Expresiones con palabras clave - Palabra "by"

    • It was an exciting race. We won it by a hair, I thought we'd come in the second place!

    • By all accounts, The Beatles are one of the most important rock 'n' roll bands in history.

    • Do you want an apple? By all means, take as many as you wish!

    • These shirts may be fashionable nowadays but by and by no one will wear them anymore.

    • By and large, the immigration in the country came from Spain and Italy.

    • Chuck's determined to get that job by any means.

    • I was walking down High Street and I came across Lucy by chance.

    • Paul and I were at the theater last night and we met Joe and Vicky by coincidence.

    • You're not going to make your children obey just by dint of beating them.

    • London is, by far, the most exciting city I've ever been to.

    • I took down the clock from the wall but I keep looking that way by force of habit.

    • These leather sandals were completely made by hand. Aren't they gorgeous?

    • We have to learn these four poems by heart for next class.

    • Tina says she's going to see Oasis in concert by hook or by crook.

    • We were able to raise the money by means of a raffle.

    • Oh, no! Jack's cell phone is the same as mine and I took his by mistake!

    • Going on a job interview is by no means a guarantee of actually getting the job.

    • I was absent from the meeting by reason of another engagement.

    • The package was delivered at these address by request of Mr. Allen.

    • I'm going to work more hours but, by the same token, I'll earn more money.

    • The thief was faster and he got away by the skin of his teeth.

    • Oh, by the way, don't forget to pick up your suit from the dry cleaner's!

    • The concert was postponed by virtue of extreme weather conditions.

    • I had to give my old car by way of payment for the new one.