised and the face is crossed:

"I thank you, God, that heaven and earth guide;

that with you I owe it to you to sing a thousand masses.

Today to Castile abandonment, the king throws me the anger:

Who knows if I have to return in the days of my life!

May your power be worth me to leave Castile,

and that he help me and corners me at night as in the day.

If you do so, Holy Virgin, and if luck helps me

I will send many and very rich things to your altar,

that with you in debt I am left to make you sing a thousand masses. "


Martín Antolínez returns to the city.

With much pain, the Campeador is torn from there.

The reins let go, they start riding,

Said Martin Antolínez, that loyal Burgalese:

"I go back to Burgos, that my wife slowly I have to talk

and warn those at home of what they will do in my absence.

If the king takes away my assets, it will not matter to me.

With you I will be again when the sun wants to scratch. "


El Cid goes to Cardeña to say goodbye to his family.

Don Martín turns to Burgos, his way the Cid followed,

I wanted to Cardeña, the horse spurred

and with him the gentlemen who of his company are.

Quick sing the roosters and break wants the albor

of the day, when the good Campeador arrives at San Pedro.

There was the abbot Don Sancho, a very good Christian of God,

praying to St. Peter the Apostle and to Christ Our Lord:

"You, who are the guide of all, lead me to the Campeador."


The monks of Cardeña receive the Cid.

Jimena and her daughters arrive before the exile.

At the door they call; everyone knows that the Cid has arrived.

God, how happy that good abbot Don Sancho has put himself!

With lights and candles the monks go out into the courtyard.

"Thank God, Mío Cid, the abbot Don Sancho told him,

since I have you here, you will be hosted by me. "

This is answered by Mío Cid the well-wisher:

"Glad, I am grateful to you, Don Sancho,

I will prepare my food and that of my vassals.

Today that I leave this earth I will give you fifty marks,

If God grants me life, I will give you another.

I do not want the monastery to suffer any expense for me.

For my wife Jimena I give you a hundred marks here;

she, her daughters and ladies, can serve this year.

Two girls daughters I leave you, take them to your shelter.

I entrust them to you in my absence, abbot Don Sancho,

in them and in my wife, put everything on me.

If that money runs out or if you miss something,

Give them what they need, abbot, so I send it to you.

For a frame that you spend, so I'll give four. "

So the abbot promised it very willingly.

See here Jimena, with her daughters is coming,

Each of the girls is carried by a lady in her arms.

Doña Jimena before the Cid both knees has driven.

Crying was in his eyes, kissing his hands.

He says to him: "Graciias I ask you, Mío Cid el bienhadado.

By slander of malsines of the kingdom you are banished. "


Jimena laments the helplessness in which the children of her daughters are left.

El Cid hopes to get them married honestly.

"Mercy, I ask you, good Cid, noble beard so grown!

Here before me you have me, Mío Cid, and your daughters,

They were both very young and still young.

With me also come the ladies who served us.

I see well, Campeador, that you prepare your departure;

we have to separate while we are both alive.

Tell us what to do, oh Cid, for Santa Maria! "

The two hands inclined the one with the grown beard,

He takes his two little girls, he carried them in his arms,

the heart reaches them, so much that I loved them.

Crying peeks into his eyes and very loudly he sighs.

"It is true, Dona Jimena, honored and blessed wife,

I love you as much as I love my soul.

We have to separate, you see them, both of them in life;

You have to stay, I have to go.

May God and with Him want the Holy Virgin Mary

that with these hands can still marry our daughters

and what can I do and some days of life

to be able to serve, honest and blessed woman! "


A hundred Castilians come together in Burgos to go with El Cid.

What a great meal they did to the good Cid Campeador!

The bells of San Pedro rang loudly.

The proclamation was running through the lands of Castile

that is going from the land My Cid Campeador.

How many left their house, their land or their possession!

On that day on the bridge that passes the Arlanzón river

join many warriors, more than one hundred and fifteen are.

All were in demand of the good Cid Campeador.

Martín Antolínez arrives, with them he met,

and they go to San Pedro where their lord is.


The hundred Castilians arrive in Cardeña and become vassals of El Cid.

He has to follow his path in the morning.

Matins in Cardeña.

Jimena's prayer.

Goodbye to the Cid to his family.

Last orders to the abbot of Cardeña.

El Cid walks to exile; It is night after passing the Duero.

When he learned that Mío Cid was coming from Vivar

and that your company grows, with what more strength it will have,

Quick horseback riding, and to receive them goes.

How the Cid smiles when they are in sight!

They are all approaching for their hand to kiss.

My Cid spoke then with real words:

"I pray to our Lord and Spiritual Father

that those who leave your home and inheritance for me

before dying I can pay you with other goods,

what you lose, doubled you could charge. "

The Cid was very happy because they joined him more

and very happy the men who go to exile with him.

Within nine days six are past

and nothing more than three days left to pass.

Mandado had the king to My Cid watch,

because yes, after the deadline, in their realms is still

neither for gold nor for silver can the Cid escape.

The day is already ending, the night wanted to enter,

To all his knights the Cid orders them to gather.

"Listen to me, men, and let this not serve you as sorrow,

I have little but I want everyone to give their share.

Now, look very closely at what I am going to send:

I want at dawn, when the rooster will sing,

Without wasting time you send the horses saddling.

At matins in San Pedro the good abbot will ring

and he will pray the mass of the Holy Trinity.

As soon as the Mass is over, let's go riding,

the deadline is coming, we have to walk a lot ".

As the Cid commands, his knights will do.

The night goes by, the morning is coming,

the second roosters sing, and they begin to saddle.

Tatea the abbot to matins, much haste that they give themselves.

Mine Cid and his wife for the church are leaving.

Doña Jimena was thrown into the bleachers of the altar

and God prays, the best that she knew how to pray,

that the Lord be saved from all evil by My Cid.

"To You, Glorious Lord, Father who is in heaven:

you made heaven and earth, the third day the sea,

moon and stars you made and the sun to warm,

in Santa María mother you were meat to take

and in Bethlehem you appeared according to your will.

Pastors glorify you, you will be praised,

three kings of Arabia come to worship you

and they're called Melchior and Gaspar and Baltasar,

Gold, frankincense and myrrh offer with all their will.

You saved Jonah when he fell in the sea,

to Daniel, from the lions you also went to save him,

in Rome salvation brought you to San Sebastian,

You freed Santa Susana from that false criminal;

for our earth you wanted thirty-two years to walk

teaching us miracles that will never be forgotten,

you made wine from the water, from the stone you made bread,

to Lazarus you are resurrected, because that is your will:

You let them catch you, then you let yourself go

to Golgotha ​​and on the cross you allow yourself to be crucified;

from your cross on each side two thieves are;

the one enters into paradise, but the other will not enter;

from the cross you made a great miracle, eternal Father:

Longinos, the blind man, who never saw the light,

with his spear in his side it hurts you and makes you bleed,

the blood is thrown down, his hands were smeared,

raise Longinus hands, and take them to the face,

he opens his eyes and looks at all the parties;

since then he believed in you, he was saved from all evil.

From the grave in which they put you, you knew how to resurrect,

to the underworld you fell because it was your will,

you break its doors and take many saints from there.

King of kings You are, Father of humanity,

I believe in You, I adore You with all my will

and to San Pedro now I ask you to help me to pray

for the Cid Campeador, may God keep him from harm.

And if today we separate ourselves alive, we will come together again. "

Already the prayer is over, the finished Mass is,

from the church they left and prepare to leave.

The Cid to Dona Jimena a hug was to give

and Dona Jimena al Cid, the hand will kiss him;

She did not know what to do more than cry and cry.

To his two little girls the Cid looks at them again.

"I give God to you, daughters, we have to separate

and only God knows when we come together again. "

Much that everyone cried, you never saw more cry;

like the nail of the flesh thus moving away.

Mine Cid with his vassals prepares to ride,

the head goes back to see if everyone is there.

Minaya Álvar Fáñez spoke, well you will hear what he will say:

"Cid, in good time born, your mind where is it?

Let's think about walking and let the rest,

all the duels of today in joy will turn,

and God who gave us the souls his advice will give us.

The abbot Don Sancho comes back to recommend

to attend to Jimena and the ladies who are there,

to the two daughters of the Cid who must remain in San Pedro;

know the abbot who will receive a good reward for it.

Don Sancho was already turning, Álvar Fáñez went to speak to him:

"If you see more people coming to look for us, abbot,

you will tell them that the trail follow and march well,

either in wasteland or in town, they will be able to reach us ".

Release then the reins, start riding,

that the deadline to leave was already ending.

Mio Cid that night sleeps in Espinaz de Can;

Warriors from all over come to join him.

Another day tomorrow they start riding.

The loyal Campeador is coming out of his land,

San Esteban leaves aside that good city.

By Alcubilla it happened, Castile is over,

the Quinea roadway then they had to pass,

by Navas de Palos go the Douro River to cross

and the Cid in the Figueruela break commands to take.

From all sides warriors come to join him.


Last night that El Cid sleeps in Castile.

An angel consoles the banished.

As soon as it was night the Cid went to sleep he lay down,

He took a dream so sweet that he soon fell asleep.

The archangel Saint Gabriel to him came in a vision:

"Cabalgad, Cid," he said, "ride, Campeador,

that never in a good time has a man ridden,

Your things will go well as long as God gives you life. "

Mío Cid when he awoke his face crossed himself.


El Cid camps on the border of Castile.

The Cid, after signing, God went to entrust

I was very happy with the dream I was dreaming about.

Another day tomorrow they start riding,

last day is of the term, one day is no more.

In the Sierra de Miedes camp to rest,

to the right of Atienza, which is a land of Moors already.


Count of the people of El Cid.

It was still daylight, the sun had not set,

review wants its people My Cid Campeador;

without counting those on foot, people of great value,

the Cid carries three hundred spears each with his banner.

Shot 22

El Cid enters the Moor kingdom of Toledo tributary of King Alfonso.

"As soon as it's early, barley to the beasts dad.

Then eat what you want and those who do not ride.

That saw so brave we have to pass

and at night and the king's lands will be left behind.

Then whoever wants to find us can give us. "

At night the mountains pass, the morning arrives and

and down that hill they start to walk.

In the middle of the high forest that there in the mountain is

My Cid is camping and I am thinking of the beasts to give.

He tells his men that they would have to walk that night

and they, such good vassals, are very happy

that whatever your lord sends you, they will do it.

Before nightfall they begin to ride

so that they do not discover you want the Cid at night to walk.

All night they walked, no rest is given.

To the place of Castejón, that next to Henares is,

Mine Cid an ambush I wanted to prepare you.


Plan of campaign.

Castejón falls into the power of El Cid

by surprise.

Algara against Alcalá.

All night the Cid ambushed and his people pass,

That's how Álvar Fáñez de Minaya advised him.

"Cid Campeador, who in a good hour girded the sword,

since Castejón we have a good trap,

you will stay here with a hundred men behind

and I will make a run with two hundred in the vanguard;

with God and with your luck will be the company won. "

Said the Campeador: "Very well you spoke, Minaya.

Run the earth without fear, for value nothing is left. ~

Until further down Hita arrive, and to Guadalajara

until the Alcala itself the vanguards approach,

the wealth of that land that of booty they bring it

and that for fear of the Moors will not leave anything.

And with the other hundred men I will stay here behind;

Caspajón will help us, for my sake.

If you run the earth something happens to you

a warning you will send to the rear at once.

Help should be spoken of in all of Spain. "

It goes naming the warriors who march in the run

and the others who remain there with him behind.

The dawn of day is breaking and the morning is approaching.

The sun is coming up. My God, how beautiful it was!

The people of Castejón were already getting up,

the doors of the city open and outside they leave,

way of their jobs, of the lands they worked.

Everyone leaves and the open doors are left.

There are very few people who stay in Castejón

and the one that is in the fields is very scattered.

The Cid comes out of the hiding place that serves as an ambush,

without a trip to Castejón the whole turn gave.

Moors and blackberries that finds all the apresaba

and to the cattle those that by the contour walk.

Mío Cid Campeador towards the door he rides:

when the men who were guarding it are assaulted,

Much fear they had, leave her helpless.

From the city through the doors and the Campeador was entered.

In the hand of Mine Cid naked carries the sword

and fifteen he killed, of Moors that in his step was found.

Castejón has won with all the gold and silver.

Already loaded with booty his knights arrived,

leave it to Mío Cid, who do not appreciate it at all.

While the two hundred and three men of the vanguard were going

They ran land without fear and plundered it.

Up to Alcala the flag of Minaya

and from there they turn around again with the profit

by Henares river up and next to Guadalajara.

From that much booty they would take away

both cattle of sheep, both cattle of cows,

so many clothes of value, so many riches without rate.

The flag of Minaya is very proud

and there is no one who dares to attack them from behind.

With rich booty that brave company returned.

Look at them already in Castejón where Mío Cid was.

The saved Champion leaves the castle and rides,

to receive them he left, he accompanies his mesnada

and with open arms the Cid welcomes Minaya.

"Are you here now, Álvar Fáñez, the one with the daring spear?

In you I put with reason, by sending you, my hope.

The booty of mine and yours join, and of the gain

I will give you the fifth part, if you want Minaya. "


Minaya accepts no part in the booty and makes a solemn vow.

"A lot that I thank you, famous Champion:

of this fifth of the booty, which you put in my hands

for contentment would be given until Alfonso the Castilian.

But I return it to you, Mío Cid, in peace we are.

I want to promise to God, to Him who is there on high,

that while I do not get fed up, mounted on my good horse,

to deal well with the Moors and beat them in the field,

wounding them with the spear, putting the sword to hand,

as long as I do not see the blood dripping down my elbow

standing before the Cid, that famous warrior,

nor take a hand of the Campeador my hand.

I'll keep something if something good wins you,

but all this now for you, good Cid, keep it. "


El Cid sells his fifth to the Moors.

He does not want to deal with King Alfonso.

The riches of the booty are already all together.

My Cid has thought, that at a good hour he had a sword,

that perhaps King Alfonso after him sends his company

and that to attack him would come all the real mesnadas.

The riches of the booty send distribute without fail

and that the distributors their receipt to all do.

The knights of the Cid very good portion reach:

They gave each one about a hundred silver frames,

and the peons get the fair half and without fail.

But there nobody could sell it or give it away,

He does not want to take captives of Mío Cid in his campaign.

With people from Castejón he spoke, and to Guadalajara

and Hita sends to ask for how much they bought it,

although they gave little for all that gain.

The Moors offered him his three thousand marks of silver.

From the booty the fifth part to Mío Cid is saved.

Mío Cid that very happy offer accepted it.

On the third day the money was delivered to him without fail.

Mío Cid thought then that he and his entire company

in such a small castle they can not have a dwelling,

defend it, they can, but they would lack water.

"The Moors are defeated, the peace with them signed,

King Alfonso attacking us could with his mesnada.

I want to leave Castejón, hear me all, Minaya.


El Cid marches to the lands of Zaragoza, dependent

of the Moorish king of Valencia.

What I am going to say does not give you that bad thinking:

For more time in Castejón we can not stay;

King Alfonso is nearby and here to find us he will come.

But I will not raze the castle, I want to leave it

a hundred Moors and a hundred blackberries to whom I will give freedom,

and so for what I take away from them, they will not be able to speak badly of me.

You are paid and you are all, nobody remains to be paid,

tomorrow to break the day again to ride,

that with my King Don Alfonso I would not want to fight. "

What the Cid says much pleases others,

of the castle that they took all very rich are going

and the Moors and the Moors blessing them.

They march Henares up as much as they can walk,

the Alcarrias have passed and ride beyond,

for those caves of Anguita now you will see them go by,

they cross the river and enter through the Taranz countryside,

they walk through these lands as much as they can walk.

Between Fariza and Cetina Mío Cid was going to house

good booty was taking over the land where it goes.

The Moors can not know what intentions it will take.

The next day, Mío Cid, the one from Vivar, rode

Alhama has already passed it, Hoz del río abajo goes,

and already Bubierca and Ateca have left them behind

and finally with Alcocer Mío Cid has gone to pose,

on a round and strong knoll they will camp,

Nearby is the Jalón, the water can not be removed.

That town of Alcocer thinks Mío Cid take.


El Cid camps on Alcocer.

The whole hillock has occupied, there his shops armed;

some put them in the mountains, others next to the river plant.

Mío Cid Campeador who at a good hour wrapped his sword

around the hill and very close to the water

make a very deep pit to his males,

thus the Moors will not be able to surprise them at once

and it also gives them to understand that the Cid stayed there.


Fear of the Moors.

For all those lands the news was flying

that the Cid Campeador with Alcocer has camped

that the land of Moors came and leaves that of Christians;

the fields that were close do not dare to till them.

Very happy that Mío Cid and his vassals get;

the castle of Alcocer tributo has paid them.

Shot 29

The Campeador takes Alcocer by a ruse.

Those people from Alcocer al Cid already gave him pariahs

and those of Terrer and Ateca also already paid

to those of Calatayud this very badly sat them down.

There Mío Cid stayed for more than fifteen weeks.

When the Campeador sees that Alcocer did not surrender

a ruse has occurred to him and he went to do it without delay:

the stores send remove, leave a single planted,

and Jalón goes down, with flag unfurled,

all with loriga put and tight swords:

The Cid is devious and he wants to give them a trap.

Those of Alcocer who saw him God and how they praised themselves!

"The Cid has finished all the bread and the barley.

Loaded they go with the stores, a single one stays raised.

As the defeated the Campeador leaves,

We are going to assault him now, we will make a great profit,

that, if not, those of Terrer for them have to take it,

and if they take the loot, they will not want to give us anything;

the pariahs that he charged us today will be doubled again. "

To leave Alcocer a lot of hurry they were given.

When El Cid saw them outside, he pretends to escape.

Jalón down ran, very disorderly walked.

Alcocer said: "Oh, the booty is leaving us!"

And everyone, big and small, to leave hurried,

with the desire to catch, of the rest they forgot:

open doors leave, nobody stays to keep them.

Mío Cid Campeador back turned his face,

He saw that between them and the castle a large space remained,

He sends the flag back and in a great hurry they spurred.

"Wound them, my knights, without fear, the Cid shouted,

that with the help of Christ our gain will be! "

They are all scrambled again through the plain.

God, how great was the joy of all that morning!

Mío Cid with Álvar Fáñez ahead rode,

they have very good horses that were at their will,

already between the castle and the Moors the two warriors entered.

The vassals of Mío Cid without mercy their blows gave,

in a little more than a moment three hundred Moors kill.

With very loud screams those who are in ambush

They went out to the castle, they went back,

with the naked swords at the door they stopped.

Theirs are already arriving, the battle is won.

See how the Cid conquered Alcocer for this skill.


The sign of the Cid waves over Alcocer

Pedro Bermúdez arrived with the flag in his hand

and in the castle the plant, there in the highest place.

Mío Cid then speaks, Ruy Díaz el bienhadado:

"Thank the Lord of heaven, thanks to all his saints,

better housing we will now owners and horses.


Clemency of the Cid with the Moors

Listen to me, Álvar Fáñez and the other gentlemen:

By taking this castle a great booty we have made;

The Moors are dead, with very few I see.

These Moors and these blackberries we should not be able to sell them,

with cutting off their heads little will we win,

we are the masters, follow them in the village,

we will live in their homes and we will serve them. "


The king of Valencia wants to recover Alcocer.

Send an army against the Cid

Mine Cid with his earnings there in Alcocer is;

the store that on the hillock will leave to remove.

The triumph of Ateca and Terrer gave great sorrow

and those of Calatayud also weighing them goes.

To the king of Valencia then with a message they leave,

tell him that the one called El Cid Ruy Díaz de Vivar,

by the wrath of King Alfonso, Castile is cast,

that went to camp in Alcocer, well defended place,

and that by an ambush the castle is yours already.

"If you do not come to help us, Teca and Terrer will lose,

you will lose Calatayud, who will no longer be able to escape,

and there on the banks of the Jalón has to leave everything very bad,

and on the other side, in Siloca, the same thing will happen to you. "

When King Tamin heard it he felt deep sorrow.

"Three good emirs I see here around me being.

Without delay, two of you will go to there

with three thousand Moors who carry good weapons to fight.

With those on the border, which will help you,

take that Christian alive and lead him here.

Since it was entered into my lands reparation will give me. "

Three thousand Moors are already riding, they are already walking

That night in Segorbe they stay to rest.

Another day tomorrow they start riding,

and the night that in Celfa they stop to rest.

The border Moors have been called,

from all over come many more.

At last they left Celfa, the one they call Canal,

they walked all day, no rest are given,

and Calatayud came to rest that night.

For all those lands many town crier

and very large people joined them.

Emirs Galve and Fáriz in front of them are,

to the good Cid Rodrigo Diaz to Alcocer they are going to surround.


Fáriz and Galve close to the Cid in Alcocer

The Moors have already camped, their tents there plant them;

his forces were growing, many people are united.

Advanced sentinels of the Moors stand out

and armed to the teeth day and night they walk.

Many are sentinels and many armed hosts.

My Cid and his family have already had their water cut off,

Ruy Diaz's battalions go out to battle,

He who was born very firmly in good time was banned.

They had thus surrounded the Cid more than three weeks.


Council of the Cid with theirs.

Secret preparations.

El Cid goes to pitched battle against Fáriz and Galve.

Pedro Bermúdez wounds the first blows.

After three weeks when the fourth one is going to enter,

Mine Cid of his warriors council wants to take:

"The water has been taken from us, the bread may be missing

and to escape at night will not let us.

Very big their forces are for them to fight,

Tell me, gentlemen, what can be done? "

The first Minaya speaks, legit gentleman:

"From Castile the Gentile banished us here,

If we do not fight with Moors, we will not have our bread.

Six hundred are us and I still believe that some more,

we have no other choice, for God who is in heaven:

As soon as the day dawns we will attack them. "

Said the Campeador: "This is how I wanted to hear

I already knew, Minaya, that you would be honored. "

The Moors and the blackberries outside are commanded to throw

so that his intent will not be told.

By day and night they begin to prepare.

Another day tomorrow when the sun wants to aim,

armed is Mine Cid and those who go with him.

The Champion spoke what you will now hear me tell:

"We'll all go out, none will stay here,

only these two pawns that the door has to keep.

If we die in the countryside to the castle they will bring us,

If we win the battle, great loot will touch us.

You, Pedro Bermudez, take this flag of mine;

As you are brave you will carry it with loyalty,

But do not go ahead without being heard by me. "

Al Cid kissed his hand, the flag was to take.

They open the doors and outside the castle they leave already.

The advanced ones to see them to the camp leave.

What a rush the Moors are in! Everyone begins to arm themselves.

From the noise of the drums the earth will break.

You saw there as much moro to arm itself and in fight to enter.

In front of them all two big flags go,

and the smallest banners, who could tell?

The advance begins already in the ranks of the Moors,

with Mío Cid and his family they wanted to meet.

Said the Cid: "You are all staying in this place;

let no one come out of rows without being heard from me. "

That good Pedro Bermúdez can not take it anymore,

Flag in hand begins your horse to spur.

"May the Creator assist us, Cid Loyal Champion!

In the middle of that troop I'm going to carry the flag,

those who must defend it will defend it for me ".

