Lista de expresiones - Letra A

    • My grandmother was a babe in arms when she married. She was 14!

    • You told Joe we were married? How can you tell such a bare-faced lie?

    • My mom is crazy. She wants to go dancing with me! She's a real basket case!

    • My life's never been a bed of roses. I've always had lots of problems.

    • The police are about to get one of the maffia big shots.

    • I'm a bit at sea with Trigonometry so Kim is going to help me study.

    • When I told my parents I was pregnant, they just gave me a blank look.

    • Since I was fired I started spending more time with my son. It was a blessing in disguise.

    • At the age of 3, Mark showed he was a budding genius: he could read and write!

    • He leaves all the lights on like his father when he leaves a room. A chip off the old block!

    • I almost got run over by a car today, thank God it was just close call.

    • What makes you think you can't be fired? You're just a cog in the machine!

    • I'm moving to Berlin in a month so I'm taking a crash course in German.

    • John said he was alone but the two extra plates on the table were a dead give-away.

    • These reality TV shows are a dime a dozen nowadays.

    • I think telling our secret to Jack would be a false move. He'd tell everyone about it.

    • Our holidays in Greece this Summer were a far cry from the ones we had in Sweden.

    • The fat cats of the company are thinking about selling it to the Japanese.

    • Winning an Olympic gold medal has been a feather in your cap.

    • My sister followed me everywhere I went when we were kids. She was a fly in the ointment.

    • George's going to ask Sarah to marry him tonight! If only I were a fly on the wall...

    • Many people think that demonstrating against the war is a fool's errand.

    • It's obvious that Manchester United will win the cup. It's a foregone conclusion.

    • You take too many extra-curricular activities at school. You're a glutton for punishment.

    • Ann's a real go-getter. She's got lots of projects and works hard to carry them out.

    • Pam's a good Samaritan. She'll help you whenever you're in need.

    • When I married Paul, his son didn't like me. He was a hard nut to crack.

    • The Conservatives have a head start in the election thanks to their anti-abortion campaign.

    • Owen isn't exactly handsome, but he has a je ne sais quoi that makes him very attractive.

    • Adam's getting married! Will it be the end of his days as a lady-killer?

    • I know it's a long shot, but maybe if you talk to Josh he'll understand.

    • We've won six games in a row. We're on a lucky streak!

    • I must hand in the report by 4 o'clock! It's a matter of life and death!

    • Bob told you that? Don't believe him. It's nothing but a pack of lies!

    • I can't stand Louis. He's a real pain in the neck.

    • I always drink coffee as a pick-me-up during exam season.

    • The exercise was a piece of cake. I finished it in two minutes.

    • I'm not keen on buying things on the web. They might sell you a pig in a poke.

    • 'Lolita', by Vladimir Nabokov, is full of plays on words. It's fantastic!

    • Dave always wears a poker face. You can never tell what he's thinking or feeling.

    • Oh, my God! My son's tidied up his room! It's a red-letter day!

    • Ben won't remember to bring the cake. It's a safe bet.

    • These new computers were a shot in the arm for the students. Now they are really learning.

    • Danny! You're a sight for sore eyes! I don't know anyone in here!

    • If we don't defend the goal, it'll be a sitting duck for the other team.

    • The thieves had stolen two million dollars and each of them wanted a slice of the cake.

    • The candidate said that justice was not part of the agenda. Quite a slip of the tongue...

    • Doug is such a smart-alec. He thinks he knows everything!

    • Eva told the teacher I cheated on the test. She's a snake in the grass!

    • My neighbour is such a wet blanket. They always call the police when we have a party.

    • He didn't need a new brush. He sent me on a wild-goose chase so I would leave him alone.

    • At first he was sweet and kind but in the end he turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

    • John's new job as a manager will be a real acid test for him.

    • Ted wants to buy a castle and live there. I think it's quite airy-fairy.

    • Everyone thought Tiffany was dead, but she was alive and kicking!

    • I've had my problems this year, but all in all, it wasn't so bad.

    • Everything's ready for the trip. All things being equal, we'll be there by noon.

    • Pete is always dropping things. He's all thumbs.

    • Lucy is not just a friend to Jim. She's an old flame. They were together once.

    • Is it true that if you go swimming after eating you die or is it an old wives' tale?

    • Sue was the ugly duckling of the class, but now she's one of the prettiest girls in school.

    • Lisa's very picky when it comes to men. She won't date any Tom, Dick or Harry.