Expresiones con palabras clave - Palabra "in"

    • If you want to ask the boss for a raise, go now! He's in a good mood.

    • Mark didn't mean you were fat, he just said it in a bad way.

    • Please, take a seat. Doctor Jones will see you in a bit.

    • What's the matter with Kate? Is she ok? She looks in a dither.

    • Nick crashed with his dad's car and now he's in a jam.

    • When I woke up after the surgery, I was in a fog due to the anesthesia.

    • Give me the shirt and I'll sew the button in a jiffy.

    • Sam was in a lather today when Joe told him he had lost his digital camera.

    • How's Danny? I haven't seen him in a long time.

    • Lisa, my mom's best friend, is like a second mother to me, in a manner of speaking.

    • Tell me what happened between Rob and Eve in a nutshell, I don't have much time.

    • I'd like to find a new job. In this one I feel stuck in a rut.

    • Being unemployed helped me spend more time with my children, in a way.

    • They almost didn't let me board the plane because I was 5 minutes late. I was in a stew!

    • Oscar borrowed money from some crook and he can't pay him now. He's in a tight spot.

    • I'm going for a walk in the park. I'll be back in a while.

    • With the coming of the DVD the video tape was soon in abeyance.

    • In addition to the economic crisis, the country suffered different natural disasters.

    • We have to pay 500 dollars in advance for the trip to Spain.

    • After the meeting we were all in agreement about the budget for next month.

    • The Rolling Stones are, in all probability, the most famous rock'n'roll band in the world.

    • Mr. Williams offered to help us in good faith.

    • I haven't been to the gym for ages, I'm in bad shape.

    • All right, then, tomorrow you'll have the contract in black and white in order to sign it.

    • You go ahead and start without me, I'll join you in brief.

    • Can you believe it? I was mugged in the street in broad daylight!

    • I'm sorry, we only sell our products in bulk.

    • In case you need any help, call me and I'll be there.

    • Nelly is away and she left me in charge of the house, can I help you?

    • The classroom was a mess when the teacher was away, but when she came back everything was in check.

    • These coins are no longer in circulation.

    • When I have my own company I'm going to have money and live in clover.

    • The prisoners were brutally tortured and murdered in cold blood.

    • Manny was caught shoplifting and he's now in deep trouble.

    • Both of you will have to work extra hours in default of three of your co-workers.

    • The whole region is in dire straits because of the war and the economic crisis.

    • There were many guys in drag at Stacey's costume party.

    • The students came back to the classroom in dribs and drabs after the break.

    • The article will be published in due course.

    • I spoke to Sarah in earnest and I told her what I thought.

    • In effect, her baby was born two weeks before mine.

    • These long skirts are no longer in fashion.

    • The new law will be in force by next year.

    • I need the transcription of the President's speech in full.

    • Flower power was in full swing during the sixties.

    • I'll lend you my car, but give it back to me in good conditions.

    • Doctor O'Neal is the best surgeon in the country, your wife is in good hands.

    • Fred is in good spirits today. He passed his exam.

    • All in good time, my friend. You have to be patient and wait.

    • Cut the oranges in half and squeeze them to get the juice.

    • The dog is in heat and we want her to have puppies.

    • What, in heaven's name, are you doing with that sword?!!!

    • Richard argued with Beth and he left the house in high dudgeon.

    • The Mayor was caught bribing a business man and he's now in hot water.

    • You'll find a life vest under each seat, in keeping with international safety laws.

    • That Marcy is in league with Paula to make me look like a mad woman!

    • I'm not in love with George! Who told you that?

    • The house is over a hundred years old but it's still in mint condition.

    • We had such a nice time that the days were gone in no time.

    • Stan said in no uncertain terms that he was never coming back.

    • He never pays attention to what I say. It goes in one ear and out the other.

    • Do you seriously believe it's possible to stop illegal immigration in one fell swoop?

    • Pat's father was a pianist and her mother was a singer, music is in her blood.

    • Liz has been in my bad books ever since she told me I looked like a mummy.