Mío Cid said then: "Do not do it, out of charity!"

Pedro Bermúdez replied: "As I say it will be done".

His horse spurred and entered where there was more.

The Moors and the flag want to snatch him,

hiren, plus the loriga can not break it.

Mío Cid said then- "Valedle, for charity!"


The del Cid rush to help Pedro Bermúdez

They shielded the shields in front of the heart,

the lances put in their arms wrapped with their banner,

all bow their faces above the bow

and they start against the Moors with a very brave heart.

In great voices he said that in good time he was born:

"Wound them, my knights, for the Creator's sake,

Here is the Cid, Don Rodrigo Díaz the Campeador! "

All fall on the group where Bermúdez entered.

There were three hundred spears, each with his banner.

Each warrior of the Cid an enemy killed,

When you turn backwards, many more are dead.


Destroy enemy beams

There you saw so many lances, all up and down,

there you saw so much shield to break and pierce,

the meshes of the lorigas there you would break

and so many white banners that red blood are

and so many good horses that without their riders go.

To Santiago and Muhammad everything becomes invoked.

For that fallen field, in a little place

of dead Moors there were about 1300 already.


Mention of the main Christian knights

How good he was fighting over his golden branch

Don Rodrigo de Vivar, that good Campeador!

Álvar Fáñez is with him, the one that Zurita sent

the good Martin Antolínez, that burgalés of pro,

Muño Gustioz who grew up in the same house as El Cid,

Martín Muñoz who was commanding Montemayor,

Ávarvar Salvadórez and the good Álvar Alvaroz,

Galindo Garciaz, good warrior of Aragon,

and Rodrigo's nephew by the name of Félez Muñoz.

With them the entire troop of El Cid in the fight entered

to help the flag and its Cid Campeador.


Minaya, in danger.

El Cid wounds Fáriz

The good Minaya Álvar Fáñez was killed by the horse

but to help him were the messengers of Christians.

The spear has broken, to the sword put hand,

although I fought good pits I was giving.

Mío Cid Ruy Díaz has already seen the Spanish,

he goes for a Moorish chief who had good horse

and with the right hand, unload it hard,

He cuts him off at the waist and throws him in the middle of the field.

To the good Minaya Álvar Fáñez he went to offer the horse.

"Ride in him, Minaya, that you are my skillful arm.

Today, from all your support, I feel needed;

The Moors are very firm, they do not give up the field yet:

it is necessary that once again strong we lash out at them ".

He mounted a horse Minaya, and with his sword in his hand

between the Moorish forces very brave kept fighting.

Enemies that he reaches his life takes away.

Meanwhile Mío Cid de Vivar el bienhadado

to the emir Fáriz three cuts with the sword has thrown him

the first two fail, the third has succeeded;

already by the loriga below goes the blood distilling,

the emir returns to escape from the field.

By that blow of El Cid the battle has been won.


Galve, wounded, and the Moors, defeated.

The good Martin Antolínez a good cut to Galve da,

the rubies of his helmet are cut in half,

the spear pierces the helmet, the flesh came to arrive;

the Moorish king the other blow did not want to wait.

The defeated kings Fáriz and Galve are already.

What a good day that was, God, for Christianity!

For one and on the other hand the Moors fleeing go.

The men of Mío Cid wanted to reach them,

King Fáriz in Terrera has come to take refuge,

but Galve did not want to open the door there;

to Calatayud then he hurries away.

But the Cid Campeador pursues him without stopping

and goes behind the Moorish king to the same city.


Minaya has fulfilled her vote.

Battle booty.

El Cid arranges a present for the king.

To the good Minaya Álvar Fáñez, the horse came out,

of those enemy Moors he has killed thirty-four;

of slashes that gave his very bloody sword takes the arm:

The blood dripping down below the elbow.

Álvar Fáñez said: "Now I'm happy I've stayed,

to Castilla the news will be coming soon

that in the battle of victory, the Cid has won ".

Many Moors lie dead; few left alive,

that by persecuting them without respite, they were given.

The warriors of Mío Cid return well-kept;

the Campeador rode on his good horse,

the cap has gathered, his beautiful beard showing,

I put the hood back and with the sword in my hand.

He looked at his warriors, who are already approaching.

"Thanks to the God of heaven, He who is there on high,

because we have won such a great battle. "

The Moorish camp the del Cid sacked,

weapons, shields, very large riches have been found.

The men of Mío Cid who entered the camp

they are, of the moriscos, with five hundred ten horses.

Great joy that was among those Christians!

When going to count his losses only fifteen were missing.

So much gold and so much silver do not know where to keep it

enriched are all those Christians

with that big booty they had encountered.

The Moors who served them to the castle turned

and he still ordered the Campeador to give them something.

Ruy Diaz has great joy, with him all his vassals.

Distribute sends the money and those goods won,

in its fifth part the Cid was hit by a hundred horses.

God, and what good that Mío Cid paid his vassals,

those who fight on foot and those who fight mounted!

Very well that is arranged by all Mine Cid the well-wisher,

the men who go with him satisfied stayed.

"Listen to me, Álvar Fáñez Minaya, you who are my right arm:

of all those riches that the Creator has given us

for you want to take it with your hand.

So that it is known there, I want Castilla to send you

with news of this battle that we Moors have won.

King Alfonso, the king who cast me out of Castile

I want to give you thirty good horses,

each with his chair, all very well braced,

all with two swords of the hanging arzones ".

Minaya Álvar Fáñez said: "I will do it very willingly".

Shot 41

El Cid fulfills its offer to the cathedral of Burgos

"Here you are, Álvar Fáñez, good gold and fine silver

that high boot with it you will fill it up,

in Santa María de Burgos for me you will pay a thousand Masses

and what I give you over to my wife and my daughters,

that pray a lot for me at night and in the days

that if God gives me life, they must become rich. "


Minaya leaves for Castilla

Álvar Fáñez is very happy about what El Cid has spoken.

The men who marched with him had already counted them.

The beasts give barley, the night had entered.

Mío Cid speaks to his people, that he has gathered them all together.



"Are you going to go, Minaya, to Castilla the Gentile?

To all our friends you can tell them very well

that God wanted to be worth us and we won in the fight.

Perhaps when you come back you will still find us here;

if not, as far as they tell you that we are, you must continue.

By the sword and by the spear we gain living,

otherwise, in this poor land we will not be able to resist

and I think we'll finally have to leave here. "


El Cid sells Alcocer to the Moors.

Everything is ready, at dawn Minaya came out

Mío Cid Campeador is there with his mesnada.

Sterile and poor is that land so bad.

Every day the Cid Campeador spied on him

the Moors of the border with other strange people.

King Fáriz is already good, with him walking advice.

Between the Moors of Ateca and those who lived in Terrer

and those of Calatayud, the richest village, prepare

an agreement and in writing they put it in a letter:

"Let Alcocer sell them El Cid for three thousand marks of silver."

Four. Five

Alcocer Sale


Mío Cid the one of Vivar already has Alcocer sold

Much paid to the vassals who have followed him out of exile.

Gentlemen and pawns, it makes everyone rich,

there is no longer a poor man among the men who march at his service.

Whoever serves a good man always lives in paradise.


Abandonment of Alcocer. - Good omens. - El Cid

settles in Poyo, on Monreal

When the Cid went the castle of Alcocer to leave

Moors and blackberries captives began to complain.

"You go, Mío Cid, with you our prayers go.

We greatly appreciate all you wanted to give us "

When you leave Alcocer Mío Cid el de Vivar

Those Moors and Moors began to cry.

The flag unfolds, the Campeador leaves.

By river Jalón down they begin to be directed,

birds of good omen then saw fly.

Much in Terrer they were happy, in Calatayud even more,

but in Alcocer it weighs them: with the Cid they were not bad.

Meanwhile, Mine Cid was still riding,

finally camped on a hill that is on Monte Real,

Alto and grande el cerro was, looking at him amazed,

it could not be assaulted by any of its sides.

To the city of Daroca tribute makes him pay,

the same as Molina's on the other side,

and the third one to Teruel, that is put more here;

The Cid already has Celfa del Canal in his hand.


Minaya arrives before the king.

He forgives Minaya, but not the Cid

To Mío Cid de Vivar, God grant him in his grace!

Álvar Fáñez de Minaya has gone to Castilla

and already the thirty horses to the king presented / displayed them to them;

When you see them, a good smile comes to the king's face.

"Who gave you those horses, for heaven's sake, Minaya?"

"My Cid Campeador, who at a good hour had a sword.

After you banished him, Alcocer won by trickery,

and from this to the king of Valencia a message came to him:

Send a fence and cut off the water.

El Cid leaves the castle, in the open field he fought,

he defeated two Moor emirs in that great battle.

Cuantiosos, sir, have been the booty and the profit,

to you, great king, My Cid this gift sends you,

says that the feet kisses you, kisses your hands both

and may you have mercy, so the Creator may be worthy of you. "

Then the king said to him: "Even very little time passes

so that exiled man, that of the king lost the grace

can return to welcome you after three weeks.

But to come from Moors I take what he gives me

and I'm glad that the Cid achieved such a good profit.

And above all, I forgive you, Minaya,

your honors and lands again be given to you,

At your pleasure, come out and enter, you are in my grace;

more of the Cid Campeador I can not tell you anything ".


The king allows the Castilians to go with the Cid

"Minaya, with all this I have something to talk about:

of all these kingdoms may, if they want, march

good and brave men and to Mío Cid help.

I leave you free, and I promise not to confiscate your inheritance. "

The good Minaya Álvar Fáñez's hands went to kiss him:

"Thank you I give you, King Alfonso, our natural lord;

this you grant now, again you will yield more.

We will always be content, king, with your will. "

The king said to him: "Álvar Fáñez, this is all there is to talk about.

March free for Castilla, everyone lets you walk,

and without fear of punishment, the Cid will go to search. "


Corridors of the Cid from the Poyo.

Minaya with two hundred Castilians, meets El Cid

Let us now speak of the one who at a good hour had a sword.

You already know that at a very high altitude I was camping,

and as long as the world lasts, with Moorish or Christian people,

the hill of Mío Cid will call that mountain.

From there the Campeador plundered many lands,

all the valley of the Martín good tributes pays him.

Until the same Zaragoza news of the Cid arrived,

The Moors do not like them, they were heavy.

There was Mío Cid for more than fifteen weeks:

when he saw the Champion that Minaya was taking,

con todos los que le siguen de noche se puso en marcha;

el cerro y el campamento abandonados dejaba

y más allá de Teruel el Campeador pasaba,

hasta pinares de Tévar a descansar no se para.

Todas las tierras aquellas mucho que las saqueaba

y ya también Zaragoza la tiene sujeta a parias.

Después de hacer todo esto, al cabo de tres semanas

ya ha llegado de Castilla Álvar Fáñez de Minaya;

trae doscientos caballeros que todos ciñen espada

y no se pueden contar los de a pie que le acompañan.

Cuando ha visto Mío Cid aparecer a Minaya

al correr de su caballo va a abrazarlo sin tardanza,

en la boca le besó y en los ojos de la cara.

Minaya le cuenta todo, no quiere encubrirle nada.

La faz del Campeador sonrisas la iluminaban.

"Gracias al Dios de los cielos, gracias a sus fuerzas santas,

mientras que vida tengáis a mí me ira bien, Minaya".


Alegría de los desterrados al recibir noticias de Castilla

¡Dios, qué alegre que se puso la hueste de desterrados

porque Minaya Álvar Fáñez ya de Castilla ha llegado,

porque les trae noticias de sus parientes y hermanos

y de aquellas compañeras que en su casa se dejaron!


Alegría del Cid

(Serie gemela)

¡Dios, qué alegre que se puso el de la barba crecida

de que allí en Burgos pagara Álvar Fáñez las mil misas

y de que noticias traiga de su mujer y sus hijas!

¡Qué contento estaba el Cid y qué grande su alegría! "

Álvar Fáñez, ojalá viváis aún muchos días.

Más valéis vos que yo no. ¡Qué misión tan bien cumplida!"


El Cid corre tierras de Alcañiz

Pero no perdía el tiempo Mío Cid el bienhadado:

a doscientos caballeros escógelos por su mano

y a correr aquellos campos muy de noche se marcharon.

Esas tierras de Alcañiz yermas las iban dejando,

por esos alrededores todo lo van saqueando.

A su punto de partida al tercer día tornaron.


Escarmiento de los moros

Pronto corrió la noticia por aquellas tierras todas,

gentes de Monzón y Huesca estaban muy pesarosas;

pero de que dieran parias se alegran en Zaragoza

porque ellos de Mío Cid no temen ninguna cosa.


El Cid abandona el Poyo.

Corre tierras amparadas por el conde de Barcelona

Con todo el botín aquel al Cerro tornando van,

todos iban muy alegres porque han hecho buen ganar.

Muy contento está Álvar Fáñez, el Cid muy contento está.

Su proyecto dice el Cid, ya no lo puede callar:

"Oíd, caballeros, ahora, voy a hablaros de verdad:

el que no cambia de sitio perder puede, no ganar,

así que al amanecer echemos a cabalgar,

el campamento se deje y sigamos más allá".

Se mudó entonces el Cid hasta el puerto de Alucat

desde allí se alarga a Huesca y luego hasta Montalbán.

En aquella correría diez días fueron a echar.

Por todas aquellas partes la nueva corriendo va

de que el Cid, el desterrado, está haciendo mucho mal.


Amenazas del conde de Barcelona

Esos mensajes corrieron por aquellas tierras todas,

por fin llega la noticia al conde de Barcelona

de que Mío Cid Ruy Díaz le corre su tierra toda;

mucho pesar le causó, por grave afrenta lo toma.


El Cid trata en vano de calmar al conde

El conde era fanfarrón y dijo una vanidad:

"¡Grandes daños me está haciendo Mío Cid el de Vivar.

Aquí en mi corte Rodrigo gran agravio me hizo ya

porque me hirió a mi sobrino, sin quererlo reparar.

Ahora saquea las tierras que bajo mi amparo están

sin que yo le desafíe ni haya roto su amistad.

Puesto que él busca pelea yo se la iré a demandar".

Muy grandes fuerzas tenía, a prisa llegando van,

entre moros y cristianos muchos se juntan allá

y por fin marchan en busca de Mío Cid de Vivar.

Tres días con sus tres noches hubieron de caminar

y a Mío Cid alcanzaron allá en Tévar, el pinar.

Tantos son, que sin esfuerzo creen que le cogerán.

Con el gran botín que lleva Mío Cid el de Vivar

de una alta sierra desciende, al valle llegando está.

Un mensajero del conde don Ramón le va a avisar.

Mine Cid, when he heard you, this message gives you:

"Tell the count that this must not be taken ill,

I carry nothing of yours, let me go in peace. "

To which the count replied: "That will not be true.

What now and before everything will pay me

and the exile will know who he dared to outrage. "

It has become the errand boy at full speed.

Then very well comprises Mío Cid el de Vivar

that battle with the count can no longer be avoided.


Arenga del Cid to his people

"My knights, protect the gain,

then hurry prepare, arm yourselves with all weapons,

because Count Don Ramon wants to give us a great battle,

of Moors and Christians many people accompany him,

They will not leave us alone, if it is not for struggle, for nothing.

Since behind us comes, here is the battle:

cinchad well to the horses and armáos of all arms:

they come downhill, they only wear shorts,

they bring bad chairs, cools and loose straps;

We Galician chairs and boots on the hose.

With only one hundred knights we will defeat their masses,

before they reach the plain, attack them with our spears,

for each injured three chairs will be emptied.

Ramón Berenguer will see who he wanted to hunt

today in the pine forest of Tevar for taking away his profit ".


El Cid wins the battle

Win the Colada sword

All are ready, when the Cid like that had spoken,

the arms well wielded, firm on the horses.

There on the slope down see the forces of the Franks

and at the bottom of the slope, and already very close to the plain,

He ordered them to be attacked by Mío Cid the well-wisher.

His knights ordered it very willingly;

the banners and spears were using them well,

they hurt some, and others are thrown from the horse.

Mío Cid has already won the battle the well-wisher,

there Don Ramón, the prisoner, has taken,

won the Colada sword worth more than a thousand marks.


The Count of Barcelona, ​​prisoner.

He wants to let himself die of hunger

Thus he won this battle, to great honor of his beards.

He took Count Don Ramon and brought him to his store,

He commanded men he trusted to keep him.

He leaves him there, and from the tent the Campeador leaves;

everywhere his people to join him arrived.

Very happy that El Cid is, the profits are very large.

To Mío Cid Don Rodrigo great food is prepared for him;

But Count Don Ramon paid no attention to anything,

the delicacies brought him, before they were planted,

He does not want to eat them and he disdained them all.

"I do not have to eat a bite for all the gold in Spain,

before I will lose my body and condemn my soul,

since such malcalzados defeated me in battle ".


El Cid promises the count the freedom

Mío Cid Campeador well you will hear what he said now:

"Eat, count, of this bread, drink, count, of this wine

of captivity you will go out if you do what I tell you,

if not, in all our days you will not see any living being. "


Refusal of the Count

"Eat, eat, Don Rodrigo, you can be quiet,

but I will not eat, hunger will kill me. "

Even after three days he does not become the count.

While they are sharing what they had to win

they can not make the count eat a crumb of bread.


El Cid reiterates to the count his promise

Releases the count and dismisses him

Mío Cid said then: "Count, you have to eat something,

that if you do not want to eat again you will see Christians,

but if you eat to my liking, as I have commanded you,

to you, Count Don Ramón, and to two of these landmarks

I will release you from prison and you will come out of my hands.

When Don Ramón heard it, he was happy.

"If you, Don Rodrigo, do what you have spoken to me,

For the rest of my life I will be amazed. "

"Well, eat, count, eat, and when you have finished

I have to give you and two gentlemen freedom.

But, of what you have lost and I won in the field

know, count, that I do not intend to give you back an ochavo,

What a great lack we are and we are in need.

Taking from you and from others we have to help each other,

and this life will last us what the Holy Father wants,

that it is up to him that the king outside his kingdom has cast. "

The count rejoices and asks for water for the hands,

they put it in front of him, they gave it to him without delay.

With those two knights by Mio Cid appointed,

the count was eating and Don Ramón eats very willingly.

Sitting beside him is Mío Cid el bienhadado:

"Count, if you do not eat well as I have sent you,

you will still stay with me, we will not have to separate. "

The count said: "I will eat, Mío Cid, very willingly."

He and the two gentlemen, to eat, hurried;

Happy is El Cid, who is watching you there,

to see that the Count Ramón gave work to the hands.

"Cid, if you allow it, we would like to leave

In a hurry we will ride if they give us our horses;

since the day I was earl I did not eat so willingly,

the taste of this food from me will not be forgotten. "

Three palafrenes gave him, all three very well saddled,

Give them good garments, rich skins, rich mantles.

Between the two knights the count has settled.

Until the end of the camp with them goes the Castellano:

"You are leaving, Count Ramón, you are going to be frank, you are frank,

I remain grateful for what you left me.

If it gives you the idea, count, of wanting to avenge it

and you come to look for me, send me a message first:

I will take what is yours or you will take something from me. "

"Be quiet, Cid, you are saved from that danger;

that for payment I leave for the remainder of the year.

And to come and look for you, you do not even have to think about it. "


The count is suspiciously absent

Wealth of the banished

The count stung the horse and was already beginning to walk,

Going head back to look back.

Fear has because he believes that the Cid will repent;

For all the gold in the world My Cid would not do such,

disloyalty the Cid never did.

The count has already left, he turns around the one of Vivar,

joined with their mesnadas and very happy that is

for the spoils that will remain of that battle:

So rich are they that their wealth can not even count.


Weddings of the daughters of El Cid

Shot 64

El Cid goes against Valencia's lands

Here begins the poem by Mío Cid el de Vivar.

Mío Cid has populated that port of Alucat,

moves away from Zaragoza and the lands there,

Huesca has left behind and the Montalbán field

facing the salt sea now wants to fight:

the sun rises in the East and he will go towards that part.

Jérica wins El Cid, then Onda and Almenar,

and the conquered Burriana lands are already there.


Shot of Murviedro

The Creator helped him, the Lord who is in heaven,

and with his favor the Cid could take Murviedro.

He has clearly seen that God is always helping him.

In the city of Valencia there has been a lot of fear.


The Valencian Moors surround the Cid.

This one gathers its people


That gives Valencia very little pleasure gives them.

In council they meet and the Cid went to surround.

They went all night; when the dawn was to scratch,

there near Murviedro his stores are going to plant.

The Campeador to see them begins to marvel:

"Praise be to God, spiritual Lord!

We got into their land, we do them a lot,

We drink his wine and we eat his bread.

With good rights they do it if they come to surround us,

As it is not with struggle this will not be fixed.

Leave messages to those who should help us,

the ones go to Jérica and the others to Alucat,

From there, go to Onda and then to Almenar,

that the people of Burriana are already coming here.

Soon this pitched battle has to begin.

Our benefit in God I trust that with her will grow ".

By the third day all are together.

Mine Cid the well-wisher then starts talking:

"Save yourselves the Creator, mesnadas, and now listen:

after we got out of clean Christendom

-and it was not for our pleasure, it could not be remedied--,

Thank God our things always go forward.

Today the people of Valencia have come to surround us;

if in these lands we would like to stay,

very firmly to these Moors we have to chastise. "


End of the Cid's harangue

"When the night passes and the morning comes,

keep me well prepared horses and weapons;

then we will all go to attack your mesnada.

We are exiled men, we are in a strange land,

in the fight it is necessary to see who deserves the soldiers. "


Minaya gives the battle plan

El Cid defeats another field fight

Tomato Onion

Listen now to what the good Álvar Fáñez wanted to talk about:

"My Cid, what you have said as you please will be done,

give me a hundred knights, I do not want to ask you for more,

you with the others who are facing you will go to attack.

Wound them without compassion, attack without hesitation,

that I with the other hundred on the other hand I will go to enter

and I trust in the God of heaven that our triumph will be ".

Very well it seems to the Cid what Minaya went to speak.

The morning has already arrived and they began to arm themselves,

Each one knows the position he will have in the battle.

With the dawn My Cid against the Moors, it goes:

"Through Jesus Christ and James who are there in the heavens,

attack, my knights, those real Moors.

Here is Rodrigo Díaz, here is El Cid de Vivar. "

See there so much store to break and disrupt;

the posts pulled them out, they begin to collapse.

But the Moors are many and they want to recover.

Minaya on the other hand already came to attack;

the Moors, badly that they are sorry, because they are defeated,

A horse's nail escapes those who can escape.

Two emirs killed in the hunt they are given

and even Valencia itself goes behind the Christians.

Great gains has made Mío Cid of Vivar,

All that field they loot, then they go back.

With the profits that they carry in Murviedro they entered already,

a very great joy runs through the place.

A Onion take then and lands of more here.

They are afraid in Valencia, they do not know what they will do;

The fame of Vivar's is already making a lot of noise.


Correrías del Cid south of Valencia

The fame also runs to the other side of the sea.

The Cid was very happy, his company very happy,

because God helped them and they won the battle.

His beaters send, at night they went marching,

until they reach Cullera, then they go up to Játiva,

and then down the road to Denia they were coming.

