Preguntas en Inglés

Preguntas en inglés usando los distintos tiempos verbales y sus correspondientes auxiliares: do/does/did/have/has/had, etc. Aquí también encontrarás ejemplos traducidos al español.

What? / Which? / Where? / When? / Who? / Why? / How? / …

How much? / How many? / What kind? / How often? / …

How old? / How big? / How early? / What else? / …

Am I right? / Are you sure? / Is she here?

Was I teaching? / Were you learning?

Can you drive? / Could you do me a favor? / Must you work today?

Will you play tennis tomorrow? / Would you work on Sundays?

Do you live here? / Does he work in this company? / Did you see that?

Have you seen the UFO? / Has he eaten his meal? / Had you lived there?

Are you going to cook now? / Were you going to call me yesterday?

You don't speak French, do you?

Do you know where she lives?