Expresiones con palabras clave - Palabra "from"

    • Things keep going from bad to worse: first, I los my job, now I lose my house!

    • Charlie never liked school. He hated it from day one.

    • Liz says she lives from hand to mouth but she spends too much money on clothes.

    • Mr. Fitzpatrick is a real gentleman from head to toe. So charming!

    • The amount of people dying from hunger every day around the world is alarming.

    • My dad was very poor but he went from rags to riches working all his life.

    • My computer caught a virus and I had no backup so I had to start my workfrom scratch.

    • The flowers swayed from side to side in the light summer breeze. It was lovely.

    • Helen was very much involved in the project. She was in it from soup to nuts.

    • The police inquiry had to begin from square one after a series of false clues.

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    • We've searched the yacht from stem to stern but we didn't find any hole.

    • I wish you both a very happy marriage, from the bottom of my heart.

    • My grandfather worked from the cradle to the grave to have everything he wanted.

    • We've gone from the frying pan into the fire, no money, no house, no car...

    • Alex said he would help me with the assignment from the word "go".

    • I didn't like the movie; it went from the sublime to the ridiculous all the time.

    • From this day forward, I'll start going to the gym every week.

    • I like having a glass of wine during dinner from time to time.

    • Pete and Tim are really good friends. They know each other from way back.