For all those coasts much the Moors break.

Peña Cadiella conquer with his exits and entrances.


El Cid at Peña Cadiella

When the Cid Campeador conquered Peña Cadiella,

great displeasure was spreading by Játiva and by Cullera

Valencia's pain can no longer be relieved.


Conquest of the whole region of Valencia

For those lands of Moors, capturing and conquering,

during the day sleeping, at night on horseback,

In winning those villas Mío Cid passes three years.


El Cid besieges Valencia

He warns Christians about war

Those moros of Valencia chastened are,

they do not dare to leave or want to go looking for him,

all their gardens cut them down, they did them a lot,

and those three years in a row the Cid leaves them without bread.

Those in Valencia complain, they do not know what they will do,

because they could not get their bread out of nowhere.

Father to son, son to father, no protection is given,

nor from friend to friend could they comfort.

It's a very bad thing, gentlemen, to have a little bread.

Women and children of hunger are seen to be finar,

The pain is in front of you, it can not be remedied.

For the great king of Morocco then they want to command,

but with the Almohads engaged in war,

No protection was given to them and he did not want to help them.

Al Cid, when he found out, he gives a lot of joy;

at night he leaves Murviedro and starts riding,

Mío Cid dawns in the lands of Monreal.

For Aragon and Navarre pregones ordered to throw

and to the lands of Castile his messengers go.

Whoever wants to leave jobs and earn a good income,

with the Cid go, that has desires to war,

and Cercar wants Valencia to give it to Christianity.


Repeat the proclamation

(Twin series)

"Whoever wants to come with me to surround Valencia

- Of will it has to be, but none by force I will wait three days there in Canal de la Celfa ".


People who come to the cry

Siege and delivery of Valencia

This said Mío Cid, the loyal Champion,

go for Murviedro that won has already.

The cries run a lot and everywhere they go;

to the taste of profit they do not want to be left behind;

Many people are welcomed by good Christianity.

Everywhere news from El Cid went to sound,

many join the Cid and very few leave.

Growing up goes the greatness of Mío Cid de Vivar.

When seeing together so many people already began to cheer up.

The Campeador then did not want to wait any longer,

to Valencia it goes and on Valencia da.

Mío Cid encircled it well, not even a crack was left:

You see Mío Cid there, up and down, walking.

A deadline in case someone comes to them wants to help.

That fence of Valencia nine months ago is;

When the tenth arrived they had to deliver it.

Throughout that region great joys go

when El Cid won Valencia and when he entered the city.

Those who fought on foot today are gentlemen already,

and the gold and silver won, who could tell them?

Rich are all the men who are with Mine Cid.

The fifth of the gain the Cid orders him to take

in coined money thirty thousand marks give

and they also touch assets that can not be counted.

How happy everyone is, how happy the Cid de Vivar,

when on the top of the fortress their banner they saw planting!


The King of Seville wants to recover Valencia

At rest the Cid was already with all his company,

when that king of Seville the news reached him

that they took Valencia and that nobody protects it;

to attack them came then with thirty thousand men of arms.

There, near the garden, they fought the two battle,

Defeat them Mine Cid the one with the grown beard.

He has left the fight until very close to Játiva,

when going to pass the Júcar already they go in frank defeat,

when they crossed the river they inadvertently drank water.

That great King of Seville with three wounds escapes.

Valencia turns El Cid with all that profit.

Good booty was that of Valencia being the city taken,

but from this great victory they gain greater profit.

They touched, at least, about a hundred silver frames.

The things of Mío Cid you already see how well they were marching.


El Cid leaves his beard intonsa

Wealth of the Cid

Much joy spread among all Christians

that in that war he accompanies Mío Cid bienhadado.

His beard was already growing, much is lengthening,

that Rodrigo had said when he left exiled:

"For the love of King Alfonso, who has driven me out of his land,

do not enter my beard scissors, not even a hair is cut

and let all Moors and Christians speak of this promise. "

The Champion is in Valencia resting,

with him Minaya, who does not separate from his side.

His oldest vassals of wealth are loaded.

To all those who left the kingdom accompanied him

El Cid houses and estates in Valencia has given them.

The kindness of Mío Cid and they are going to try them.

And those who came later also receive good payment.

The Cid understands that now these, with what they had won,

If they could leave, they would do it very willingly.

And this sends Mío Cid, of Minaya advised:

that any man of those who won anything with him,

that he did not say goodbye to himself by declaring himself a vassal,

get him where they can and where he is reached

and his wealth will be taken away from him and he will be hanged.

Now all this is for the well-groomed Cid,

and with Minaya Álvar Fáñez he continued to advise:

"If you like, Minaya, I would like to make a state

of the men who are here and something with me they won:

we will put them in writing and they will all be counted,

if someone wants to hide or if we miss him

will have to return his part to these my good vassals

They keep me to Valencia for their walls hanging around. "

To which Minaya said: "It is very sensible advice."


Count of the people of El Cid

This one has a new present for the king

Send everyone to the Court to come together

and when they are gathered list made them pass:

three thousand six hundred had Mío Cid the one of Vivar.

The Campeador smiles, so happy he is:

"To God and to Santa Maria, thank you, Minaya, we must give.

With much less we left our lands of Vivar,

Now we have riches and we still have more.

If it pleases you, Minaya, and it does not seem bad,

I want to send you to Castilla where our inheritance is.

To our King Don Alfonso, who is my natural lord,

of these gains that we have won over here

I want to give you one hundred horses, tell them to take you,

for me kiss his hand, and with pledge pray

that my wife and my daughters, who are there in Castilla,

if he reaches his grace so long, I'll let them and get them out.

I'll send for them, know how that will be done:

to the wife and daughters of Rodrigo el de Vivar

he will go looking for him with such pomp that great honor will come

to these strange lands that we have been able to win ".

Then Minaya said: "Of very good will".

By order of the Cid one hundred men with Álvar Fáñez will go

that in the trip they serve him according to his will.

When they finished speaking, they begin to prepare.

To San Pedro de Cardeña thousand frames send

and of them who give five hundred to Don Sancho, the good abbot.


Don Jerónimo arrives in Valencia

When with this news everyone is happy

From lands of the East a great cleric has arrived:

Bishop Jeronimo was by name called.

He understood a lot of letters, he is very sensible in everything,

the same on foot that on horseback he was a brave warrior.

Al Cid greater profits he wanted to go looking for,

Sighing is about to see him fight with Moors in the field:

and says that if they get fed up with dealing and hurting their hands

I would never have any Christian to regret.

When Mío Cid heard it, very satisfied that way he spoke:

'' Listen to me, Minaya Álvar Fáñez, for the One who is on high,

whenever God helps us well is that we thank him;

In the land of Valencia, I want a bishopric,

I'll give it to Don Jeronimo, good Christian gentleman.

In Castilla, this too, Minaya, you can tell. "


Don Jerónimo made bishop

Álvar Fáñez liked what Don Rodrigo says.

This good Don Jeronimo was already named bishop.

Danle by headquarters Valencia, where can be very rich.

God among those Christians there was great rejoicing

that in the lands of Valencia they should have a bishop!

Minaya, very happy, said goodbye and left.

Roll 80

Minaya addresses Carrión

These quiet lands of Valencia are and in peace

when Minaya Álvar Fáñez for Castilla leaves.

I do not want to tell you about the stops of your trip.

He asked for Don Alfonso, where he could be found;

they tell him that Sahagun the king left little ha,

that it was for Carrión where you can find him.

To Minaya this news great joy they give

and taking his presents already goes towards there.


Minaya greets the king

Don Alfonso the Castilian of misa was leaving.

Here is Minaya Álvar Fáñez how he gets so handsome,

the two knees have knelt in front of the whole town,

and at the feet of King Alfonso he stood with much mourning,

Both hands kissed him, and he began to speak, so discreet:


Minaya's speech to the king

Envy of Garci Ordóñez

The King forgives the family of El Cid

The infants of Carrión covet the riches of El Cid

"Merced, our King Alfonso, for the sake of the Creator.

These hands are kissed by Mío Cid the fighter,

If you ask him mercy, he asks you, be the Creator.

The feet kisses you and the hands that meets such a great lord.

You, king, have banished him, you took away your love,

but although he is in a strange land, the Cid his duty fulfilled,

to those towns that are called Jérica and Onda won,

Almenar has conquered, Murviedro, who is even older,

Onion wins later and the town of Castejón,

Peña Cadiella, the village that is on a strong rock;

with all these cities and Valencia is lord.

Bishop made by his hand My Cid Campeador,

five pitched battles pound and all I win.

Great were the gains that the Creator gave him,

here you have the signs, the truth I tell you.

These hundred thick horses good runners are,

of rich brakes and chairs all are garrisoned,

My Cid, sir, I beg you to take them for you,

who is always your vassal and has you for sir ".

The king raised his right hand and crossed himself:

"Of these great gains that the Champion achieved,

for San Isidro blessed, I'm glad of my heart,

I'm glad of the exploits that Cid Campeador does

and I receive these horses that he sends me as a donation. "

The king was glad, but Count Garci Ordóñez was weighed:

"It seems that in the earth there are no men of value

when Mío Cid Campeador does so much and undoes ".

The king said: "Count Garcia, do not keep talking, no;

anyway the Cid better serves me than you ".

Then Minaya speaks, the brave male:

"Merced demands you the Cid, that if you please, sir,

Your wife and daughters give you your permission

to leave the convent where the Cid left them

and go to Valencia to join the Cid Campeador ".

Then the king answers: "Placeme de corazón.

As long as they go through my kingdoms I will give them maintenance;

keep them all from evil, from offering and from dishonor.

When those ladies arrive at the border

to serve them which is due, and the same as the Campeador.

Now, guards and mesnadas, listen carefully:

I do not want you to lose anything My Cid Campeador,

to all the gentlemen who have him for lord

what I confiscated today, I return it to you,

although they continue with the Cid, they do not lose their possession,

insurance are of harm or wrong in every occasion;

I do this because they always serve their lord well. "

Álvar Fáñez de Minaya the king kissed his hands.

Don Alfonso smiles. God, how beautifully he spoke!

"Those who want to go with the Cid Campeador

I came to give them, go in grace of the Creator.

More we will gain with this than with another lack of love. "

Listen to what Carrión's infants are saying apart:

"A lot of the exploits of this Cid Campeador,

in marrying his daughters we would win both,

but shame we have to say it, because no

It is his good lineage for Counts of Carrión. "

No one was told and so the thing remained.

Álvar Fáñez de Minaya of the good king said goodbye.

"Are you going now, Minaya? Go in the grace of the Creator.

A palace official I want to go with you.

If you take the ladies, serve them to their taste,

until the end of Medina keep my protection,

from then on the one of the Cid Campeador ".

Minaya is already dismissed, she left the court.


Minaya goes to Cardeña for Mrs. Jimena

More Castilians lend themselves to going to Valencia

Minaya in Burgos

Promises the Jews good payment of the debt of the Cid

Minaya returns to Cardeña and leaves with Jimena

Pedro Bermúdez leaves Valencia to receive Jimena

In Molina, Abengalbón joins him

They find Minaya in Medinaceli

Carrión's infants are already decided,

when Álvar Fáñez leaves, go for a while to accompany:

"How good you are always make us kindness today

to take our greetings to Mío Cid el de Vivar.

With us as friends, Mío Cid can count. "

Minaya said. "That assignment can never weigh me down."

Minaya his march continues, the infants return already.

Go to San Pedro where the dams are.

What a great joy they have when they see him looming!

Minaya has already left, San Pedro is going to pray,

When the prayer to the ladies is over, he leaves:

"Humíllome to you, lady, may God keep you from evil,

May the Lord also want to save your daughters.

Mío Cid greets you, from where he is,

wealth and health I had when I left him.

By the grace of King Alfonso, you are now free

to come to Valencia, which is now our inheritance.

If the Campeador sees you three healthy and without evil,

everything will be joy, there will be no regret. "

Dona Jimena answered: "God willing, that's how it will be.

By order of Álvar Fáñez three gentlemen leave

with a message to Mío Cid, to Valencia, where he is.

"Say to the Campeador, whom God keeps evil,

that his wife and daughters grant the king freedom,

while they go through their kingdoms provisions will give them.

That within fifteen days, if God keeps us from evil,

his wife with the two girls and I will be there,

And also, these ladies, what company they give them. "

Gone are the knights what they sent will fulfill,

in San Pedro de Cardeña, Minaya will stay.

Vierais there gentlemen from everywhere to arrive,

They want to go to Valencia with Mío Cid de Vivar.

Álvar Fáñez was asked to help them

and Minaya answered: "I will do it willingly".

Sixty-five on horseback were already together,

plus one hundred that Minaya has, to be brought from there;

The ladies on your trip will have good company.

Five hundred marks was given by Álvar Fáñez to the abbot

and the others you will see in what he wanted to use them:

Minaya to Dona Jimena, to her daughters and also

to all those ladies who accompany them go,

with those five hundred frames you plan to buy

the best clothes that Burgos can find,

with palafrenes and mules that are good to look at.

When in the city of Burgos the purchases made are

and that good from Minaya to San Pedro is back,

behold, Rachel and Lives at her feet are going to throw:

"Merced, mercy, Álvar Fáñez, legit gentleman,

If Mío Cid does not pay us, our ruin will be,

we renounce interest if capital returns to us ".

"I will speak with the Cid if God takes me there,

for what you helped him, good mercy will give you. "

They said: "Let the divine will so wish,

If not, we will leave Burgos and go to look for him ".

The good Minaya Álvar Fáñez for San Pedro leaves;

many people welcome him, prepare to march,

At the time of saying goodbye to great duel the abbot had:

"Goodbye, Minaya Álvar Fáñez, the Creator will be worth you,

on my part, the hands of the Campeador kiss,

that of this monastery you never want to forget,

With your shelter, this convent will prosper forever,

that if the Cid does so in honor he will be ".

Minaya said: "I have to do it with good will".

There everyone says goodbye and they start riding,

with them goes the palatine that has to keep them.

All the real lands give them a lot of food.

From San Pedro to Medina five days will take.

Álvar Fáñez and the ladies in Medina you already have.

Of those that the message takes now let's speak:

When Mío Cid learned about him from Vivar,

I love you, great joy gives you,

and as you will hear now, so began to speak:

"Whoever sends a good order sends this reason must wait.

You, Muño Gustioz, and you, Pedro Bermúdez, march,

with Mr. Martín Antolínez, that loyal Burgalese.

Go also Don Jerónimo, a legit priest,

and a hundred well-armed men in case there was a fight.

By land of Albarracín you must first pass,

then follow Molina that is set beyond.

Abengalbón that has it is Moor friend and of peace;

with another hundred knights he will accompany you,

and going up to Medina, the more you can walk,

my wife and my daughters, who with Minaya will come

As far as I was told, there you can find.

Then with great honor lead me here.

I will stay in Valencia, which cost me a lot

and great madness would be to leave her unprotected.

I will stay in Valencia, Valencia is my inheritance. "

When the Cid said this they start to ride

and all the time they can go without stopping.

Albarracín passed it, in Fronchales they are already,

the next day they arrive at Molina to rest.

That Moor Abengalbón, when he knew what they are going,

very well that he received them and very happy that he is:

"Are you the vassals of my natural friend?

Know that your arrival gives me great joy. "

That good Muño Gustioz spoke without waiting:.

"On behalf of Mío Cid we want to say hello,

a hundred escort knights the Cid instructs you to prepare,

that his wife and daughters in Medinaceli are,

wants you to go for them and bring them here,

and that until Valencia of them you do not want to separate ".

Abengalbón said: "I will do it with very good will".

A great meal to everyone that night gives them

and the next morning they start riding,

One hundred only asked him but he with two hundred goes.

The brave and high mountain range is already left behind,

then they cross the plain of the Mata de Taranz,

They have a lot of confidence, without any hesitation they go,

through the Arbujuelo valley they are ready to go down.

There in Medina Álvar Fáñez with great caution is,

When he saw armed people coming, he was very suspicious.

send two knights to find out the truth;

without losing time they left, they very willingly go,

one stays with them, another one comes back to warn:

"They are forces of Mío Cid that come to look for us.

See here Pedro Bermúdez who wants to advance,

Muño Gustioz, your good friend, comes behind,

then Martín Antolínez, the one from Burgos natural,

Bishop Jeronimo, that loyal cleric.

The warden Abengalbón with his forces also goes,

to please Mío Cid that he wants to honor him so much.

They all form a troop, they will arrive soon. "

Minaya said: "On horseback, we will find them."

Very quickly they mounted, they did not want to delay;

One hundred gentlemen came out, all very good looking,

on very beautiful horses with covers

and petral of rattles; with shield to the neck they go,

each lance in his hands, with his banner each.

Minaya wants you to see how she knows how to behave

and how he treats the ladies that Castilla went to look for.

The first beaters to arrive start already,

weapons take, they put with weapons to play.

Over there with Jalón great joys go.

The others before Minaya all went to humiliate.

Then, the Abengalbón moro, who is looking at them,

with a very smiling gesture Minaya went to hug,

according to custom dwells, kiss on the shoulder gives.

"Happy the day, Minaya, when I come to meet you.

These ladies bring you what honor they come to give us,

the two daughters of the Cid, his wife so loyal.

Such is the fate of the Cid and we all have to honor him,

although little we would like him, it can not be done badly,

it will stay with what is ours, be it war or peace.

However clumsy I have, I do not see this truth. '

Travelers rest in Medina

Depart Medina to Molina

They arrive near Valencia

When he heard him, Álvar Fáñez de Minaya smiled:

"Well I see it, Abengalbón, that you are a friend without fault;

if God takes me to the Cid, and sees my soul again,

what you did for us will not be without pay.

Let's go now to rest,] dinner is ready. "

Answer Abengalbón: "I'm very happy to accept it,

and before three days have passed I will return it folded ".

In Medinaceli they enter, Minaya attended them;

Everyone is very happy with the dinner they will have.

The palace official said goodbye and sent.

Honor will be El Cid, who was there in Valencia,

of those rich feasts that in Medina seasoned.

Everything costs the king and nothing paid Minaya.

The night is past, the morning has come,

everyone heard the mass and then they rode.

From Medinaceli they leave, the Jalón river passed,

by the Arbujuelo above in a hurry they were spurring,

the plain of the Mata de Taranz crossed,

they finally arrive at Molina, the one that Abengalbón sent.

Bishop Jeronimo, the good Christian without fault,

by day and by night the three ladies kept,

with one horse at his right hand and another behind with his weapons.

Álvar Fáñez de Minaya by his side accompanies him.

You already enter Molina, a rich and well-populated town.

There the Abengalbón moro serves them and nothing is missing.

Of everything they wanted, they did not miss anything,

and the same horseshoes the Moor paid for them.

To the ladies and to Minaya, God. how much you honored them!

Another day tomorrow they rode,

Even Valencia itself accompanies the Moor,

Of his he was spending, of them he did not take anything.

And with these joys and this news so pleasant

they are already near Valencia, three leagues badly counted.

To Mío Cid de Vivar, who at a good hour had a sword,

even in Valencia a warning was sent to him.

Roll 85

The Cid sends people to meet travelers

Alegre became El Cid like never more nor less,

of what most wanted the news has come.

Two hundred gentlemen who go out has sent them

to receive Minaya and the ladies daughters.

He will be there in Valencia guarding and watching,

He knows very well that Álvar Fáñez will be careful.


Don Jerónimo goes to Valencia to prepare a procession

El Cid rides to meet Jimena

They all enter the city

All these gentlemen already receive Minaya,

to the ladies, the girls and those who accompany them.

Mío Cid sent those servants from his home,

that keep well the fortress and the other tall towers

and that they watch the doors with their exits and entrances.

Send Babieca, little has won

of the Moorish king of Seville in that great battle,

My Cid still does not know, that at a good hour he girded with a sword,

if he will be a good runner and if very dry for.

At the door of Valencia, where he was safe,

Before his wife and daughters he wanted to play the weapons.

With great honor of all the ladies are received,

Bishop Jeronimo the first comes forward,

of his horse gets out, to the chapel he marched

and with those who met there, how prepared they were,

with surplice dressed and with silver crosses,

they'll wait for the ladies and that good Minaya.

Mine Cid the well-wisher was delayed:

Silk tunic dresses, very grown brings the beard,

Babieca is already saddled, very well that they harnessed him,

My Cid is mounted on him and stick weapons he took.

In the named Babieca the Campeador rides,

he started running and he gave such a quick race

that all those who saw him in awe were.

From that day Babieca was famous throughout Spain.

At the end of the race and Mío Cid dismounts,

and goes where his wife and two daughters were.

When Doña Jimena saw him at his feet, he was thrown:

"Mercy, Cid, that at a good hour you went to gird up your sword.

You have taken from me, O Cid, many bad shames:

Here you have me, sir, your daughters accompany me,

for God and for you they are good and well-bred. "

The Cid embraced them to the mother and the daughters

and the joy that all four of them were crying.

These very jubilant meshes of the Cid were,

they played games of weapons and boards knocked down.

Listen to what Rodrigo said, that at a good hour he had a sword:

"You, Dona Jimena mine, dear woman and honored,

and the two daughters who are my heart and my soul,

in the city of Valencia with me make your entrance,

in this beautiful inheritance that was won for you ".

There the mother and the daughters both hands kissed him

and in the midst of great honors the three in Valencia entered.


The owners contemplate Valencia from the Alcazar

With Mío Cid to the fortress his wife and his daughters go,

When they arrived, they went up to the highest place.

You see there so beautiful eyes everywhere to look:

at his feet they see Valencia, how the city lies,

and there on the other side they have the sea in sight.

They look at the garden, so big and so leafy that it is,

and all the other pleasant things to look at.

Then they raise their hands, that to God they wanted to pray,

for the good and for the great thing of that beautiful inheritance.

Mine Cid and his messengers are all happy.

The winter is gone and March wanted to enter.

News I will give you now from the other side of the sea

and of the Moorish king Yusuf who is there in Morocco.


The king of Morocco comes to encircle Valencia

Congratulate the King of Morocco on the triumph of Don Rodrigo:

"In my lands and estates very firm that has gotten

and he is grateful to his Lord Jesus Christ. "

Then the Moroccan call his forces made

and fifty times a thousand warriors has gathered.

They have already entered by the sea, in the boats they are stuck,

they go to Valencia in search of Don Rodrigo.

The ships arrived and they have gone out to land.


They already arrived at Valencia del Cid so good conquest,

There, those people who were disbelievers planted their tents.

At last the Champion read him this news.


Alegría del Cid to see the hosts of Morocco

Fear of Jimena

"Praised be the Creator and Spiritual Father!

The goods that I have all of them in front of me are there,

with eagerness I won Valencia, I have it as an inheritance,

As it is not for death, I can not leave it.

To God and to Santa Maria, thank you, I have to give them

because I have my wife and daughters with me here.

Luck comes looking for me from the other side of the sea,

I will have to wear the weapons, I can not leave it,

and my wife and daughters will now see me fight.

They will see in strange lands how difficult it is to be,

they will see through their eyes how to earn bread. "

Bring your wife and daughters to the quarterdeck.

"By God, Mío Cid, what is that camp there?"

"Jimena, honest woman, that does not give you regret,

for us wonderful wealth will be.

