Expresiones con verbos claves - Verbo "to drop"

    • Tim and Angela are getting married! They dropped the bombshell yesterday at dinner.

    • I dropped a brick, didn't I? I knew I should've kept my mouth shut!

    • I got an e-mail from Emma, she dropped me a line last Monday.

    • Joe came to ask me to forgive him for cheating on me but I told him to drop dead.

    • I won a trip to Paris! Can you believe it? It just dropped into my lap!

    • The kids dropped like flies after a long day in the park.

    • As soon as his opponent dropped his guard Frank knocked him out and won the fight.

    • The cat was here but then she darted off and dropped out of sight.

    • When her drug problem came out, the people at the agency dropped her like a hot potato.