    • I'm trying to imagine how things could be in my mind's eye.

    • Al worked hard to get that job, he earned it in his own right.

    • Jane seems to be in her own world, she never talks to anyone.

    • Kate told you that? Dear God! She's not in her right mind!

    • You must pass all the exams in order to get your degree.

    • They said they were going to let me go. In other words, I'm fired.

    • I heard Greg and Pete in passing talking about a trip to Africa.

    • The sound and the image of the video must be in phase.

    • Doctor, I don't understand all this technical language. Say it in plain English.

    • The woman was mugged in the park in plain view!

    • Are you sure touching the ball with your elbow is in play?

    • In point of fact, Helen and Mark aren't really married.

    • A new edition of Shakespeare's Sonnets will be in print next week.

    • The building isn't finished yet. It's still in progress.

    • I like having everything in reach when I'm cooking.

    • I am writing in regard to Mr. Peter's complaints.

    • Everything seems clearer now in retrospect.

    • When I helped you, I didn't expect anything in return.

    • The story is about a man who is in search of his lost family.

    • Salmon is not in season, that's why it's so expensive right now.

    • We were in seventh heaven when we found out about the pregnancy!

    • The product was so successful that we run out of stock in short order.

    • They say that water will be in short supply in a few years' time.

    • The kids had a small accident at school and they are in sick bay.

    • Ann lost 500 dollars at work yesterday. I wouldn't like to be in her shoes!

    • Frank's performance was so funny! He had us all in stitches!

    • Who knows what the future has in store for me?

    • My grandma was shocked when she saw a group of people in the altogetheron TV.

    • I've had this idea in the back of my mind for quite a while.

    • Yes, I've got enough money. My bank account is in the black.

    • When I was young, there were no people in the buff in the movies!

    • The police interrogated Freddy but he came out in the clear.

    • My neighbor killed a man and now he's in the clink!

    • I was mad, now in the cold light of day, I think I overreacted a bit...

    • The teacher caught Joe cheating on the test and now he's in the doghouse.

    • Jerry's been in the doldrums ever since his wife died.

    • I'm tired of being told what to do! I want to be in the driver's seat!

    • Just look at me in the face and tell me you didn't do it.

    • Pam didn't expect to be in the family way until after the wedding!

    • Can you believe we are going to meet Ricky Martin in the flesh?

    • I've already paid Mary back but she says I'm still two hundred dollars in the hole!

    • The whole thing was a secret. Only Kate was in the know.

    • Bess says she's going to marry a millionaire and live in the lap of luxury.

    • You say you want to be famous but it's hard to live in the limelight.

    • We must solve the problem now or we'll have worse problems in the long run.

    • In the main, I spend the summer in the south of Spain.

    • I've already sent the letter. In the meantime, all I can do is wait.

    • Bob hasn't been in the money since long. A rich aunt of his died and left him all she had.

    • We invited Ann to come along with us but she wasn't in the mood.

    • The movie was about to begin but we got there in the nick of time.

    • I'll be in Paris for the next two nonths, so please keep me in the picture.

    • I've always been in the pink. Not even a slight cold in my life!

    • We're going to buy a bigger house, but everything's still in the pipeline.

    • Politicians have to be careful with what they say. They're constantly in the public eye.

    • I don't know what to do! I have bills to pay and my bank account is in the red!

    • No! I won't shut up when I'm in the right!

    • Of course I understand what you're going through. We're in the same boat.

    • Rob says he hates this city but in the same breath he says he couldn't live anywhere else.

    • My cell phone is not in the same league as the new ones. It doesn't even have a camera!

    • I must finish this report by Monday or I'll be in the soup!

    • If we don't reach an agreement we'll be in the throes of a civil war!

    • I'll heat this meat in the microwave and it'll be ready in the twinkling of an eye.

    • They'll never change their attitude because they don't think they're in the wrong.

    • It's so apalling that there should be slaves in this day and age!

    • Promise me we'll be in touch when you go away.

    • I can't just quit my job! I have my family in tow.

    • At the age of 55, Billy is still in his prime.