Just arrived and already gifts they want to give you,

to marry the daughters here they bring you the trousseau. "

"Thank you I give you, Mío Cid, and the Spiritual Father".

"Woman, in this palace and in this tower, stay:

do not feel any fear because you see me fight,

that God and Santa Maria favoring me will want

and my heart grows because you are here behind.

With the help of the Lord, the battle I have to win. "


El Cid tries his wife and daughters

The Moors invade the garden of Valencia

Izadas are the stores; already breaks the first albor,

The drum sounds in the hordes of the Moors.

Content is Mine Cid. He said: "What a good day it is today!"

But his wife of fear explodes his heart

and daughters and ladies also feel great terror,

that in what they have of life they did not hear such reboiling.

The good Cid Campeador stroked his beard:

"We will win from this, do not be afraid anymore, no,

because before fifteen days, if it pleases the Creator,

those Moorish drums in my power I will have;

I will send you to show them and you will see how they are.

Don Jerónimo will go to hang so much drum

in the temple of the Virgin, mother of Our Lord. "

This is the vote that Mío Cid Campeador made.

The ladies are happy and they lose their fear.

Those Moors of Morocco, who are very runners,

They were getting into the garden without feeling any fear.


Spur of Christians

The sentry has seen them and begins to play the shearing,

There are the messengers of the people of Ruy Díaz.

With much desire, they arm themselves and leave the villa.

Where they run into Moors, they hit them,

and from the orchards they throw them with great blemish.

More than five hundred killed the del Cid on this day.


Battle plan

Until the camp itself the Christians go behind,

They have done enough that day and they begin to turn.

The good captive Álvar Salvadórez stays there.

With the Cid those who eat their bread are becoming.

He saw what they have done, but they tell him, too.

To the great Cid Campeador much joy gives him:

"My knights, listen to me, this here is not to be,

If today was a good day, tomorrow will be better,

when I go to dawn, everyone armed,

the bishop don Jerónimo the absolution will give us,

the mass will tell us later, and then to ride.

It can not be otherwise, we will attack them

in the name of Santiago and the Heavenly Lord.

It is better that we earn them that they take away our bread. "

Álvar Fáñez de Minaya there also wanted to talk:

"If you want it, good Cid, send me something else,

One hundred and thirty knights, give me, brave to fight;

Attack you on the one hand, mine on the other,

in one or in another part, or in both, God will be worth us ".

Then the Cid answers: "Of very good will".


El Cid grants the bishop the first wounds

The day goes out and the night is already in,

they do not take in preparing those Christian people.

For the second time the cocks were heard before dawn;

the bishop don Jerónimo a mass he sang to them,

when the mass ended, good absolution gave them.

"The one who in the fight dies fighting face to face

I absolve him of his sins and God will take his soul.

To you, Cid Campeador, who at a good hour had a sword,

a mass I just sang to you this morning,

and on the other hand, asking you, I want you to grant me a grace,

and it is that the first blows are given by my sword ".

Said the Campeador: "Here you are granted".


Christians go out to battle

Defeat of Yusuf

Extraordinary booty

El Cid greets his wife and daughters

Endow the owners of Jimena

Lot of booty

They are all very well armed and they leave Torres de Cuarto;

Mine Cid to his vassals was going to teach them well.

Men of great confidence in the doors were left,

Mounts then Cid in Babieca, his horse,

that of all garrisons was very well prepared.

They have left Valencia, and the flag they took out,

there are four thousand minus thirty that the Cid has by his side

and fifty thousand Moors without fear are going to attack them.

Minaya with Álvar Álvaroz enters on the other hand,

and bring it to the Creator who could defeat them.

The Cid wounds with the spear, then the sword takes hold,

So many Moors killed that they can not be counted,

a lot of blood dripping down his elbow.

King Yusuf of Morocco has blown him three times,

but the Moor escapes to all the horse's walk

and he gets into Cullera, a very well-armed castle;

the Cid follows him to see if he can reach it,

with others who accompany him with those good vassals.

From Cullera the well-wisher becomes Mío Cid,

very happy of the big booty they have captured.

See how much Babieca is worth, from head to tail.

The profit of that day all by yours has remained.

Of those fifty thousand Moors who had counted,

they could not escape anything more than a hundred and four.

Ruy Díaz's messengers ransacked the entire field,

between silver and gold they collected three thousand marks,

and the rest of the booty could not even count it.

Alegre is Mío Cid, his vassals are very happy

that God would help them to that victory in the field.

After the king of Morocco had thus been defeated,

The Cid left to Álvar Fáñez of everything taking care of

and with his hundred knights in Valencia he has already entered.

The cap has fallen, the helmet has been removed,

thus he entered on Babieca and with the sword in the hand.

Receive it there the ladies who were waiting for you,

before them for, he pulled the reins on the horse:

"Before you I humble myself, ladies, great honor I have won you,

you kept me Valencia and I won in the field.

This God wanted it this way, and with Him all His saints,

when for you come such a profit they have given us.

See this bloody sword, see the horse sweaty,

This is how the Moors are defeated in the countryside.

Pray God that I still live for you some years

and many will kiss you, in vassalage their hands. "

This said Mío Cid, then I got off the horse.

When he was already on the ground and they see him dismounted,

the ladies and the two girls, the wife who is worth so much,

before the Cid Campeador the two knees sank.

You are and God wants you to still live for many years. "

The ladies returned with him and they all enter the palace.

With the Cid they will sit in very beautiful seats:

"My wife, Mrs. Jimena, since you have so requested

to the ladies that you brought and have served you so much

I want to marry some of these my good vassals;

to each of them I will give you two hundred marks

and that they know in Castile that they served good master.

To marry your daughters will talk more slowly. "

To marry your daughters will talk more slowly. "

There they all get up, they're going to kiss his hands

and a very great joy ran through the palace.

As the Cid said, they carry it out.

The good Minaya Álvar Fáñez was still out in the field

with the men who share, writing and recounting:

of stores and rich weapons and precious dresses

you can not even think about the many that were found.

Now I would like to tell you about the loot most precious:

and is that they can not even count so many horses

that walk with rich trappings and there is no one who wants to take them;

the Moors of that land also took something out;

and besides all this to Mío Cid bienhadado

of the best that they caught, they touched a thousand horses.

When the profit to the Cid was broken, so many

is that the others were, also they, well paid.

And what about luxurious stores with well-worked posts

they were taken from the spoils of Mío Cid and his vassals!

The shop of the king of Moors, the richest they found,

two poles supported it that gold is carved.

Mío Cid Campeador has sent all

let her be planted there and not the Christian touch:

"Such a store that like this one in Morocco has passed

I want to send it to King Don Alfonso el Castellano.

So you will see that it is very true that the Cid is doing something. "

All those riches in Valencia entered them.

Bishop Jeronimo, a very honored priest,

when I've just dealt with the two-handed Moors,

I could not count as many as he killed.

Very valuable booty will play in the cast

and more the Cid Don Rodrigo de Vivar, the well-wisher,

of the fifth part of him the tithe has given him.


Joy of Christians

El Cid sends new present to the king

In Valencia all Christian people are happy,

so much money, so many horses and weapons.

Doña Jimena and her happy daughters were also

and those ladies who were already married.

The good of Mío Cid wasted no time in anything:

"Where are you, big man? Come here, Minaya.

The gain that touches you has you well earned,

and to more than my fifth part I tell you with all my heart

that you take what you want: with what is left is enough for me.

Tomorrow at the break of the day you will march without fail,

with this fifth horse that touched me in the profit,

all with chairs and brakes, all with swords;

for the love of my wife and my beloved daughters,

for having sent them to where they wanted them,

These two hundred horses to King El Cid gives him,

Don Alfonso does not think badly about the one in Valencia. "

Order Pedro Bermúdez to leave with Minaya.

Another day in the morning in a hurry they rode

with two hundred knights that they carry in their company;

They will say to the king that My Cid kissed both his hands,

that of this fight that Rodrigo de Vivar has won,

Two hundred good horses as a gift are sent,

that will always serve you as long as your soul lives.

Roll 97

Minaya takes the present to Castilla

Salidos are from Valencia and have already started walking.

Many riches they carried, they have to watch well.

They walk day and night, no rest are given,

the mountain that leaves the kingdom has already passed,

and by King Don Alfonso they start asking.


Minaya arrives in Valladolid

Those mountains and mountains, those rivers passed,

They arrive at Valladolid, where King Alfonso was.

Notice sent to him by Pedro Bermúdez and the good Minaya

that send to receive all that company

that Mío Cid from Valencia with his gifts sends him.


The king goes out to receive the del Cid

Envy of Garci Ordóñez

Glad the king became as you never saw so much,

He commanded to ride in haste to all his fires,

and the king was one of the first to ride a horse

for receiving the messages sent by the well-wisher.

Carrión's infants were also there

and that Count Don Garcia, del Cid bad enemy.

That to some place and others is weighed.

In sight they already have those of the Cid wellhaired,

an army seem, do not resemble envoys,

King Don Alfonso, seeing them, was crossing himself.

Minaya and Pedro Bermúdez are the first arrivals,

the two fell to the ground, get off the horses.

In front of King Alfonso, with his knees pushed,

the two kissed the ground, the king's feet kissed him.

"Mercy, mercy, King Alfonso, our so honored,

in the name of Mío Cid this floor and feet we kissed,

you have sir, call your vassal.

Mío Cid greatly appreciates the honor you have given him.

A few days ago, sir, a battle has won

against that king of Morocco that King Yusuf is called:

fifty thousand warriors have defeated them in the field,

immense are the gains that in the fight were taken,

in rich all his vassals have become there;

These horses send you, king, and kiss your hands. "

Don Alfonso said then: "Recíbolos of good grade.

I thank Mío Cid for this gift he has sent me.

I hope the day will come when I will be rewarded for my benefit. "

This pleased many and they kissed his hands.

To Count García Gómez that has been very heavy,

he and ten of his relatives there on the side turned away.

"It is a wonder of the Cid that his honor grows so much;

With the honor that he wins we are very affronted.

How easily he defeats Moorish kings in the countryside,

as if they were dead he takes away their horses!

It would be strange if we did not get any damage from this. "


The king shows himself benevolent towards El Cid

Then these words was King Alfonso to say:

"To God and to Saint Isidore, I thank this Gentile

gift of two hundred horses that Mío Cid sends me.

As long as my kingdom lasts better, it will be able to serve me.

To you, Minaya, and to you, Bermúdez, that you are here,

I will command you to be richly dressed,

and all the good weapons that you want to ask,

because you arrive more handsome in front of Mío Cid.

Three horses I give you, you can take them from here.

I am happy and I already hear a voice inside me

that tells me that these things have to stop in good order ".


The infants of Carrión think to marry with the daughters of the Cid

They already kissed his hands and they go to rest,

The king commands to give them what they need.

Now I want to talk about the two infants of Carrión;

in reserved and mysterious talks they are.

"The prosperity of the Cid goes forward,

we will ask her daughters to marry them,

our honor will grow and we will be able to thrive. "

And there with these reasons to King Alfonso they leave.


Infants get the king to treat the marriage

The king asks for views with the Cid

Minaya returns to Valencia and the whole Cid of everything

El Cid fixes the place of the views

"This mercy we ask, to you, the king and lord:

we want, if this demand has your approval,

ask us to the daughters of Mío Cid Campeador,

we want to marry them, honor will be of both ".

King Alfonso a long time meditating stayed:

"I have thrown from this my land to the good Cid Campeador,

I worked for his bad and he worked for me

and I do not know if the marriage will want to accept me or not,

but since you want it, let's talk about the issue. "

Álvar Fáñez de Minaya and Bermúdez, those two

messengers of Ruy Diaz, the king then called,

and to a close room with them two he departed.

"Minaya and Pedro Bermúdez, listen to this reason:

Very good that my Cid Campeador is serving me,

and as he deserves it, I will grant him forgiveness;

Come and meet me, if you like, your lord.

Other developments are in this my court, and they are

that Don Diego and Don Fernando, the infants of Carrión,

with the daughters of Mío Cid they want to marry the two.

Take this message to you, so I beg you,

tell my good friend Cid Campeador.

He will take honor, he will win in honor,

if for weddings he empathizes with Carrión's infants ".

Minaya speaks to Bermúdez very well who thought:

"Al Cid we will beg you as you have sent

and then the Cid to do what he thinks best. "

Tell Rodrigo Díaz who was born

that in a place that suits him we can see each other

and in the place that you designate will be our meeting.

In what I can help I want. "

Cid's messengers to the king say goodbye,

and Minaya with his family to Valencia left.

When he learned that he was coming, the good Cid Campeador

in a hurry he rides a horse, to receive them he went out,

My Cid smiled and much embraced them.

Rodrigo said: "Álvar Fáñez, Pedro Bermúdez, are you?

In few lands are men like these two.

What news does Don Alfonso send me, my lord?

Are you happy about me? He did not want to accept the gift? "

Minaya said: "He accepts it with soul and with heart.

Very satisfied, he stays and returns to your favor. "

Mío Cid said then: "Thank you, thank you, Creator."

And then the messengers give him the reason

that Alfonso, king of Castile and León, begged

that her daughters were married to Carrión's infants,

that with that will be honored and rise in honor;

that with that will be honored and rise in honor;

this is what the king advises with his heart and soul.

When Mío Cid heard it, that good Campeador,

a very long thoughtful time remained:

"I am very grateful to Christ, Our Lord:

I went from the earth, they took away my honor,

With great work I won this that I own.

I thank God that the king has returned to his favor

and that my daughters ask me for the two of Carrión.

Minaya, Pedro Bermúdez, tell me you two

of these weddings projected what is your opinion ".

"We think what you think of you."

Said the Cid: "Of great lineage come those of Carrión,

they always go with the court, very proud that they are;

These weddings, in truth, I would not like, no,

but if the king advises, he who is worth more than us,

well we can secretly discuss that question,

and may God the one from heaven inspire us the best. "

"Besides all this, Alfonso, your lord,

He said that he would like to see you wherever you please:

He has desire and will turn his favor to you,

then you will decide what suits best ".

Then the Cid replied: "Pláceme de corazón".

Then Minaya said: "King Alfonso sent

that the place of the interview is chosen by you ".

"If the king ordered it, the Campeador said there,

where he would go to look for him

to honor what is owed to our king and lord.

But since that's what I want, I'll honor him

and on the banks of the Tagus River, that which is the largest river,

We can interview when my lord wants. "

The letters are already written, the Cid very well sealed them;

With two gentlemen of his he hurriedly sent them:

whatever King Alfonso wants, that's what the Campeador will do.


The king sets deadline for the views

Get ready with yours to go to them

At last, the honored king was presented with the letters,

When Don Alfonso saw them, he was happy.

"Saludadme to My Cid, that in good hour clung sword:

The interview will be held at the end of three weeks;

If I live by then I will find myself there without fail. "

The messengers of the Cid soon returned.

On one side and on the other hand, the views are prepared.

Who ever saw so much valuable mule in Castilla,

so much beautiful palfrey of good air and good running,

horses so well bred and runners without blemish,

so colorful banner embedded in good antlers,

shields that in the middle are garrisoned with gold and silver,

Ashlars of Alexandria, so many mantles, so many skins?

Abundant provisions the king send sent

on the banks of the Tagus, where the interview is prepared.

A numerous entourage to King Alfonso accompanies.

The infants of Carrión with great joy walk,

they buy a lot, some things they owe and others pay for them,

because with that wedding they already figured

They will have as much as they want of gold and silver.

The monarch Don Alfonso, in a hurry, was riding

with counts and rich men and with very large mesnadas.

Carrión's infantry his good retinue was wearing.

Leoneses and Galicians to King Alfonso accompany

and the Castilian mesnadas can not be counted.

There they released the reins, for the interview march.

Roll 104

El Cid and his people are ready to go to the views

Depart from Valencia

The king and the Cid can be seen on the banks of the Tagus.

Solemn forgiveness given by the king al Cid


The king asks the Cid his daughters for infants

El Cid entrusts his daughters to the king and this one the house

The views end

Cid's gifts to those who are dismissed

The king delivers the infants to the Cid

There in Valencia, Mío Cid Campeador,

No delay to the interview very well that was prepared.

So much good mule, so much condition palfrey,

very good weapons and a lot of good horse runner

and so many mantles and skins and layers of great value.

The people are big and small, dressed in color.

Álvar Fáñez and the good Pedro Bermúdez those are,

Martín Muñoz is the other who sent Montemayor,

with the Martín Antolínez, that Burgalés of pro,

Bishop Jeronimo, clergyman of the best,

Álvar Salvadórez and the good Álvar Álvaroz,

the brave knight they call Muño Gustioz

and that Galindo Garcia who came from Aragon.

All of these are preparing to go with the Campeador,

and the other gentlemen who are his vassals.

To the good Álvar Salvadórez and to Galindo the one of Aragón,

These have been entrusted to them by Mío Cid Campeador

to keep Valencia with soul and with heart,

and that the others are under the command of the two of them.

From the gates of the fortress this Mío Cid sent:

neither day nor night no one opens them, no.

His wife stays inside, his daughters are both,

in which Cid has his soul and heart,

and all those ladies that your servants are.

My Cid has arranged as a prudent male

that those ladies do not leave the citadel while not

has turned to Valencia which in good time was born.

Spurs bite and El Cid with his people left,

Weapons horses wore that very runners are,

Mío Cid will win them, they did not give them as a gift.

The Cid goes for the views that with the king arranged.

A day before Mío Cid arrives, the king arrived.

When they saw that good Campeador was coming,

to receive him they left with great samples of honor.

Seeing them come forward, the one who was born in good time

all his knights who stopped sending them,

less to a few of them that he wants from the heart;

with those fifteen vassals the horse got out,

what I had thought, who was born in good time.

On his knees he throws himself on the ground, his hands on him nailed,

those grass of the field with their teeth bit them

and from the joy that the crying had, it was skipped.

This is how he obeys Alfonso, King of León.

At the monarch's feet in this way he fell,

King Alfonso does not like to see him in such humiliation:

"Get up, get up, my good Cid Campeador,

kiss my hands I leave you, but kissing the feet no,

If you do not do it like that, I do not turn my favor. "

The Champion followed with his knees:

"Merced I ask you, good king, you, my natural lord,

that before you kneeling you give me back your love,

and all who are around can hear it. "

The king said: "This is what I will do with my soul and my heart,

I forgive you here, Cid, and I return my favor,

from today in all my host kingdom I give you me ".

My Cid spoke then, he went to say this reason:

"Thank you, forgiveness I accept, Alfonso, king and lord,

to heaven I thank you and after heaven to you,

and all these messengers who are here around. "

With her knees down, both hands kissed him,

he gets up and in the mouth the king gave another kiss.

Everyone who is there rejoices heartily.

Only Count Garci Ordóñez and Álvar Díaz weighed on them.

My Cid speaks then, he went to say this reason:

"Much that I thank the great Creator Father,

because Don Alfonso has returned to me, my lord,

now day and night I will have the help of God;

may you be my guest, I beg you, if you so wish, sir. "

The king said: "To do so would not be fair, no,

you just arrived, and last night I arrived;

Today you have to be my guest, Mío Cid Campeador,

and tomorrow you will do what suits you. "

Kiss the Cid's hand, he gave in to his demand.

Then the children of Carrión greeted him:

"We salute you, oh Cid, who was born in such a good time!

in all that we can friends, we are both. "

There Mío Cid replied: "May the Creator like it!"

Al in buenhora born Mío Cid Campeador,

the king, that whole day, for his guest took him.

She does not get tired of being with him, she loves him from the heart,

Much looks at the beard that grew so long.

To everyone who is there the Cid amazed them.

The day is already passing and the night is already entered.

Another day in the morning, the sun came out very clearly.

Mine Cid the one of Vivar to his hers ordered

prepare cooking for as many as they are;

very satisfied they were of Mío Cid Campeador,

they had great joy and all chords are

that they have not made a better meal in three years.

Another day tomorrow, as the sun rises,

the bishop don Jerónimo a mass he sang to them.

At the end of mass the king joined all:

"Infanzones and mesnadas, counts, listen carefully

the prayer that I am going to make to Mío Cid Campeador,

Let it be for your good, God willing.

Your daughters, Cid, I ask you, lady Elvira and lady Sol,

so that the children of Carrión will marry them.

I think the honorable wedding for both,

the infants ask for them and I recommend them.

And I ask all those who are present and are

Your vassals or mine, pray in my favor.

Give them to us, then, Mine Cid, and may God protect you. "

"I would not want to marry them," said the Campeador,

They are not very old, the two are very small.

The children of Carrión enjoy a lot of renown,

good are for my daughters and maybe even for the better.

I gave life to these two girls, but you raised them;

what you are commanding we are, King Alfonso, they and me.

Here are lady Elvira and lady Sol, in your hands,

Give them to whoever you want, who will always be in my honor. "

"Thank you, said the king, to all of this court and to you."

Then the infants of Carrión got up

and they are going to kiss the hands of the one who was born in good time.

There they exchange their swords with the Cid Campeador

in pact of agreement. Then King Alfonso spoke:

"Thank you, Cid, to you, so good and preferred of God,

for giving me your two daughters for Carrión infants.

In my hand I take them, lady Elvira and lady Sol,

and for spouses I give them Carrión's infants.

To your daughters the case, the license you give me,

May it be to your advantage, God willing.

Here you are, Mío Cid, the infants of Carrión,

I will return from here, with you two will go.

Three hundred silver marks in aid I give them,

spend them at weddings or whatever you want.

When you have all arrived in Valencia the greatest

your daughters and the sons-in-law, who your children are already.

Do as you please, Mío Cid Campeador. "

Recíbelos Mío Cid, the king kissed his hands:

"Much that I thank you, as my king and lord,

You marry my daughters, I'm not the one who marries them. "

The word is pledged, the promises given are,

the next day tomorrow, as soon as the sun comes out,

each one will go back to where it came from.

Great things then did Mío Cid Campeador,

You saw there thick mules, courageous palaces,

so many good clothes that cost a lot,

all that gift Cid Ruy Díaz gave him

to those who ask, and nobody said no.

Sixty of his horses are given by the Campeador.

Very happy everyone leaves that great meeting,

They had to separate, and the night came.

The king took the two infants by the hand and took them,

and so he went to deliver them to Mío Cid Campeador.

"Here are your children, because your sons' sons are:

from today as you wish, Mío Cid, send them to you;

may they serve you as a father and keep you as lord. "

"Thank you very much, King, I want to accept your gift.

God that in the heavens is giving you a very good reward ".


The Cid does not want to deliver the daughters by himself

Minaya will be the king's representative

"Now a mercy I ask you, my natural king:

since you marry my daughters according to your will,

name who gives them, my hands will not give them

and the infants of that will not be able to praise ".

The king replied: "This good Álvar Fáñez will be.

Take them and the infants will be delivered

just as I do now, as if it were for real,

In all the vigils you have to sponsor them,

When we meet again, everything will be told. "

Álvar Fáñez said: "Lord, please me."


El Cid says goodbye to the king


All things were done as they had thought.

Said the Cid: "King Don Alfonso, my lord so honored,

in memory of these views, I wanted to accept something.

