Expresiones con verbos claves - Verbo "to bring"

    • That final scene was so moving! It brought a lump to my throat.

    • Peter's performance of 'Hamlet' really brought down the house.

    • Nowadays it's very common for both parents to bring home the bacon.

    • Mike's arrogance brings out the worst in him. It's so annoying!

    • The next time he yells at you I'll bring him down a peg or two.

    • My sister didn't want to do her homework but my dad soon brought her to heel.

    • The Germans were brought to their knees by the Allies in 1945.

    • The evening was brought to a close with a speech by Mr. Philips.

    • The human genome was only brought to light a few years ago.

    • Sinatra's music always brings me good memories to mind.

    • My horse is the one bringing up the rear.