Expresiones con verbos claves - Verbo "to give"

    • All this corruption gives a bad name to the government and the country.

    • One of the kids at school gave Joey a black eye during the break!

    • Fine! Go and do whatever you like! I don't give a damn!

    • Emily gave a good account of herself playing Ophelia.

    • I can give you a hand with your homework if you want.

    • The workers aren't willing to give an inch and the strike continues.

    • If you want our relationship to work, you have to give and take.

    • Sheena, our dog, gave birth to seven puppies!

    • A man snatched Martha's purse and she gave chase to him.

    • Are you willing to give ground on your demands?

    • Grab the hammer with both hands and give it all you've got!

    • Will you give it a rest? I've heard you, now shut up!

    • I'd never surfed before so I decided to give it a shot.

    • Don't keep me in suspense and give it to me straight! What happened?

    • Oh, I'd give my right arm to see Led Zeppelin in concert!

    • Peter gave me his word that he would be here for my birthday.

    • Dr. Green's speech on global warming gave us pause.

    • The new tax policy gave rise to harsh criticism from the opposition.

    • My boss gave me a harsh time today because I was two minutes late.

    • Ellen, give the poor girl a break! She only made a little mistake!

    • Fred said he'd give me a call if he had any news about Chris.

    • Joe gave me a hint about Mike's secret party but I didn't get it.

    • Hank gave me a ilft home in his new car.

    • The coach gave me a run for my money on the field but he beat me.

    • Tom cheated on Ann but she cheated on him and gave him a taste of his own medicine.

    • Sue's terrified of cats. Whenever she sees one she gives a wide berth to it.

    • The other driver gave Kate hell because she stopped at the yellow light.

    • Many parents give their children their head and they become spoiled.

    • When my dad met my first boyfriend he gave the poor boy the third degree.

    • Mr. Daniels gave me the ax but he never gave me a good reason.

    • I phoned Henry and he didn't sound sick but I just gave him the benefit of the doubt.

    • You should've seen them! I was all alone at the party, they all gave me the cold shoulder!

    • I can't watch horror movies. They give me the creeps!

    • When Greg spilt coffe on the new carpet Mary gave him the evil eye.

    • A man was following me in a black car but I gave him the slip turning on 5th Avenue.

    • It's true then! Ian told me he was gay and he wasn't giving me the runaround!

    • Once you finish the sketch, give it to me so I can give it a once-over.

    • These facts give the lie to the Governor's claim that crime is going down.

    • Phil gave Bob the shirt off his back when he had no job and no home.

    • I was given to understand that the conference was in the main hall but apparently it wasn't.

    • My old bike gave up the ghost and now I have to buy a new one.

    • Teachers should give vent to the children's imagination in class.

to give voice to something

to give way

expresar algo

dar paso, ceder

    • It would be good for you if you gave voice to what you're feeling.

    • The old wooden beam is going to give way if you don't fix it.