I bring thirty palafrenes, all well enjaezados,

thirty light horses, all very well saddled,

accept them and leave me, sir, to kiss your hands. "

"My Cid, you already have so much gift filled me.

These horses accept that you have given me,

and may the Creator and with Him all the saints

May that pleasure you give me be very well rewarded.

Cid Ruy Díaz de Vivar, you have honored me very much,

You serve me very well and I am happy with such a vassal.

If God gives me life, Cid, I will reward you with something.

I commend you to the Lord, I'm leaving this interview

and God wants to give a good end to what we have here. "


Many of the king go with the Cid to Valencia

The infants accompanied by Pedro Bermúdez

On his horse Babieca el Cid Ruy Díaz rode:

"Here I want to say it to my king and lord:

who wants to go to the wedding or receive some gift

You can come with me, you will not lose it, no. "

From his lord Don Alfonso el Cid he said goodbye,

he does not want me to accompany him, he left there.

You see there gentlemen, and very handsome they are,

kiss the hands of King Alfonso as a sign of goodbye.

"Grant us your grace and give us your forgiveness,

At Cid's command, we go to Valencia el Mayor.

We will see the weddings of the infants of Carrión

and of the daughters of El Cid lady Elvira and lady Sol. "

Much that pleases the king and everyone gave permission,

the retinue of El Cid grows, but the king's reign diminished,

Many people are the ones who go with Mío Cid Campeador.

For Valencia they walk the one that in buenhora won.

Don Diego and Don Fernando for company gave them

to the good Don Pedro Bermúdez, to the good Don Muño Gutioz;

The Cid does not have a better gentleman in his house.

They will thus know how are those of Carrión.

With them goes Ansur González, loud and talkative,

Very long tongue was and not so much of value.

Many honors make the children of Carrión.

You already have them in Valencia, the one that Mío Cid won.

And when they came closer their joy was greater.

To Don Pedro and Don Muño the Campeador says:

"Have a good hostel for the infants of Carrión

and you stay with them, so I send you.

When the morning comes and as soon as the sun shines

They will see their wives, lady Elvira and lady Sol. "


El Cid announces to Jimena the marriage

When night came, everyone went home,

My Cid Campeador in the quarterdeck entered,

Doña Jimena and her daughters there were waiting for her

"Are you, Cid Campeador, who in good tightens sword?

For many years you can see the eyes of our faces. "

"Thanks to our Lord here I am, honest woman,

with me I bring two sons-in-law that we have great honor:

thank me, daughters, because you are very well married. "


Doña Jimena and the daughters are satisfied

There he is kissed by his wife and his two daughters

and all the other ladies whom they served.

"Thank God and thank you, Cid, with the grown beard,

Things that you decide are things that are well decided.

Nothing will be missing, while you live, my daughters. "

"Father, when you marry us, we will be both very rich."


El Cid is suspicious of marriage

"My wife, Mrs. Jimena, whatever God wants.

I tell you, my daughters, Dona Elvira and Doña Sol,

that with this marriage we will win in honor,

but know that I have not fixed these weddings:

Don Alfonso has asked and prayed, my lord.

He did it so firmly, so wholeheartedly,

that what I was asking I did not know to say no.

So in your hands I put you, my daughters, at two o'clock.

But I really tell you: he marries you, not me. "


Preparations for weddings

Presentation of the infants Minaya handcuffs the infants

Blessings and Mass

Festivities for fifteen days

Weddings end, gifts to the guests

The minstrel says goodbye to his listeners

Then it began to decorate the whole palace,

the floors and walls with tapestries covered them,

fabrics of purple and silk and many precious cloths.

How much pleasure it would give you to eat in that palace!

The Knights of the Cid all went together.

Then go to find Don Diego and Don Fernando:

the infants ride, they walk to the palace

with very good clothes, richly attired.

How good and with what humility the castle came!

Mío Cid receives them, with all his vassals.

Al Cid and Dona Jimena the infantry saluted;

Then they went to sit in a magnificent seat.

All of Mío Cid, prudent and measured,

they had their eyes set on their well-wisher.

The Campeador Ruy Díaz then has risen:

"Since we have to do it, there's no reason to delay it:

Come here, good Minaya, whom I love and love so much,

here you have my two daughters, put them in your hands.

You know that with Don Alfonso in doing so we stayed,

in nothing I want to miss what is agreed:

give them to the infants of Carrión with your hands,

May the blessing be received and this be finished. "

Álvar Fáñez answered: "I will do it very willingly".

The two stand up, he took them by the hand,

and to those of Carrión, Minaya, so he goes talking to them:

"Before Álvar Fáñez, the two brothers are present;

by the hand of King Alfonso, who has sent it to me,

These ladies I give you -and they are the two daughters-,

Take them for women for honor and good for the four. "

Receive them infants of heart and willingly,

al Cid and lady Jimena are going to kiss their hands.

When they had done this they left the palace,

all to Santa Maria in a hurry they went.

Bishop Don Jerónimo had a hurry

and at the door of the church I was already waiting for you,

blessings he cast them, the mass has sung to them.

When they leave the church they ride at a very good pace,

to the sandy area of ​​Valencia all the Cid marched.

God, it's good that Ruy Diaz and his vassals play weapons!

The one who was born three times has changed the horse.

Satisfied is the Cid of what he was looking at.

Good riders there of Carrión showed themselves.

With the ladies they came back and already in Valencia they have entered,

Very rich weddings are made in the beautiful palace.

The next day the Cid ordered to plant seven boards

and, before eating, the tables of the seven knocked down.

Fifteen days well fulfilled those weddings lasted

and at the end of them the hidalgos begin to leave.

Ruy Díaz the one from Vivar, Mío Cid the well-wisher,

between mules, palafrenes and horse racers

at least a hundred beasts have given away

and also many dresses and rich skins and mantles,

and gold and silver money that can not be counted.

The vassals also agree with Mío Cid

and all the guests made good gifts.

When someone wants to get along well that they fill their hands;

rich return to Castile those who came to weddings.

All those guests from Valencia are already marching,

Say goodbye to Ruy Díaz, Mío Cid the well-wisher,

get rid of the ladies and all the hidalgos,

very satisfied they leave the Cid and his vassals.

Grateful people talked about how well they were treated.

Don Diego and Don Fernando are also very happy,

the infants of Carrión, sons of Count Gonzalo.

The invited guests have already returned to Castilla

Mío Cid and his two sons-in-law in Valencia have stayed.

There the infants dwell very close to two years old,

in Valencia, everybody gave them entertainment.

The Cid was very happy, his vassals very happy.

I hope you want the Virgin Mary and the Holy Father

that these weddings go well to the one who thus has married them.

The songs of this singing here are running out.

May God the creator be worth you and with him all his saints.


The affront of Corpes

Shot 112

Let the lion of the Cid let go

Fear of Carrión's infants

El Cid tames the lion

Embarrassment of infants

He was the Cid with his in Valencia the greatest

and with him both his sons-in-law, the infants of Carrión.

The Campeador slept on a bench,

now you will see what a bad surprise happened to them.

From his cage he has escaped, and the lion was loose,

When the court heard it, a great horror spread.

The people of the Campeador are wearing their mantles

and they surround the seat protecting their lord.

But Fernando González, Carrión's infant,

he does not find where to get in, everything closed he found it,

he went under the seat, so great was his terror.

The other, Diego González, escaped through the door

screaming with big: "I will not see Carrión again.

"Behind a thick beam he entered with great fear

and, from there, all dirty robe and mantle removed them.

Being in this awakens the one that in good time was born

and his seat is surrounded by both men.

"What is this, say, mesnadas? What are you doing around here?"

"A great fright has given us, honored sir, the lion."

Mío Cid joins in and quickly gets up,

and without removing his cloak he goes towards the lion:

the beast when he sees him a lot was frightened,

he lowers his head before the Cid, his face falls to the ground.

The Campeador then by the neck took him,

Like someone who has a horse in the cage, he put it in.

They all marveled at that lion's case

and the group of knights to the court turned.

Mine Cid asked his sons-in-law and he did not find them,

although he is calling them, he does not answer a single voice.

When they finally found them, the face brought no color

so much joke and so much laughter never in court was seen,

Mío Cid Campeador had to impose silence.

The children of Carrión were ashamed,

great sorrow they had of what happened to them.


King Búcar of Morocco attacks Valencia

So were the infants hurt with great regret,

when forces of Morocco Valencia want to encircle.

There in the field of Fourth the Moors go camping,

fifty thousand large stores planted there.

Send them to King Búcar, whom you may have heard about.


Infants fear battle

The Cid rebukes them.

Al Cid and all his people were very happy,

they will have more profits and they thank God.

But the children of Carrión felt it,

and seeing so much store dwells very little pleasure gave them.

Then the two brothers moved to a corner:

"We calculate the profits, but the dangers do not.

Now here in this battle we will have to enter both,

I think we will never go back to Carrión

and that the daughters of Mío Cid Campeador will widow. "

Although they spoke in secret, he hears them Muno Gustioz

and went to tell his master Rodrigo at once.

"There you have your sons-in-law, as brave as they are

When they go into battle they miss Carrión.

You should comfort them, for the Creator's sake,

Do not enter the battle and be at peace both.

With you it is enough for us and the Lord will be worth us. "

Mío Cid the one of Vivar very smiling left:

"God keep you, my sons-in-law, the children of Carrión,

my daughters in your arms are, whiter than the sun.

I sigh for battles and you for Carrión.

Stay here in Valencia, enjoy your taste,

that of fighting with the Moors I already understand enough

and to defeat them I dare with the Creator's mercy. "


Message from Búcar

Spur of Christians

Cowardice of the Infante Fernando

(Laguna the manuscript: fifty verses that are supplemented with the text of the "Chronicle of

twenty kings. ")

Generosity of Pedro Bermúdez

When they were talking about this, King Búcar al Cid sent Valencia to him and he

march in peace; that, if not, he would pay for everything he had done. El Cid said to him that

will bring the message: "Go tell Búcar, that son of enemies, that before three days

I will give him what he asks for. "

The next day the Cid ordered that all of his men be armed and went out against the Moors.

The infants of Carrión then asked him to attack first, and when the Cid

had formed his ranks, Don Fernando, one of the infantry, came forward to go to attack

A Moor named Aladraf. The Moor, when he saw him, also started against him, and the

infant, with the great fear inflicted on him by the Moor, returned reins and fled, and not even

He dared to wait for him.

Pedro Bermúdez, who was next to him, when he saw that, went to attack the Moor, fought with

him and he killed him. Then he took the Moor's horse and went after the fleeing infant, and

He said: "Don Fernando, take this horse and tell everyone that you killed the Moor, his

owner, and I will witness it. "

The infant said to him: "Don Pedro, I thank you very much for what you say."

"Hopefully one day this can be paid."

There the infant and Don Pedro both went together.

Don Pedro says that what Don Fernando tells is true.

Much he has liked the Cid and also his vassals.

"I still believe, if he wants the one on top,

that fighting in the open field my two sons-in-law will be brave. "

This was how the Cid spoke, and while the forces were gathering

and in the hosts of the Moors the drums sound;

What a wonder many Christians have

They should never see drums because they are newcomers.

More than all, Don Diego and Don Fernando were amazed;

If they catered to their taste, they would have left.

Hear now what My Cid spoke well:

"Come here, Pedro Bermúdez, you, my so expensive nephew,

Take care of me from Don Diego, take care of Don Fernando,

that both are my sons-in-law and something that I love very much.

The Moors, if God helps, will not be left in the field. "


Pedro Bermúdez ignores infants

Minaya and Don Jerónimo ask for the first place in the battle

"I tell you, Mío Cid, and I hope that charity,

that this day the infants by ayo will not have me,

Accompany them whoever they want, that they give me little.

I in vanguard with mine the Moors will go to attack

and you with yours, Cid, here at the rear guard,

and if there is any danger, you will come to help me. "

The good Minaya Álvar Fáñez then went to approach:

"Listen to what I tell you, Cid Loyal Champion,

this battle of now the Lord is the one who will do it,

you enjoy his favor, and with you he must fight.

Tell everyone where to attack

and all your obligation which you will command.

With God and with your luck let's see what is going to happen. "

Mío Cid said: "No hurry, let's have peace of mind."

Don Jeronimo arrives, very armed,

in front of Mío Cid the bishop went to stop:

"Today I have told you the Mass of the Holy Trinity;

if I have left my land and here I came to look for you

it's because I wanted some of the Moors to kill,

honor I want my weapons and my priestly order

and to be in this battle who will first attack.

I bring a banner and weapons that will be seen from a distance,

if it pleases the Creator today I would like to try them,

because that way my quiet heart will stay,

and you, Mío Cid, that's why you would still estimate me more.

If that favor does not make me here I want to leave "

My Cid said then: "As you wish, it will be done,

there are the Moors, go your weapons to try,

from here we will see how the abbot fights. "


The bishop breaks the battle

El Cid rushes

Invade the camp of the Moors

Bishop Jerónimo made a good start

and went to attack the Moors where they camp.

For the luck he had and for what God loved him

of his two first blows two enemies killed.

The spear is already broken and he reached for the sword.

How the bishop strives, my God, how well he fought!

Two killed with the spear and now five with the sword.

But there are many Moors and all around him,

very large blows were given, but the armor endures.

Mine Cid the well-pleased eyes on him nailed,

finally embrace the shield, lower the shaft of the spear

and spur your Babieca, the horse that walks well:

He is already going to attack the Moors with his heart and soul.

Between the first rows the Campeador entered,

to seven it throws by earth, and to other four it killed them.

Thus begins the victory that day was achieved.

Mine Cid with his vassals behind the Moors walks.

Vierais break so many ropes and break so many stakes

and with their carved tent poles that collapsed.

Those from El Cid to those from Búcar out of their stores launch.


Christians persecute the enemy

El Cid reaches and kills Búcar

Win the Blight sword

From their stores they are thrown and chasing them they go:

You saw there so many arms with their lorigas to cut,

so many helmeted heads on that field roll

and horses without a master run from here to there.

That seven-mile chase was to last.

Mine Cid to that King Búcar reaches you:

"Go back, Búcar, he said, you came from beyond the sea

and the Cid of the big beard face to face you have to look,

we both have to kiss each other, we will agree friendship. "

Búcar replied: "May God confuse such a friend!

Sword you have in hand and I see you spur,

I think you want your sword in me to rehearse.

But if my horse does not fall and there is no stumbling,

you will not join me as it is not at sea. "

The Cid responds: "This will not be true."

Good horse has Búcar, great jumps makes him give,

but Babieca el del Cid reaches you.

Mío Cid reaches Búcar three fathoms from the sea,

He raises his sword Colada, a strong blow hits him,

the carbuncles of his helmet all went to boot,

then the helmet and the head split it in half,

until the same waist the sword was to penetrate.

El Cid has killed Búcar that king from beyond the sea,

won the Tizona sword, a thousand gold marks will be worth.

Wonderful and great battle knew how to win.

Here Mío Cid was honored and how many are with him.


The del Cid come back from the reach

El Cid, satisfied of his sons-in-law; they, ashamed

Winnings of victory

With the profits that they have made to Valencia they were returning;

each one picks up what he finds in the field.

At last the stores arrive with their well-wisher.

Mío Cid Rodrigo Díaz, famous Champion:

He comes with his two swords, the two he esteems so much,

by the battlefield when running his horse;

the face brings discovered, hood and helmet removed,

the cap half put on the hair resting.

Already everywhere his vassals are arriving.

The Campeador then sees something that he liked,

look up and stay forward looking:

over there he has seen Don Diego and Don Fernando come

the infants of Carrión, sons of Count Gonzalo.

Rejoice Mine Cid, smiling has spoken to you:

"Are you my sons-in-law? For children I have both of you,

I already know that you are very happy with how well you have fought,

I will send messengers to tell Carrión,

They will also say that King Búcar won the battle.

I trust in God our Lord and I trust in all his saints

that from this victory we will all be very well paid. "

Álvar Fáñez de Minaya has arrived at this moment,

shield to the neck, with a lot of marked sword sign;

from the blows of the spears Minaya ignored

and those who gave them to none were right.

A lot of blood dripping down his elbow,

Above twenty Moors Minaya had killed:

"Thanks to Our Lord, the Father who is on high,

and thank you, Mío Cid de Vivar el bienhadado.

You killed your king Búcar, we won the battle,

for you are these goods and for your vassals.

Also your sons-in-law, Cid, today here they have indicated,

They are tired of dealing with the Moors in the countryside. "

Said the Cid: "I am happy that they have behaved like this,

if today they are good, tomorrow they will still be brave. "

The Cid really said it and they take it to scorn.

All those gains to Valencia have already arrived,

My Cid is happy as all his vassals,

each one had a ration of six hundred marks.

The sons-in-law of Mío Cid that money took

that they have to do with the booty and put it in

They believe that in all their days nothing will be missing.

Everyone there in Valencia was very well herded,

He ate at his pleasure and wore good mantles.

Great joy that Mío Cid and his vassals have.


El Cid, satisfied with his victory and his sons-in-law


Great day was that in the court of the Campeador,

the battle was won and he killed King Bucar.

My poor hand Cid, the beard caressed:

"Thanks to Christ who is of the whole world Lord,

Today I finally saw what I wanted so much,

and it is that my sons-in-law fought with me in the field both.

I have to send messengers to tell in Carrión

that they are of great benefit to us and fight with courage.

Run 121

Lot of booty

The profits of the Cid and his vassals are very great,

more than they had what they have now.

Mando Mío Cid Ruy Díaz de Vivar el bienhadado

that of that booty so big that in the battle they won

each one is given what is fair in the cast

and that the fifth that he touches was not forgotten either.

All did so and very sane showed.

Of its fifth part the Cid has six hundred horses

and animals of other kinds and many camels, so many

that of the many that there was not possible to count them.


El Cid, at the height of his glory, meditates to dominate Morocco

The infants, rich and honest in the court of El Cid

Such gains has made Mío Cid Campeador:

"Thank God for the heavens and this world Lord,

now I have plenty of wealth, before everything was missing,

I have property, gold and land, estates of value,

and I married my daughters with Carrión's infants,

won all the battles by grace of the Creator

and Moors as Christians of me have great fear.

Through Morocco, where the mosques are, the voice goes

that one night to assault them will come the Champion.

They fear it like that, but I do not think so:

I do not have to go to look for them, in Valencia I'm better,

that they will pay me tribute if God would,

and they will pay me or whoever I designate.

Very great joys had in Valencia the greatest

all those mesnadas of Mío Cid Campeador

for the victory in which they had fought from the heart;

also the son-in-law of El Cid happy are both,

It was worth five thousand marks the part that touched them:

Carrion's infants were very rich.

Everyone goes to the court of Mío Cid Campeador,

there was Don Jerónimo, that bishop of pro,

Álvar Fáñez de Minaya, fighting knight,

and many others that the Campeador raised in his house.

When the children of Carrión entered the court

Minaya went to meet them in the name of his master:

"Come here, my relatives, honor we won for you."

To see them arrive, Mío Cid Campeador is happy:

"My son-in-law, here is my wife, lady of pro,

Here are both my daughters, Doña Elvira and Doña Sol:

that they embrace you, infants, and serve you from the heart.

Thanks to Saint Mary, mother of Our Lord,

of these marriages you will win in honor.

Good messages will go to the lands of Carrión. "


Vanity of infants

Teasing that they are object

Then the infant Don Fernando begins to speak:

"Thanks to God the Creator, and to you, Mío Cid honored,

so many possessions that we can not count,

for you we won in honor and for you we have fought,

to the Moors that we defeated there in the countryside and killed

to that king who sent them, Búcar, a proven traitor.

Think, Cid, in your things, ours is in good hands. "

The vassals of Mío Cid smile when they hear them:

that in pursuing some, others in fighting, they pointed

and nowhere did they see Don Diego and Don Fernando.

For all those jokes that they spent at court,

and because always with laughter they are chastening,

Carrión's infants have bad thoughts.

They went to talk separately, well you can see they are brothers.

But what they plot we do not want to listen to.

"Let's go to Carrión, we've been here a long time,

the goods are so grown that we have not won here

that even if we lived a lot we could not spend them. "


Infants decide to confront the daughters of El Cid

Cid asked his women to take them to Carrión

EI Cid access

Ajuar that gives his daughters

The infants are willing to leave

The daughters say goodbye to the father

"Let's ask our women to this Cid Campeador.

We will say that we take them to Carrión estates

so that they can see there the lands that are ours.

Let's take them out of the shelter of Mío Cid Campeador,

and along the way we will do what we like to both

before they ask us for accounts of the lion.

Of great lineage we come, we are Counts of Carrión.

Many goods we take that are worth much,

we will make fun of the daughters of the Campeador.

With these goods we will be rich men both:

we can marry the daughter of a king or an emperor.

Of great lineage we come, we are Counts of Carrión;

we will make derision to the daughters of the

before they ask us to account for that of the lion. "

After positions according to the court go both,

they silenced everyone, Fernán González spoke:

"Our Lord bless you, My Cid Campeador,

We ask your wife, we ask you first

and to Minaya and the others who are here around

that our women give us, wives for blessing,

to take them to those lands of Carrión:

of what we gave them in arrears take possession

and so your daughters will see the lands that are ours,

and that they must be of the children that are born to us both. "

He did not fear any evil My Cid Campeador:

"Take them and of something of mine I will give them a donation;

you gave by arras some villas of Carrión,

I want to give you now three thousand marks of value,

and mules and palafrenes that of good size are

and fast riding horses for both

and costumes and garments of gold and silk in profusion.

I will give you my two swords, Colada and Tizona; do not

forget that I won them in the field, to the male

If I give you my daughters as sons, I have you.

For there you take away the fabrics of my heart.

Let them know there in Castilla and in Galicia and in León

With what great wealth today I say goodbye to both of you.

Serve my two daughters well, that your women are,

that if you serve them well I will give you a good reward. "

To all they say that yes the infants of Carrión.

His daughters have been given to them by Mío Cid Campeador,

and they begin to receive what the Cid gave them.

When they were tired of receiving so much gift

The Carrion infantry are charged with loading.

Much rebullicio had by Valencia the greater,

each one takes his weapons, on his horse rode

for dismissing the daughters of the Cid, who go to Carrión.

I was going to start the march the farewell arrived.

Then the two sisters, Dona Elvira and Doña Sol

they will kneel before the Cid Campeador:

"Merced we ask you, father, be the Creator,

you have fathered us, our mother gave birth to us,

Mr. and Mrs. Ours, you are both in front.

Now, father, you send us to the lands of Carrión

and strength is to fulfill what you command.

So we ask you mercy, our good father and lord,

that you send news of yours to the lands of Carrión. "

He hugs them and in the mouth the Cid kisses them both.


Jimena says goodbye to her daughters

El Cid rides to dismiss travelers

Bad omens

Those hugs and kisses the double mother gave them:

"Go with God, said, my daughters and that the Creator wanders you,

the love of your father and mine accompany you.

Go to Carrión, who have estates and houses there;

it seems to me, my daughters, that I have you well married. "

His father and mother both hands kissed,

they give the Cid and his wife his blessing and his grace.

Already Don Rodrigo and his riders began,

They wear very rich clothes, many horses and weapons.

The infants of Carrión leave Valencia the clear one,

Goodbye, they said to their companions and to the ladies.

The guns are running out the door of Valencia,

My Cid and those who accompany him are happy.

But he has seen Mio Cid clearly in the omens

that those two marriages have to be crossed out.

But he can not repent, that they were already married.


El Cid sends his daughters to Félez Muñoz

Last goodbye. El Cid returns to Valencia

Travelers arrive at Molina

Abengalbón accompanies them to Medina

Infants think of killing Abengalbón

"Where are you, my nephew, where are you, Félez Muñoz?

Cousin of my daughters are you, love them from the heart;

I command you to go with them to Carrión himself,

that you see the inheritance that for my daughters are

and that with that news you return to the Campeador. "

Félez Muñoz answers: "With soul and with heart."

The good Minaya Álvar Fáñez before Mío Cid stopped:

"Mío Cid, let's go back to Valencia el mayor,

If so allowed Our Father and Creator

One day we will go to see them in those lands of Carrión. "

"To God we entrust you, Dona Elvira and Dona Sol;

behave as you know that I like both of them. "

There the sons-in-law added: "I hope God loves it."

Great feelings were in that separation:

the father with the two daughters cried from the heart,

The vassals of Mío Cid Campeador do the same.

"Listen to my nephew, listen to Félez Muñoz,

that you rest in Molina one night I want me

for greeting my friend the good Moor Abengalbón;

to receive my two sons-in-law as he knows better;

tell him that I send my daughters there to the lands of Carrión;

in what they need, that they serve their taste,

and then to Medina to accompany them both.

For all that he does, I will give him a good reward. "

Like the claw of the meat the Cid there was ripped.

It is back to Valencia that in good time it was born

and the infants of Carrión continue on their way.

Upon arriving in Albarracín, everyone rested,

the other day of hurry ride the Carrión,

They already arrived at Molina, which belongs to the Abengalbón Moor.

The Moor when he found out he rejoices heartily

and with much joy to receive them he left.

How well it serves them in everything that was offered:

The next day with them the good Moor rode

and two hundred knights who sent them to accompany them.

They have already crossed the sierra, what they call Luzón,

the valley of the Arbujuelo pass, and next to Jalón

in what Ansarera calls the rest was taken.

To the two daughters of the Cid gifts the Moor gave

and two beautiful horses offered to those of Carrión.

He does everything for the love of Mío Cid Campeador.

When they see as much wealth as the good Moor brought out

there between the two brothers plotted a betrayal.

"When we leave the daughters of the Campeador

if we could kill this Abengalbón moro

those riches that he has would be for both of them.

So sure we will have it as that of Carrión

and Cid Campeador will not be able to demand anything from us. "

While the infants were concocting their betrayal

a Moor that the Spanish knew them understood

and without keeping the secret he tells Abengalbón.

"Do not trust those men, I tell you, sir,

that your death is plotting Carrión's infants. "


Abengalbón says goodbye threatening the infants

That good Abengalbón, brave and loyal Moor,

with two hundred knights playing the weapons goes;

in front of the infants finally comes to a halt,

what the Moor says to them very much does not give them:

"If it was not out of respect for Mío Cid de Vivar,

I would do something with you that would make you speak:

would return his daughters to the loyal Champion

and you would never turn to Carrión. "


The Moor turns to Molina, sensing the misfortune of the daughters of El Cid

Travelers enter the kingdom of Castile

They sleep in the oak of Corpes

In the morning the infants are left alone with their women and they prepare to mistreat them.

Dona Sol's useless prayers

Cruelty of infants

"Tell me: what have I done to you, infants of Carrión?

I serve you without malice, you plot my perdition.

I separate from you, bad people and betrayal.

With your permission march, Doña Elvira and Doña Sol,

I do not care about the fame of Carrión's infants.

May God, and so commanded, He who is Lord of all things,

that of these weddings the Campeador is happy. "

This the Moor told them and it turned back.

They were playing the weapons when they pass the Jalón,

As a man of good sense, Molina turned around.

The infantry of Carrión are already leaving Ansarera,

day and night they walk, they do not rest, no,

leave Atienza on the left, a very strong rock,

and the great mountain of Miedes behind them stayed

and for those mountains Claros ride more and better.

On one side they leave Griza, the one that Álamos populated,

and the caves where Elfas this Alamos enclosed.

San Esteban de Gormaz there at the right hand saw himself.

Those of Carrión entered,

the branches touch the clouds, very high the mountains are

and many ferocious beasts prowled around.

With a fountain they are and a pocket of greenery.

The infants of Carrión ordered to plant the stores

and that night in that place everyone rested.

With their women in their arms, they were given love.

But how bad they are when the sun rises!

They send charge the animals with their rich charge,

they order to fold that store that last night lodged them.

Keep going forward, then the two of them will go:

this is what the children of Carrión sent.

Do not leave anyone behind, be it woman or man,

except the wives of them, Doña Elvira and Doña Sol,

because they want to enjoy themselves with their taste.

Only the four remain, everyone left.

So many evils the children of Carrión meditated.

"Listen to us well, wives, Dona Elvira and Dona Sol:

you are going to be mocked in these mountains both,

we will leave leaving you here, and not

You will have a part in our lands in the county of Carrión.

Then with these news they will go to the Cider

and we will be avenged by that of the lion. "

There the mantles and skins took away both of them,

only shirt and brial on the body were left.

Spurs carry the traitors of Carrión,

they take in their hands straps that are strong and hard.

When the ladies saw this, Dona Sol spoke:

"You, Don Diego and Don Fernando, we beg of you for God,

Each swords have a good cutting edge,

of name the two swords, Colada and Tizona, are.

Cut off our heads, let us be martyrs both,

Moors and Christians will always talk about this action,

that what you do with us we do not deserve, no.

Do not do this evil deed, through Christ our Lord,

if you outrage us shame will fall on you,

and in judgment or in court they must ask you for the reason. "

The ladies prayed a lot, but it was of no use to them;

The children of Carrión began to beat them,

with the sliding straps they beat them without compassion,

Shoot them with spurs where they feel more pain,

and they tear the shirts and the flesh at two o'clock,

On the clean silk fabrics the blood poked out.

The daughters of the Cid feel it in the depths of their hearts.

Oh, what a great venture if the Creator wanted

Let my Cid Campeador peek out there!

Fainted they stay, so strong the blows are,

The brials and shirts covered a lot of blood.

They got fed up with hitting Carrión's infants,

Striving to see who beat them better.

Dona Elvira and Dona Sol could no longer speak.


Infants abandon their women

(Twin series)

The infants wore the mantles and fine skins

and faint they leave them, in shirts and shirts,

between the birds of the mountain and so many malignant beasts.

For dead they were left, for dead, not for living.

What luck if now the Champion Ruy Díaz appeared!

Roll 130

Infants praise their cowardice

"Carrión's infants for dead left them

Neither the one nor the other could afford protection

Those of Carrión for those mountains are praising:

"Already of those marriages we are very well avenged,

We did not owe for mancebas even, to have taken them,

because for our wives they are of very low lineage.

The dishonor of the lion is already avenging. "


Félez Muñoz suspects infants

Go back in search of the daughters of El Cid

He reanimates them and takes them on his horse to San Esteban de Gormaz

The news of his dishonor arrives at the Cid

Minaya goes to San Esteban to pick up the owners

Minaya interview with her cousins

So praising were the infants of Carrión.

But now I want to tell you about the good Félez Muñoz,

that nephew of Ruy Díaz the Campeador.

He also with others forward continued,

but he went reluctantly, hunch entered him,

of the others separates, there on one side he stayed

and Félez Muñoz hides in the thicket of the mountain:

he will wait there for his cousins, daughters of the Campeador,

or you will see what Carrión has done with them.

He has already seen them coming and what they spoke heard,

they do not suspect the infants that are around,

that if they had seen him, he would not escape alive, no.

The horses spur and the two are already moving away.

The trail they left is followed by Félez Muñoz

and finally his two faint cousins ​​found.

Calling them: "Primas, cousins", the horse got off,

he tied it by the rein to a tree, towards them he went.

"My prizes, my cousins, Mrs. Elvira and Doña Sol,

very bad feat done by the infants of Carrión.

Their punishment must be carried by the will of God. "

The corners and in their agreement are already returning the two:

so transposed that they still had no voice.

They split the fabrics from inside the heart

when he said: "Premiums, cousins, Doña Elvira and Doña Sol,

wake up, it's still day, cousins, for God's sake,

soon it's going to be dark and I'm really scared,

do not eat us these beasts that are around. "

Dona Elvira and Dona Sol were back in their agreement.

Open your eyes and see the good Félez Muñoz:

"My cousins, have courage, for the Creator's sake.

As soon as I miss Carrión's infants

at once in search of me they will go in pursuit

and here we will all die if God does not help us. "

Then with a lot of grief Dona Sol begins to speak:

"Everything will be paid by Mío Cid Campeador,

give us a little water now, for the sake of the Creator. "

Then with the hat worn by Félez Muñoz

-New and recently released from Valencia took him out of the fountain takes water and gave his cousins:

They were very hurt and drinking fed them up.

They rise from the ground and sit down, he so begged.

Animos was giving them, it soothes their hearts;

finally they both tried, in his arms he took them

and then Félez Muñoz climbs his horse;

with the cloak that he wore his two cousins ​​covered,

to the horse by the rein takes and from there it removed them.

For those oak groves that are so lonely

the three go; When they left, the sun had set.

To waters of the Duero they arrived, and then Félez Muñoz

in Torres de Doña Urraca her two cousins ​​left,

and he alone until San Esteban de Gormaz continued:

Diego Téllez, vassal of Álvar Fáñez was found,

when he hears what was going on from the heart,

look for valuable mounts and dresses there

and he turns to where Dona Elvira and Dona Sol were;

then to San Esteban de Gormaz brought the two

and as he best knew with great honor, he served them.

The people of San Esteban de Gormaz are honored,

When they knew what was happening, they were heart-felt,

tribute offered to the daughters of the Campeador.

They stayed there until they were better.

Meanwhile, the children of Carrión were praising each other.

Through all those lands the news came,

to the good of King Alfonso condole of heart.

At last messengers arrive in Valencia the eldest;

when they give the news to Mío Cid Campeador

for a very long time thoughtful he stayed

and then raising his hand, his beard caressed.

"Praise be always Christ, of the world Lord!

Good honor that Carrión's infants have given me!

I swear by this beard that nobody ever messed:

the infants of Carrión will not get away with it,

I have to marry my two daughters very well.

El Cid and his whole court had a lot of pain

Álvar Fáñez felt it with his soul and heart.

With the good Pedro Bermúdez and Minaya he rode,

and with Martin Antolínez, that Burgalés of pro.

Two hundred knights with them the Cid commanded.

That they went day and night their lord ordered them

and that they bring their daughters to Valencia el mayor.

They hurry to fulfill what their lord commands,

day and night they ride, they do not take rest, no.

At last they arrive at Gormaz, a castle of great value,

and there, for only one night, rest was taken.

Then to San Esteban the news arrived

that Minaya is coming to look for them at two o'clock.

The people of San Esteban, as very good they are

Minaya and her family very well who received them;

of wine, wheat and food tribute offered them.

Minaya,. Although he does not accept it, he was grateful.

"Thank you very much I want to give you, men of discretion

for your help and respect in what happened to us,

Thank you very much from there the Campeador

and also from here I thank you very much.

For the God who is in heaven, you will have a good reward! "

What Minaya told them gives them great satisfaction

and to the rest of the night the whole world left.

He went to his two cousins ​​to see Minaya, the noble man,

Dona Elvira and Dona Sol stared at him.

"With so much joy we see you as the Creator himself.

Thank Him if we are both alive.

When we have rested in Valencia the greatest

We'll tell you about the pain that happened to us. "


Minaya and her cousins ​​depart from San Esteban

El Cid goes out to receive them

Álvar Fáñez and the ladies crying the three are.

Then Pedro Bermúdez starts talking to them:

"Lady Elvira and and he turns to where Dona Elvira and Dona Sol were;

then to San Esteban de Gormaz brought the two

and as he best knew with great honor, he served them.

The people of San Esteban de Gormaz are honored,

When they knew what was happening, they were heart-felt,

tribute offered to the daughters of the Campeador.

They stayed there until they were better.

Meanwhile, the children of Carrión were praising each other.

Through all those lands the news came,

to the good of King Alfonso condole of heart.

At last messengers arrive in Valencia the eldest;

when they give the news to Mío Cid Campeador

for a very long time thoughtful he stayed

and then raising his hand, his beard caressed.

"Praise be always Christ, of the world Lord!

Good honor that Carrión's infants have given me!

I swear by this beard that nobody ever messed:

the infants of Carrión will not get away with it,

I have to marry my two daughters very well.

El Cid and his whole court had a lot of pain

Álvar Fáñez felt it with his soul and heart.

With the good Pedro Bermúdez and Minaya he rode,

and with Martin Antolínez, that Burgalés of pro.

Two hundred knights with them the Cid commanded.

That they went day and night their lord ordered them

and that they bring their daughters to Valencia el mayor.

They hurry to fulfill what their lord commands,

day and night they ride, they do not take rest, no.

At last they arrive at Gormaz, a castle of great value,

and there, for only one night, rest was taken.

Then to San Esteban the news arrived

that Minaya is coming to look for them at two o'clock.

The people of San Esteban, as very good they are

Minaya and her family very well who received them;

of wine, wheat and food tribute offered them.

Minaya,. Although he does not accept it, he was grateful.

"Thank you very much I want to give you, men of discretion

for your help and respect in what happened to us,

Thank you very much from there the Campeador

and also from here I thank you very much.

For the God who is in heaven, you will have a good reward! "

What Minaya told them gives them great satisfaction

and to the rest of the night the whole world left.

He went to his two cousins ​​to see Minaya, the noble man,

and he turns to where Dona Elvira and Dona Sol were;

then to San Esteban de Gormaz brought the two

and as he best knew with great honor, he served them.

The people of San Esteban de Gormaz are honored,

When they knew what was happening, they were heart-felt,

tribute offered to the daughters of the Campeador.

They stayed there until they were better.

Meanwhile, the children of Carrión were praising each other.

Through all those lands the news came,

to the good of King Alfonso condole of heart.

At last messengers arrive in Valencia the eldest;

when they give the news to Mío Cid Campeador

for a very long time thoughtful he stayed

and then raising his hand, his beard caressed.

"Praise be always Christ, of the world Lord!

Good honor that Carrión's infants have given me!

I swear by this beard that nobody ever messed:

the infants of Carrión will not get away with it,

I have to marry my two daughters very well.

El Cid and his whole court had a lot of pain

Álvar Fáñez felt it with his soul and heart.

With the good Pedro Bermúdez and Minaya he rode,

and with Martin Antolínez, that Burgalés of pro.

Two hundred knights with them the Cid commanded.

That they went day and night their lord ordered them

and that they bring their daughters to Valencia el mayor.

They hurry to fulfill what their lord commands,

day and night they ride, they do not take rest, no.

At last they arrive at Gormaz, a castle of great value,

and there, for only one night, rest was taken.

Then to San Esteban the news arrived

that Minaya is coming to look for them at two o'clock.

The people of San Esteban, as very good they are

Minaya and her family very well who received them;

of wine, wheat and food tribute offered them.

Minaya,. Although he does not accept it, he was grateful.

"Thank you very much I want to give you, men of discretion

for your help and respect in what happened to us,

Thank you very much from there the Campeador

and also from here I thank you very much.

For the God who is in heaven, you will have a good reward! "

What Minaya told them gives them great satisfaction

and to the rest of the night the whole world left.

He went to his two cousins ​​to see Minaya, the noble man,

Dona Elvira and Dona Sol stared at him.

"With so much joy we see you as the Creator himself.

Thank Him if we are both alive.

When we have rested in Valencia the greatest

We'll tell you about the pain that happened to us. "


Minaya and her cousins ​​depart from San Esteban

El Cid goes out to receive them

Álvar Fáñez and the ladies crying the three are.

Then Pedro Bermúdez starts talking to them:

"Doña Elvira and Doña Sol, do not be careful anymore,

healthy and alive are you and free from all evil,

If you lost a good wedding, you can win it better.

There will come a day that we can avenge you. "

That night they rested, glad to see each other;

another day tomorrow they start riding.

Those men of San Esteban de Gormaz

to fire them they went out and entertaining them they go

to Rio Amor; from there they went back.

Minaya with the two ladies his way will follow.

La Alcoceba cross, leave Gormaz on the right

and then where they say Vadorrey will happen;

in the town of Berlanga they stay to rest,

another morning they started walking again.

In Medina they stopped that night to rest

and another day until Molina in a day go.

The good Moor Abengalbón really rejoice

and to receive them came out of very good will.

For the love of Mío Cid a great dinner gives them.

And from here to Valencia, they go straight.

That in good time was born and the news is given,

In a hurry he rides a horse, to receive them he will go out,

I was playing the weapons of how joyful he is.

Mío Cid Campeador to his daughters went to hug,

he kisses them, he smiles, now you will hear what he will say:

"It is you, my daughters, that God keeps you from evil!

I accepted your wedding because I did not know how to deny.

But I expect from the Lord that there in the heavens is

that again married better your father will see you.

From my son-in-law of Carrión, God has to avenge me. "

To Mío Cid his two daughters hands are going to kiss.

Playing all the weapons they entered the city.

What a joy his mother had when she saw them arrive!

He does not want to waste time Mío Cid el de Vivar,

with his faithful knights talking in secret is,

to Alfonso king of Castilla messages he thinks to send.


El Cid sends Muño Gustioz to ask the king for justice

Muño speaks to the king in Sahagún, and he exposes his message

The king promises repair

"Here you are, Muño Gustioz, you my pro vassal?

Muño Gustioz that in good time in my house was raised? Elvira and Dona Sol stared at him.

"With so much joy we see you as the Creator himself.

Thank Him if we are both alive.

When we have rested in Valencia the greatest

We'll tell you about the pain that happened to us. "


Minaya and her cousins ​​depart from San Esteban

El Cid goes out to receive them

Álvar Fáñez and the ladies crying the three are.

Then Pedro Bermúdez starts talking to them:

"and he turns to where Dona Elvira and Dona Sol were;

then to San Esteban de Gormaz brought the two

and as he best knew with great honor, he served them.

The people of San Esteban de Gormaz are honored,

When they knew what was happening, they were heart-felt,

tribute offered to the daughters of the Campeador.

They stayed there until they were better.

Meanwhile, the children of Carrión were praising each other.

Through all those lands the news came,

to the good of King Alfonso condole of heart.

At last messengers arrive in Valencia the eldest;

when they give the news to Mío Cid Campeador

for a very long time thoughtful he stayed

and then raising his hand, his beard caressed.

"Praise be always Christ, of the world Lord!

Good honor that Carrión's infants have given me!

I swear by this beard that nobody ever messed:

the infants of Carrión will not get away with it,

I have to marry my two daughters very well.

El Cid and his whole court had a lot of pain

Álvar Fáñez felt it with his soul and heart.

With the good Pedro Bermúdez and Minaya he rode,

and with Martin Antolínez, that Burgalés of pro.

Two hundred knights with them the Cid commanded.

That they went day and night their lord ordered them

and that they bring their daughters to Valencia el mayor.

They hurry to fulfill what their lord commands,

day and night they ride, they do not take rest, no.

At last they arrive at Gormaz, a castle of great value,

and there, for only one night, rest was taken.

Then to San Esteban the news arrived

that Minaya is coming to look for them at two o'clock.

The people of San Esteban, as very good they are

Minaya and her family very well who received them;

of wine, wheat and food tribute offered them.

Minaya,. Although he does not accept it, he was grateful.

"Thank you very much I want to give you, men of discretion

for your help and respect in what happened to us,

Thank you very much from there the Campeador

and also from here I thank you very much.

For the God who is in heaven, you will have a good reward! "

What Minaya told them gives them great satisfaction

and to the rest of the night the whole world left.

He went to his two cousins ​​to see Minaya, the noble man,

Dona Elvira and Dona Sol stared at him.

"With so much joy we see you as the Creator himself.

Thank Him if we are both alive.

When we have rested in Valencia the greatest

We'll tell you about the pain that happened to us. "


Minaya and her cousins ​​depart from San Esteban

El Cid goes out to receive them

Álvar Fáñez and the ladies crying the three are.

Then Pedro Bermúdez starts talking to them:

"Dand he turns to where Dona Elvira and Dona Sol were;

then to San Esteban de Gormaz brought the two

and as he best knew with great honor, he served them.

The people of San Esteban de Gormaz are honored,

When they knew what was happening, they were heart-felt,

tribute offered to the daughters of the Campeador.

They stayed there until they were better.

Meanwhile, the children of Carrión were praising each other.

Through all those lands the news came,

to the good of King Alfonso condole of heart.

At last messengers arrive in Valencia the eldest;

when they give the news to Mío Cid Campeador

for a very long time thoughtful he stayed

and then raising his hand, his beard caressed.

"Praise be always Christ, of the world Lord!

Good honor that Carrión's infants have given me!

I swear by this beard that nobody ever messed:

the infants of Carrión will not get away with it,

I have to marry my two daughters very well.

El Cid and his whole court had a lot of pain

Álvar Fáñez felt it with his soul and heart.

With the good Pedro Bermúdez and Minaya he rode,

and with Martin Antolínez, that Burgalés of pro.

Two hundred knights with them the Cid commanded.

That they went day and night their lord ordered them

and that they bring their daughters to Valencia el mayor.

They hurry to fulfill what their lord commands,

day and night they ride, they do not take rest, no.

At last they arrive at Gormaz, a castle of great value,

and there, for only one night, rest was taken.

Then to San Esteban the news arrived

that Minaya is coming to look for them at two o'clock.

The people of San Esteban, as very good they are

Minaya and her family very well who received them;

of wine, wheat and food tribute offered them.

Minaya,. Although he does not accept it, he was grateful.

"Thank you very much I want to give you, men of discretion

for your help and respect in what happened to us,

Thank you very much from there the Campeador

and also from here I thank you very much.

For the God who is in heaven, you will have a good reward! "

What Minaya told them gives them great satisfaction

and to the rest of the night the whole world left.

He went to his two cousins ​​to see Minaya, the noble man,

Dona Elvira and Dona Sol stared at him.

"With so much joy we see you as the Creator himself.

Thank Him if we are both alive.

When we have rested in Valencia the greatest

We'll tell you about the pain that happened to us. "


Minaya and her cousins ​​depart from San Esteban

El Cid goes out to receive them

Álvar Fáñez and the ladies crying the three are.

Then Pedro Bermúdez starts talking to them:

"Doña Elvira and Doña Sol, do not be careful anymore,

healthy and alive are you and free from all evil,

If you lost a good wedding, you can win it better.

There will come a day that we can avenge you. "

That night they rested, glad to see each other;

another day tomorrow they start riding.

Those men of San Esteban de Gormaz

to fire them they went out and entertaining them they go

to Rio Amor; from there they went back.

Minaya with the two ladies his way will follow.

La Alcoceba cross, leave Gormaz on the right

and then where they say Vadorrey will happen;

in the town of Berlanga they stay to rest,

another morning they started walking again.

In Medina they stopped that night to rest

and another day until Molina in a day go.

The good Moor Abengalbón really rejoice

and to receive them came out of very good will.

For the love of Mío Cid a great dinner gives them.

And from here to Valencia, they go straight.

That in good time was born and the news is given,

In a hurry he rides a horse, to receive them he will go out,

I was playing the weapons of how joyful he is.

Mío Cid Campeador to his daughters went to hug,

he kisses them, he smiles, now you will hear what he will say:

"It is you, my daughters, that God keeps you from evil!

I accepted your wedding because I did not know how to deny.

But I expect from the Lord that there in the heavens is

that again married better your father will see you.

From my son-in-law of Carrión, God has to avenge me. "

To Mío Cid his two daughters hands are going to kiss.

Playing all the weapons they entered the city.

What a joy his mother had when she saw them arrive!

He does not want to waste time Mío Cid el de Vivar,

with his faithful knights talking in secret is,

to Alfonso king of Castilla messages he thinks to send.


El Cid sends Muño Gustioz to ask the king for justice

Muño speaks to the king in Sahagún, and he exposes his message

The king promises repair

"Here you are, Muño Gustioz, you my pro vassal?

Muño Gustioz that in good time in my house was raised?a Elvira and Doña Sol, do not be careful anymore,

healthy and alive are you and free from all evil,

If you lost a good wedding, you can win it better.

There will come a day that we can avenge you. "

That night they rested, glad to see each other;

another day tomorrow they start riding.

Those men of San Esteban de Gormaz

to fire them they went out and entertaining them they go

to Rio Amor; from there they went back.

Minaya with the two ladies his way will follow.

La Alcoceba cross, leave Gormaz on the right

and then where they say Vadorrey will happen;

in the town of Berlanga they stay to rest,

another morning they started walking again.

In Medina they stopped that night to rest

and another day until Molina in a day go.

The good Moor Abengalbón really rejoice

and to receive them came out of very good will.

For the love of Mío Cid a great dinner gives them.

And from here to Valencia, they go straight.

That in good time was born and the news is given,

In a hurry he rides a horse, to receive them he will go out,

I was playing the weapons of how joyful he is.

Mío Cid Campeador to his daughters went to hug,

he kisses them, he smiles, now you will hear what he will say:

"It is you, my daughters, that God keeps you from evil!

I accepted your wedding because I did not know how to deny.

But I expect from the Lord that there in the heavens is

that again married better your father will see you.

From my son-in-law of Carrión, God has to avenge me. "

To Mío Cid his two daughters hands are going to kiss.

Playing all the weapons they entered the city.

What a joy his mother had when she saw them arrive!

He does not want to waste time Mío Cid el de Vivar,

with his faithful knights talking in secret is,

to Alfonso king of Castilla messages he thinks to send.


El Cid sends Muño Gustioz to ask the king for justice

Muño speaks to the king in Sahagún, and he exposes his message

The king promises repair

"Here you are, Muño Gustioz, you my pro vassal?

Muño Gustioz that in good time in my house was raised? Elvira and Doña Sol, do not be careful anymore,

healthy and alive are you and free from all evil,

If you lost a good wedding, you can win it better.

There will come a day that we can avenge you. "

That night they rested, glad to see each other;

another day tomorrow they start riding.

Those men of San Esteban de Gormaz

to fire them they went out and entertaining them they go

to Rio Amor; from there they went back.

Minaya with the two ladies his way will follow.

La Alcoceba cross, leave Gormaz on the right

and then where they say Vadorrey will happen;

in the town of Berlanga they stay to rest,

another morning they started walking again.

In Medina they stopped that night to rest

and another day until Molina in a day go.

The good Moor Abengalbón really rejoice

and to receive them came out of very good will.

For the love of Mío Cid a great dinner gives them.

And from here to Valencia, they go straight.

That in good time was born and the news is given,

In a hurry he rides a horse, to receive them he will go out,

I was playing the weapons of how joyful he is.

Mío Cid Campeador to his daughters went to hug,

he kisses them, he smiles, now you will hear what he will say:

"It is you, my daughters, that God keeps you from evil!

I accepted your wedding because I did not know how to deny.

But I expect from the Lord that there in the heavens is

that again married better your father will see you.

From my son-in-law of Carrión, God has to avenge me. "

To Mío Cid his two daughters hands are going to kiss.

Playing all the weapons they entered the city.

What a joy his mother had when she saw them arrive!

He does not want to waste time Mío Cid el de Vivar,

with his faithful knights talking in secret is,

to Alfonso king of Castilla messages he thinks to send.


El Cid sends Muño Gustioz to ask the king for justice

Muño speaks to the king in Sahagún, and he exposes his message

The king promises repair

"Here you are, Muño Gustioz, you my pro vassal?

Muño Gustioz that in good time in my house was raised? Sol, do not be careful anymore,

healthy and alive are you and free from all evil,

If you lost a good wedding, you can win it better.

There will come a day that we can avenge you. "

That night they rested, glad to see each other;

another day tomorrow they start riding.

Those men of San Esteban de Gormaz

to fire them they went out and entertaining them they go

to Rio Amor; from there they went back.

Minaya with the two ladies his way will follow.

La Alcoceba cross, leave Gormaz on the right

and then where they say Vadorrey will happen;

in the town of Berlanga they stay to rest,

another morning they started walking again.

In Medina they stopped that night to rest

and another day until Molina in a day go.

The good Moor Abengalbón really rejoice

and to receive them came out of very good will.

For the love of Mío Cid a great dinner gives them.

And from here to Valencia, they go straight.

That in good time was born and the news is given,

In a hurry he rides a horse, to receive them he will go out,

I was playing the weapons of how joyful he is.

Mío Cid Campeador to his daughters went to hug,

he kisses them, he smiles, now you will hear what he will say:

"It is you, my daughters, that God keeps you from evil!

I accepted your wedding because I did not know how to deny.

But I expect from the Lord that there in the heavens is

that again married better your father will see you.

From my son-in-law of Carrión, God has to avenge me. "

To Mío Cid his two daughters hands are going to kiss.

Playing all the weapons they entered the city.

What a joy his mother had when she saw them arrive!

He does not want to waste time Mío Cid el de Vivar,

with his faithful knights talking in secret is,

to Alfonso king of Castilla messages he thinks to send.


El Cid sends Muño Gustioz to ask the king for justice

Muño speaks to the king in Sahagún, and he exposes his message

The king promises repair

"Here you are, Muño Gustioz, you my pro vassal?

Muño Gustioz that in good time in my house was raised?

To Alfonso, King of Castile, you will go with this mission:

in my name, kiss your heart,

that I am his vassal and he is my king and lord;

the dishonor that Carrión's infants have made me

that he feels it as his in his soul and heart,

He was the one who married my daughters, because I did not give them to him.

Now that you abandon them with that great dishonor,

the dishonor that we had of that action,

be little or much, it is all of my lord.

They carried the infants riches that mine are,

this affront is added to that other dishonor.

Let the king quote them together or to courts I wish;

pay me what the children of Carrión have done to me,

that I carry a very big grudge inside my heart ".

This said and then rode Muño Gustioz.

Two knights command the Champion with him

and to squires that in his house of Vivar el Cid raised.

A lot of them run, behind they leave Valencia the biggest,

neither day nor night do they give rest, no.

Muño Gustioz to his king in Sahagún found:

King is from all Castile, from the mountains of León,

of Asturias with the city of Oviedo San Salvador,

and in Galicia to Santiago everything is king and lord,

all the Galician tributary counts are yours.

That good Muño Gutioz, just took off

He went to humble himself before the saints and pray to the Creator.

To the palace where the court was

with his gentlemen who treat him like sir.

As soon as they entered, the king of Castile and Leon

Muño Gustioz has seen and immediately met him;

Get up Don Alfonso, very well he received you.

In front of King Alfonso the two knees went down

the messenger of the Cid and the king kissed his feet.

"Mercy, oh king, to whom so many kingdoms call him sir!"

The feet and hands kisses you Mío Cid Campeador,

he your vassal is and he has you for sir.

You married your daughters with Carrión's infants,

They married tall people, because you wanted them.

Now you know the honor that touched us

and how the infants of Carrión insulted us:

whipped the daughters of Mío Cid Campeador

and in the Corpes oak grove they left them at two o'clock

whipped and naked, in such great dishonor,

there between the wild beasts and the birds of God.

Now they are with their father, in Valencia the oldest.

For this the Cid begs you as a vassal to lord

that to meetings, courts or views you call to those of Carrión,

that if you are affronted he is your affront, it is even greater.

That you take part in that duel the Champion wishes

and that the infants give him due repair. "

For a while, the king remained silent and thoughtful:

"Truly I tell you that this condolence of heart

in what you have told me I see that you are right;

I was the one who married his daughters with Carrión's infants,

for his benefit I did it, that his good I wanted.

I wish that such weddings were never made, no!

As much as Mío Cid condolences of heart,

I will keep you in your right, for God's sake.

I had never believed that they would do such an action.

Run my town crier for my kingdoms I command,

that in the city of Toledo they call a meeting

of cuts, and all call, the count and the infanzón;

there I will send for the infants of Carrión

and what justice do to Mío Cid Campeador.

He does not have to be resentful if I can help myself. "


The king calls court in Toledo

"You, Muño Gustioz, tell Mío Cid bienhadado

that you can prepare to come with your vassals

to Toledo and that I give seven weeks.

For the love of Mío Cid, I make those cuts.

Say hello to all of them and wait confidently

that what happens to them now will still end in honoring them. "

Muño Gustioz says goodbye and Mío Cid has returned.

The king, as he had said, takes care of himself;

He did not want to waste time Don Alfonso el Castellano,

Send your orders to León and Santiago,

to Portugal and Galicia messengers has sent,

to the people of Carrión and to all the Castilians:

know what courts the honest king gathers in Toledo

that when they were seven weeks there they were reunited,

and anyone who does not come to court will not consider him a vassal.

So for all their kingdoms everything is preparing

so that what the king has commanded would go well.


The de Carrión pray in vain to the king to desist from the court

Gather the court

El Cid arrives the last

The king comes out to meet him

The infants of Carrión are very sad

by the courts that Don Alfonso summoned in Toledo;

They are afraid that Mine Cid Campeador will go.

With their relatives they spoke, and the king prayed both

let them have the duty to go to that meeting.

The king said: "I will not do it, by the grace of the Creator,

because those cuts will come Mío Cid Campeador,

reparation you owe, what grievance you have of you.

Who does not obey and does not go to the courts I command

let him get out of my realms and lose my favor. "

They see that Carrión's infants have to do it.

Then with their relatives they held a meeting

and that Count Garcia in that meeting was:

He is the enemy of the Cid, always hurt him,

This is the one that Carrión's infants advised.

Everyone was going to court, because the deadline was met:

Don Alfonso the Castellano of the first arrived,

the good Count Don Enrique, the good Count Don Ramon

-this father count was of that good emperor-,

then Count Don Froila and the good Count Don Birbon.

Of all those kingdoms was a wise man,

of the lands of Castile there is the best.

There is Count Garcia, to whom Crespo de Grañón

they all call, Álvar Díaz, the one who in Oca sent,

Azur González, Gonzalo Ansúrez de León,

and Pero Ansúrez, relatives of all of Carrión's.

Diego and Fernando in Toledo were also both

with a large group of people who accompanied them there;

mistreating Mío Cid was his bad intention.

From all parts of the kingdom many people gathered,

but he had not yet arrived who was born

and that delay to the king has him in a bad mood.

On the fifth day at last the Cid arrived;

Álvar Fáñez de Minaya coming forward sent

so that he kisses his hands in his name to his lord

and tell him that the Campeador will arrive that night.

When he hears it Don Alfonso rejoices heartily,

with a good blow of people the monarch rode

and has gone out to receive the one who was born in good time.

The trappings of the Cid and his rich are

and the retinue that he brought is worthy of such a lord.

As soon as you see the King of Castile and Leon

of his horse gets out My Cid Campeador,

before the king he wants to humble himself and honor him as lord.

Don Alfonso, who sees him, immediately cut him off:

"My Cid, for San Isidro, do not humiliate me,

ride a horse, Cid, I will be disgusted if I do not.

Today we have to kiss with soul and with heart,

that of what hurt you I also have pain.

Let the courts honor you, God willing! "

"Amen," said Mío Cid, that good Campeador;

and the king first in the hand, then in the mouth he kissed.

"Praise be to heaven, because I see you, sir!

Before you I humble myself, King, before Count Don Ramón,

before the count Don Enrique and knights of pro.

God keep our friends and more than any of you.

My wife, Mrs. Jimena, who is a condition lady

I beg you, as do my daughters, Dona Elvira and Doña Sol,

that you hurt us with that affront, sir. "

The king said: "I am very sorry, God knows that well."


El Cid does not enter Toledo

Hold vigil in San Servando

Don Alfonso to Toledo wanted to turn already;

but El Cid that night the Tajo did not want to pass.

"Mercy, I ask you, sir, to whom God is free from evil,

enter you, King Don Alfonso, in Toledo, the city,

in San Servando I want myself with mine to stay,

that many of my companies will arrive tonight.

I will watch the night praying in this place

and tomorrow to be daytime I will enter that city

and before eating the Cid before the court will be ".

Don Alfonso replies: "Pláceme de voluntad".

The King of Castile then in Toledo went to enter

and the Cid in that castle of San Servando is.

Command that they light candles and bring them to the altar,

wants to watch in that place of sanctity,

God be praying, with Him secretly speaking.

Álvar Fáñez de Minaya and the others who are there

When the morning came, they were ready.


Preparation of the Cid in San Servando to go to court

The Cid goes to Toledo and enters the court

The king offers him a seat on his seat

El Cid refuses

The king opens the session

Proclaims peace among litigants

El Cid exposes its demand

Claim Colada and Blight

The Carrión deliver the swords

El Cid gives them to Pedro Bermúdez and Martín Antolínez

Second demand of the Cid

The trousseau of his daughters.

Infants have difficulty paying

They say matins and cousin, from the day to the first albor,

and the mass is over before the sun rises;

all of the Cid made offerings of great value.

"You, Álvar Fáñez Minaya, you are my best arm,

and Bishop Jeronimo with me, you two will come.

Come also Don Pedro Bermúdez, Muño Gustioz,

the good Martin Antolínez, who is a burgalés of pro,

Álvar Salvadórez and the good Álvar Álvaroz,

Martín Muñoz, the vassal who was born at such a good point,

the vassal who was born at such a good

and also my good nephew they call Félez Muñoz.

I also take Mal Anda, who is a very wise man,

and to Don Galindo García, that good Aragon.

And complete up to one hundred with the best.

On fluffy tunics value armors

clothe, put on lorigas that shine like the sun;

and on top of them the skins and stoats, all whiteness;

not to see the weapons. tighten the cord tightly,

under the mantles swords of good sharp edge,

that in this way I want to go before the courts myself

to ask for their rights and explain my reason.

If some desman sought me the infants of Carrión,

where I have those hundred men I can be without fear. "

There they all responded: "Well we think, sir".

And they dressed as commanded by the Campeador.

It does not take long to get dressed the one that was born in good time:

in very good leggings his two legs put them,

put on shoes that have a lot of work.

Thread shirt is dressed, so white was like the sun,

of good gold and good silver all the loops are,

very well it fits the fist, because he ordered it.

Rich brocade brial on was placed,

from his labors of gold the glare shone brightly,

and then a reddish skin, golden its fringes are,

that Mío Cid Campeador always wore.

The hair with a thin linen cloth was covered,

Tissue was with gold, made with great care:

thus the Champion wants to defend his hair;

long he had a beard, he tied it with a cord,

so that no one would offend him he took that precaution.

Covered goes with a cloak that was very valuable,

to all who see it will cause admiration.

With those hundred gentlemen to prepare he sent

ride the Cid; from the castle of San Servando left.

This is how the good Campeador goes for the courts.

From the horse he has got out there at the outer door;

the Cid with all his people with great dignity entered,

he was in the middle of everyone and the hundred around.

Upon seeing the court enter the one that was good at birth,

King Alfonso, who was sitting, got up;

and that count don Enrique and that count don Ramón

and the others of the court do as their lord,

With great honor they received the one who was born in good time.

He did not want to raise that Earl of Grañón

nor those others that form Carrión's party.

Al Cid the King Don Alfonso of the hands took him

"Sit down here with me, Ruy Díaz Campeador,

here on this same seat that you made me a gift,

although some of you weigh, more than you are you. "

Thank you very well rendered that Valencia won:

"Sit down in your seat, that you are king and lord;

here on the side with mine I want to stay. "

What the Cid said to the king pleases him heartily.

On a bench turned to Mío Cid he sat down,

those hundred who keep you are put around.

Everyone in the court looks at the Campeador,

and those long beards caught in the cord;

You can see him in his good looks, which is a male compliment.

Those of Carrión could not look at it with shame.

Don Alfonso de Castilla then got up:

"Listen to me, mesnadas, and to all the Creator.

Since I am a king I have not done more than two

cuts, the ones in Burgos and the others in Carrión,

the third in Toledo I have come to do them

for the love of Mío Cid, who was born in good time,

so that the children of Carrión do justice to him;

As you all know already, they did great dishonor to him.

Let the judges be don Enrique and Don Ramón

and the counts that of the side of the infants are not.

You are all very well understood, pay attention to your attention

and do justice, for I do not command unrighteous things.

The sides of the two parties that are at peace both,

I swear by San Isidro that all troublemakers

I have to throw him out of the kingdom and he will lose my favor.

I will always be on the side of the one who is right.

Now that you make your demand My Cid Campeador

and we will see what the children of Carrión respond to. "

The Cid kisses the king's hand and then gets up:

"Much that I thank you, as my king and lord,

that for love towards me to courts you called.

Here is what I ask of Carrión's infants:

because my daughters left I do not feel dishonor,

the king will see what he does, that it is the king who married them;

but when they take them from Valencia the biggest,

How I wanted my sons-in-law with heart and soul

I gave them Colada and Tizona, my swords, those two

swords that I won as a man wins,

because with them they were honored and they served you.

My daughters were left in the oak grove; if not

they already wanted what was mine and if they lost my love,

let the swords turn to me, for my sons-in-law are not.

The judges then say: "He is very reasoned".

Count Don Garcia said: "Let's give him an answer."

The children of Carrión were secretly speaking

with his relatives and the side that accompanied them there.

They hurriedly try it, they decide one reason:

"The Campeador does not ask us for his daughters,

we have to take this as a great favor.

If there ends your demand we can give you both

swords; when he has them, he will leave the court and not

Cid Campeador will no longer have any rights. "

This said, all the side to the court became:

"Mercy, mercy, King Alfonso, you who are our lord,

we can not deny it, his two swords he gave us;

since the Campeador wants them so much and asks

give them back we want to be in front of you. "

There Colada and Tizona took out the ones from Carrión,

the two swords they deliver into the hands of their lord,

when she unsheathed everything in the court she shined,

the knobs and hawks of pure gold are.

To all good men wonder it caused them.

The king calls Mío Cid and both swords he gave him,

the Campeador takes them and the hand to the king kissed,

then he returns to the bench where he got up.

In his hands he had them, watching them he stayed,

You know them well, you can not change them for others, no.

The whole body rejoices, smiles from the heart.

Then he raised his hand, his beard caressed:

"I swear by these beards, these that no one messed with,

that we will avenge you, Dona Elvira and Doña Sol. "

He called his nephew Don Pedro by his name

El Cid, and extending his arm, the Tizona gave him:

"Take it, my nephew, who is winning in sir".

Then to Martín Antolínez, that Burgalés de pro,

Cid calls, his arm tends and Colada gave him:

"Martín Antolínez you are vassal of the best,

Take me this sword, I won it to good sir,

Ramón Berenguer from Barcelona the biggest.

I give it to you so that you can take good care of it.

I know that if something happens to you, or if seasoning is offered,

You will know how to win with her, Don Martin, honor and courage. "

Al Cid the hand kisses him and the sword received.

Then My Cid Campeador stood up.

"Thank the Lord of heaven and thank you, sir,

in this of the swords I am already satisfied myself,

but another complaint is against Carrión's infants.

When my daughters got the most from Valencia,

in gold and silver I gave three thousand marks to the two;

that action they paid me with their bad deed,

Give me back my money, which my sons-in-law are not. "

God, and how the children of Carrión complained!

Don Ramon said: "Answer yes or no."

So this is how the Infants of Carrión respond:

"We already gave your swords to Mío Cid Campeador,

so that more he did not ask; his demand is over. "

Now you will hear what that Count Don Ramon answers:

"We fail, if it pleases our king and lord,

that to the demand of the Cid you must give satisfaction ".

Don Alfonso said then: "This is what I confirm."

Mío Cid Campeador returns there:

"Of all the money that I have given you,

decide if you give it back or give me a reason ".

To speak separately were the infants of Carrión,

but they do not find escape, that many monies are,

and all the children of Carrión spent them.

They already go back to the court and they say it's right:

"We are very hard pressed for what Valencia won;

since he has so much of the money that he gave us

we will pay you in lands of Carrión county. "

The judges then say, upon hearing this confession:

"If the Cid wants it, we will not say no,

but in our opinion we have for very better

that right here your money you return to the Campeador ".

Upon hearing these words, King Don Alfonso spoke:

"Very well we know what this reason is for

and fair thing demands Mío Cid Campeador.

Of those say three thousand marks two hundred I have them,

They were given to me as a wedding gift by Carrión.

Give them to me I want, they are both ruined today,

give them to the Cid, the one who was good at birth;

if they have to pay I do not want the money myself. "

The Infante Don Fernando like that then answered:

"Money we do not have either of the two."

Now you will hear what the good Count Don Ramon will say:

"You have spent the money of gold and silver;

sentence we give here before the king and lord

that they pay in kind and accept the Campeador ".

They see that there is no other way but to pay Carrión's.

Vierais there bring both good runner horse,

so many well-bred mules, courageous palafrenes,

and so many good swords with very rich garrison.

Those of the court assess it and Cid accepted it.

Not counting those two hundred marks that the king offered him

The infants are very much paid to the one who was born in good time.

They borrowed from others, theirs was not enough.

This time very badly evaded escape those of Carrión.


Finished his civil demand, the Cid proposes the challenge

The things given in payment My Cid has them already,

He gives them to his men, they will guard them.

But when this is over there is still one more thing left.

"Mercy, my king and lord, for the love of charity:

the biggest complaint of all can not be forgotten.

Let the whole court hear me and grieve with my evil:

Carrión's infants wanted to dishonor me,

without challenging them to combat, I can not leave them. "


Less value infliction on infants

"Tell me, what have I done to you, infants of Carrión?

When of mockery or will you see, offenders could I?

I ask for reparation before the trial of the court.

Why did you tear the fabric of my heart?

When I left Valencia, I gave you my two

daughters with good riches and with due honor.

If you did not want them already, dogs of bad betrayal,

Why did you go to get them out of Valencia eldest?

Why did you cut them then with a cinch and with a spur?

Doña Elvira and Doña Sol were in the oak grove

at the mercy of the beasts and the birds of the Lord.

You are, for doing it, full of infamy both.

Now that you judge this court if you do not give satisfaction. "


Altercado between Garci Ordóñez and El Cid

There Count Don Garcia of his seat rises:

"Merced, my king and lord, the best of all Spain.

For these solemn courts the Cid was seasoned.

He let her grow so long that he brings a beard,

Some are afraid of him, others scare him.

The infants of Carrión are of a very high blood,

they do not deserve the daughters of the Cid or what barraganas.

For real wives, who wanted to be taken?

In accordance with law, they are well abandoned,

all that said by Cid Ruy Díaz is not worth anything. "

The Campeador then has taken to the beards:

"Praise be to God that in heaven and on earth he commands;

They are long, because with a lot of gifts they were raised.

Count, what do you have to throw up in my beard?

From the day she was born with a gift she was raised,

no son of a woman dared to touch her,

I have not been killed by children of blackberries or Christians

as I meshed yours in the castle of Cabra.

Goat I took, and to you, count, I took you from the beard,

and there was no rapacious there that did not throw you away;

from which I tore you I still notice the lack,

here I bring it with me in this stored bag ".


Fernando rejects the strike of less-worth

The infant Don Fernando then got up

and giving very loud voices now you will hear what he spoke there:

"Mine Cid, leave now, leave that claim,

all that money of yours here has already been paid to you.

Let the lawsuit between the two of us grow no longer.

Of illustrious family we are the infants of Carrión,

we have to marry the daughter of a king or emperor

and we did not belong daughters of simple infanzón.

We leave your daughters with right and with reason,

and today we are worth more than before, not less, Campeador ".


El Cid incites Pedro Bermúdez to challenge

In the good Pedro Bermúdez el Cid poses his gaze:

"Speak now, Pedro the mute, you male who both shut up.

That if they are my daughters, they are cousins ​​of you,

what they say to me to you hurts you in the face,

if I am the one who answered them, you will not be able to go into arms. "


Pedro Bermúdez challenges Fernando

The good Pedro Bermúdez then starts talking,

his tongue was stuck, with words he does not give,

but when he let go he does not know how to stop:

"Your customs, oh Cid, are well known to me,

in the courts always the mute you have wanted to call me.

You know well, Campeador, that I can not do any more,

but if something must be done I say that it will not be left for me.

You lie, infante Fernando in that you went to speak,

Thanks to the Campeador you were worth much more.

Now your tricks and tricks here I will tell you:

remember when in Valencia we had to fight;

the honor of being first you asked the loyal Cid,

the first Moor you saw you wanted to attack,

but before he gets close you're already running away.

If I'm not there, Fernando, you would have gone wrong;

I start in search of the Moor and you stay behind,

to my first thrown the defeated Moor is,

I took the horse, I gave it to you,

to this day I did not say it to mortal.

Of that death of the Moor before the Cid and the others

as well as your prowess, you knew how to praise,

and everyone believed it, they ignored the truth.

In you, even if you are beautiful, the coward can do more.

Fernando, tongue without hands, how dare you speak?


The challenge of Pedro Bermúdez continues

Tell me, Fernando González, answer me to this reason:

Do not you remember Valencia, that lion's throw,

When the Cid was asleep and the beast let go?

Do not you remember, say, Fernando, what did you do with dread?

Get under the seat of Mío Cid Campeador,

There you went, Fernando, you have lost much in value.

The seat we surround keeping our lord,

until it was to wake up that Valencia won,

He gets up from the bench, he goes towards the lion,

the beast doubles the head, Mio Cid waited,

he let himself be caught by the neck, in the cage he got him.

When the good Cid Campeador returns to the camera

He saw that all his vassals were around;

by his two sons-in-law he asks, but none he found.

To you, in person, I challenge you because you are bad and traitor,

in front of King Alfonso I want to hold him

for the two daughters of the Cid, Dona Elvira and Doña Sol.

Because you left them there, today you are less worth the two

and although you are male and they are two women,

In any case they are worth much more than you.

And when the struggle is, if the Creator wants it

I will defeat you and you will have to confess to be a traitor.

Of everything that I have said now, the truth I defend ".

Between the infant and Don Pedro, that was the reason.


Diego rejects the accusation of less-worth

Diego González speaks there. Listen well to what he said:

"We are family of counts, and of a cleaner lineage.

I wish these marriages would never have been fulfilled

for not being like that with Mío Cid don Rodrigo!

We have not repented of abandoning their daughters

As long as they have life, they will be left with sighs,

and in the face they will throw the insult that we did to them.

Against the bravest I will hold what I now say:

that for having left them very honest we feel ".


Martín Antolínez challenges Diego González

The good Martin Antolínez there went to get up:

"Alevoso, shut up, shut up, you're mouth without truth.

That lion's throw should not be forgotten,

through the door you left, very escaped, to the corral

and there you went to get behind the beam of the winepress;

of filthy, neither the mantle nor the brial have served you.

I'll keep it in the fight, so it will not stay:

Even though the daughters of the Cid were abandoned,

you less value, they are worth much more.

When the fight is over for your mouth, you will say it,

that you are a traitor and a deceiver and you did not say the truth. "


Asur González enters the court

The dispute of these two at that point has remained,

when there is that Asur González came to enter through the palace,

ermine cloak wore, his brial was dragging,

very incarnated, he was just having lunch.

In the words that he spoke very little he has shown.


Asur insults the Cid

"Oh, gentlemen of the court, when did you hear such a thing?

That we won in nobility by Mío Cid el de Vivar!

Go now to the Ubierna river, its mills to be fixed

and to charge him grinds as usual.

But who sends him with the Carrión family to marry? "


Muño Gustioz challenges Asur González

Messengers of Navarre and Aragon ask the Cid for his daughters

for the children of kings

Don Alfonso grants the new marriage

Minaya challenges those of Carrión

Gómez Peláez accepts the challenge, but the king does not set a deadline

but to those who challenged

The king will protect the three lidiadores del Cid

El Cid offers farewell gifts to all

(Laguna, Prose from the Chronicle of Twenty Kings).

The king leaves Toledo with the Cid

Send him to run his horse

Muno Gustioz gets up and these words spoke:

"Calla, Asur González, you are bad, treacherous and traitor.

First of all, lunch, then you go to prayer

and those who kiss well feel the smell of your food.

You never tell the truth neither to the friend nor to the gentleman,

for all you are false, and even more so for the Creator.

In your friendship I do not want to have any portion.

And I will make you confess that you are what I tell you. "

King Alfonso said: "This dispute is over,

those who have challenged will fight, save me God. "

They have just finished talking about that question

Two knights entered, the whole court saw them:

Ojarra, Íñigo Jiménez are the names of the two.

The infant from Navarre sent him first,

the other was an envoy of the infant of Aragon.

Kiss the hands of the king of Castile and Leon,

and on behalf of the infantry, ask the Campeador

sus hijas para ser reinas en Navarra y Aragón,

por esposas las querían, tiénenlo por gran honor.

Cuando acabaron, la corte escuchando se quedó.

Allí entonces se levanta Mío Cid Campeador:

"Merced, merced, rey Alfonso, vos sois mi rey y señor.

Esto que ahora pasa mucho lo agradezco al Creador,

que a mis hijas me las pidan de Navarra y de Aragón.

Vos, rey Alfonso, a mis hijas las casasteis, que yo no,

en vuestras manos, oh rey, vuelvo a poner a las dos;

sin vuestro mandato, rey honrado, nada haré yo".

Se levanta el rey y a todos que se callaran mandó.

"Os ruego, Cid de Vivar, prudente Campeador,

que aceptéis el casamiento y quiero otorgarlo yo.

Que queden en estas cortes arregladas ya las dos

bodas, que os han de dar, Mío Cid tierra y honor".

Levantóse Mío Cid, al rey las manos besó:

"Si a vos os agrada así, yo lo concedo, señor".

Entonces contesta el rey: "Dios os dé buen galardón.

Ojarra, Ínigo Jiménez, escuchadme bien los dos:

en honrado casamiento ahora os otorgo yo

las hijas de Mío Cid, doña Elvira y doña Sol,

para aquellos dos infantes de Navarra y Aragón,

que sus mujeres legítimas las hagan con todo honor".

Allí Ojarra se levanta, la mano del rey besó,

Íñigo Jiménez hace lo mismo, y luego los dos

besaron las de Rodrigo Díaz el Campeador.

Ya están hechas las promesas, juramentos dados son

de que todo se ha de hacer cual se ha dicho o aún mejor.

De los que había en la corte mucha gente se alegró,

pero no estaban contentos los infantes de Carrión.

El buen Minaya Álvar Fáñez entonces se levantó:

"Merced yo os pido ahora, como a mi rey y señor.

Y no le pese que hable a Mío Cid Campeador,

que en estas cortes a todos he oído decir su razón,

y ahora quisiera decir ésta que he pensado yo".

A eso le contesta el rey: "Pláceme de corazón,

ya podéis hablar, Minaya, lo que os cuadre mejor".

"A la corte yo le pido que me oiga con atención:

muy gran queja tengo de los infantes de Carrión.

En nombre del rey Alfonso mis dos primas les di yo,

por esposas las tomaron, esposas por bendición,

grandes riquezas les dio Mío Cid Campeador,

ellos las abandonaron, con todo nuestro dolor.

Por malos y por traidores ahora aquí os reto yo.

De la familia de los Vani-Gómez sois los dos,

de ese linaje salieron condes de prez y valor,

mas bien sabemos que hoy de muy malas mañas son.

Muy agradecido estoy a nuestro Dios Creador

porque piden a mis primas doña Elvira y doña Sol

para esposas los infantes de Navarra y Aragón.

Como mujeres legítimas las teníais antes vos,

ahora besaréis las manos, cual señoras, a las dos

y las tendréis que servir, mal que os pese el corazón.

Loado sea el rey Alfonso, alabado el Creador,

que así va creciendo en honra Mío Cid Campeador.

En todas vuestras acciones sois tal como digo yo,

si hubiere aquí quien responda o quien dijere que no,

aquí está Álvar Fáñez, que es valiente como el mejor".

Acaba Minaya y Gómez Pelayo se levantó:

"¿Qué vale lo que habéis dicho, Minaya, en esa razón?

Muchos hay en esta corte tan valientes como vos,

y si hay alguien que lo niegue mal daño le anuncio yo.

Si salimos bien de ésta, porque así lo quiere Dios,

ya después iremos viendo todo lo que aquí se habló".

Dijo entonces don Alfonso: "Acabe esta discusión;

que ninguna de las partes haga más alegación.

Mañana será el combate, en cuanto que salga el sol,

de estos tres con estos tres, porque tres los retos son".

Entonces se levantaron los infantes de Carrión:

"Mañana no puede ser, dadnos, rey, plazo mayor,

nuestras armas y caballos los tiene el Campeador,

y antes tendremos que ir a las tierras de Carrión"

Don Alfonso se volvió hacia el Cid Campeador:

"Rodrigo, sea esta lucha, en sitio que mandéis vos".

Dijo entonces Mío Cid: "Eso no lo haré, señor,

antes volveré a Valencia que ir a tierras de Carrión".

Le repuso don Alfonso: "Sea así, Campeador.

Dadme vuestros caballeros bien armados, Cid, que yo

conmigo los llevaré y seré su protector.

Esos caballeros vuestros os garantizo que no

han de sufrir atropello de conde ni de infanzón.

Aquí en las cortes el plazo os señalo a ellos y a vos,

que a cabo de tres semanas en las vegas de Carrión

tenga lugar el combate estando delante yo.

Quien no acuda en ese plazo pierda toda su razón:

se declarará vencido y quedará por traidor".

Se dan por notificados los infantes de Carrión.

Mío Cid el de Vivar las manos al rey besó:

"Mis tres caballeros en vuestras manos pongo yo,

aquí os los encomiendo como a mi rey y señor.

Todos van bien preparados para cumplir su misión.

Vuelvan con honra a Valencia, por amor del Creador".

Entonces repuso el rey: "Ojalá lo quiera Dios".

Allí se quita el capillo Mío Cid Campeador,

la cofia de hilo que lleva era blanca como el sol,

ya se soltaba la barba desatándose el cordón.

En la corte todo el mundo de mirarle no se hartó.

Va hacia el conde don Enrique y hacia el conde don Ramón,

mucho que los ha abrazado, les ruega de corazón

que de sus riquezas tomen las que quisieren los dos.

The same does with the others that of his side are:

what they wanted to take everyone offered them;

Some had accepted, others said no.

Those two hundred marks to the king he forgave them

and also how much he likes Mío Cid gave him.

"Mercy, King Alfonso, I ask you, for the Creator's sake.

Now that all things have been fixed by you,

I kiss your hands, I want with your grace, sir,

to return to Valencia, with eagerness I won it ".

(A sheet is missing from the manuscript. It is supplemented by a prose passage from the Chronicle of

twenty kings.)

Then he ordered to give the Cid, to the envoys of the infantry of Navarre and Aragon, beasts

and whatever they needed, and he fired them.

King Don Alfonso rode with all the illustrious men of his court to leave

accompanying the Cid, who was already out of town. And when they arrived in Zocodover,

The King said to him: "Don Rodrigo, you should have started that horse that is so good

I have heard. "The Cid smiled and said: Sir, here in your court there are many males

illustrious and willing to do that, send them to run with their horses.

And the king said to him: "Cid, it is true what you say, but I would prefer that you run that

horse, to please me. "

Run 150

The king admires Babieca, but does not accept him as a gift.

Last commissions of El Cid to its three leaders

Take the Cid to Valencia

The king in Carrión

The deadline for the fight arrives

Those of Carrión intend to exclude Colada and Tizón from the fight

The del Cid ask the king for protection and go to the field of the fight

The king designates faithful of the field and admonishes those of Carrión

The faithful prepare the fight

First connection

Pedro Bermúdez defeats Fernando

El Cid then spurred the horse and made him run so firm that everyone

they marveled at that race.

Don Alfonso raises his hand, his face crossed himself:

"For San Isidro I swear, San Isidro de León,

that in the lands of Castile there is no other such a good man ".

Mine Cid on the horse forward was reached,

He has gone to kiss the hand of his good king and lord:

"You sent me ride Babieca, the good runner,

horse so they do not have Moors or Christians, no.

I offer you as a gift, please take it, sir. "

Don Alfonso said then: "I do not want that,

that if I take that horse it will not have such a good sir:

a horse like this meets a male like you,

to defeat Moors and make the pursuit.

Whosoever takes away from you, the Creator is not worth it,

for you and for the horse, I am honored. "

Then they said goodbye and the court left.

Those who are going to fight the Cid admonished them.

"Martín Antolínez, Pedro Bermúdez, you two

Listen, you, Muño Gustioz, my good vassal of pro:

be firm in the fight, as meets a good man,

What good news of yours in Valencia I have. "

Martin Antolínez said: "Why do you say it, sir?

Everything is in our charge, we will fulfill the mission:

Maybe they talk to you about the dead, but they're not defeated. "

Much joy gives to the one who was born in good time.

Of those who were his friends of all he said goodbye.

For Valencia goes the Cid, the king goes to Carrión.

That three-week deadline has already been met.

In time, the three of the Campeador are presented,

they are going to fulfill the order that their lord gave them,

they are protected by Don Alfonso, King of Castile and Leon.

Two days await Carrión's infants;

they arrive well equipped with weapons and horses; with both

all his relatives come and among all he remembered

that try to take those of the Campeador apart

and kill them in the field dishonoring their lord.

Very bad purpose was, and none undertook it

for the fear that Don Alfonso gave them, that of León.

Those of the Cid guard the weapons and pray to the Creator;

He has already spent the night and aims the first time;

from rich men there a good blow came together,

who want to see this fight in the plains of Carrión.

And the highest of all, Don Alfonso, the one in León,

that will defend the right, but injustice will not.

The weapons of the good Campeador were already dressed,

willing are the three, who are of the same lord.

In another place the children of Carrión were armed,

his relative Garci Ordóñez gave many tips.

After much talking to each other, the king asked for both

that Colada and that Tizona do not enter into a fight, and that

they would fight with them those of the Cid Campeador;

they regretted having returned those of Carrión.

So they ask the king; but it was not approved:

"There in the court no sword was excepted.

Well yours will serve you, if good swords are,

theirs will serve the same as those of the Campeador.

Go out to the battlefield, infants of Carrión,

It is necessary that you fight like a good man fighting,

that the thing must not be left for the Campeador's.

If you get out of the field well, you will win a great honor,

but if you are defeated do not blame me, no,

because everyone knows that this was you ".

The infants of his action were already regretting,

to undo it, they would give everything that is in Carrión.

Armados was already three of the Campeador,

then King Alfonso to see them well approached;

you will hear what they say to Don Alfonso, the one from Leon:

"We ask you to kiss your hand, king and lord,

that between us and them the faithful judge may be you,

valednos if it is in law, but if it is unfair, no.

Here are the children of Carrión,

who knows if they have thought of some machination.

In your hands, O king, our lord put us,

defend us in justice for the Creator's sake ".

Said the king: "So I will do it with soul and with heart".

Bring the horses, very good and runners that are,

the chairs to cross themselves, because God helps them,

around their necks they carry shields with golden lining

in the middle; They wield spears of good iron,

the three spears that they all took carry their banner.

Many good gentlemen are going around there.

They go out to the field that was marked with landmarks.

The three of the Campeador were already agreed,

each one to an enemy to attack him chose.

The infantry of Carrión were on the other side;

They were well accompanied, that a lot of family are.

The king appoints judges to say what is right and what is not,

with those who fight he sends them to have no discussion.

When they were in the countryside, King Don Alfonso spoke:

"Listen to what I am going to tell you, infants of Carrión:

This struggle in Toledo must have been, but you did not want to,

that's why these gentlemen of Mío Cid Campeador

under my guard I brought them to this land of Carrión.

Fight according to law, do not want unreason,

that if someone wants injustice, to blind him I am,

and it would not do very well in Castilla or León. "

How sad were the infants of Carrión!

With the two judges the king the landmarks pointed

that close the field; they all move around.

Well explained to all six that are

who is defeated who leaves the field that was marked.

People clear the field, backward retreated,

Six lances away from the line he stayed.

The field is already farmed, the sun was already breaking,

the judges come out, the two sides face each other.

They attack the del Cid against the three of Carrión,

the infantry attack the Campeador.

Each one to the opponent that touched him attended.

They swore shields in front of the heart,

the spears come down, each one wrapped in his banner,

the faces tilted them over the harpoon,

the horses are stung by the spur, and it seemed

that all the ground trembled when the attack began.

Everyone in his adversary has his attention.

The three of the Cid meet with those three from Carrión,

The ones around are already dead.

That good Pedro Bermúdez, the one who first challenged

with that Fernán González face to face he got together,

the shields hit each other without any fear.

The Carrión to Don Pedro his shield pierced him,

but he has given him empty, the flesh did not reach him,

and for two places the spear of his spear broke.

The blow endures Don Pedro, not even bowed,

He has received the blow, but with another he answered.

For the garrison of the center the shield pierced him,

everything goes through the spear, which nothing resisted.

In the chest it is nailed, very close to the heart;

the loriga in three folds Carrión Carrion,

the first two are broken, the last one resisted,

but so strong was the blow that the one of the Campeador gave,

that with a tunic and shirt the loriga was

in the meat; by the mouth a lot of blood came out.

His girths broke, none of them took advantage of him,

and the horse, by the tail, on the ground knocked him down.

For dead it gives the people who were there around;

nailed has the spear in the body; Don Pedro cast

hand to the sword, and the other, that Tizona knew,

He does not wait for the blow and confesses: "I'm beaten by me".

The judges gave it to him and Don Pedro left him.


Martín Antolínez defeats Diego

Martín and Diego González rush with the spears,

So strong were the blows that both of them broke.

The good Martín Antolínez takes hold of the sword,

The whole field shimmered, it was so clean and so clear.

He gave his enemy a blow that hits him well,

the helmet on his side knocked him down

and the belts of the helmet of the blow are cut off;

the steel to the cap and the hood came,

and everything, hood and cap, with the sword takes it off,

His hair brushes against him, even the flesh enters,

pieces of the helmet and the cap on that field rolled.

When he unloads this chop the so precious Colada

Diego González understands that he does not escape with life,

pull the reins on the horse so that the face returns,

The sword is in his hand, but he does not dare to use it.

The good Don Martin then lashes out with the sword,

a blow gave him flat, that edge does not reach.

There you heard the infant the great voices he gave:

"Send me, glorious Lord, save me from this sword".

The horse restrained, for escaping Colada,

out of the field takes him, Don Martin inside was left.

"Don Martin, come here, King Alfonso was shouting,

for everything you have done the fight is well earned. "

And what the king says the judges confirmed.


Muño Gustioz defeats Asur González

The father of the infants declares won the fight

The del Cid return cautiously to Valencia

Alegría del Cid

Second marriages of their daughters

The minstrel finishes his poem

I want to tell you something about Muño Gustioz,

and with that Asur González how he managed.

The two great blows were on the shields.

Asur González, who was very strong and courageous,

the shield goes to the good Don Muño Gustioz;

After passing the shield the armor broke him,

but he does not take the meat, the spear in empty gave.

When this blow receives, another da Muño Gustioz,

by the garrison of the center the shield broke him,

it could not be protected, the armor broke,

it hurts on one side of the body, not on the side of the heart,

by the flesh the spear has been entered with the banner,

on the other side of the body more than a hand's breadth appeared,

a jerk hit the spear, the chair moved him

and when he went to draw the spear on the ground, he struck him down:

The flagpole and the tip and the banner have come out red.

That he was mortally wounded, everyone believed:

Muno recovers the spear and to finish it marched,

but the father of the infant shouts: "You do not hurt him, by God,

defeated has been in the field, this fight is over ".

The judges say: "This is what we both heard."

They cleared the field King Alfonso commanded,

the weapons that remained there for him if he took them.

The three of the Campeador are very honored,

who have already won this fight, by the grace of the Creator.

Great are the sorrows for the lands of Carrión.

To those of the Cid that at night they leave the king sent them

so they will not be assaulted or have any fear.

They marched day and night, very diligent they are,

You already have them in Valencia with El Cid Campeador:

for bad guys they left the infants of Carrión,

well they fulfilled the mandate given them by their lord.

How happy is that My Cid Campeador!

The infantry of Carrión remain.

He who mocks ladies and thus abandons treason,

that something else happens to him or something worse.

But let's leave those kids from Carrión,

The two are very sorry for their punishments.

Let's talk now about what was born so good.

How great were the joys in Valencia the greatest,

for all the three of the Campeador were honored!

The beard caressed Don Rodrigo, his lord:

"Thanks to the king of heaven my daughters are avenged,

The lands of Carrión are already clean of the affront.

I will marry, in spite of who I weigh, already without shame to the two ".

The deals with Navarra and Aragón have already begun,

and all had a meeting with Alfonso, the one in León.

Doña Elvira and Doña Sol made their marriages

the first ones were great but these are even better,

and to a greater honor they marry than with those of Carrión.

See how it grows in honors that in good time was born,

who are his daughters ladies of Navarre and Aragon.

These two kings of Spain and their relatives are,

and everyone is honored by El Cid Campeador.

He passed from this world El Cid, the one that won Valencia:

on Easter days he has died, Christ give him his forgiveness.

Also forgive us, the righteous and the sinner.

These were the exploits of Mío Cid Campeador:

in coming to this place this song has ended.