Expresiones con palabras claves - Palabra "under"

    • The whole government has been under a cloud after the scandal.

    • Are you sure you have everything under control? I can help you if you want.

    • The city of Baghdad has been under fire for 12 hours.

    • Mr. Smith keeps all his money in the bank safely under lock and key.

    • The kids will stay under my care while their parents are away.

    • Under no circumstances should the patient leave the hospital.

    • How could I be so blind? This has been going on under my nose all the time!

    • You must tell the truth to the jury, Miss Lee, remember you are under oath.

    • Mark said something under his breath and I couldn't understand him.

    • I can't do my work if you're all the time under my feet! Go away!

    • Lou came home under his own steam. Nobody brought him.

    • Pete's under a lot of pressure right now, that's why he's so nervous.

    • I'm sick of being under my mom's thumb. I'm a grown woman, I have my own life!

    • Most artists of the Renaissance worked under the aegis of a patron.

    • We usually don't do this but, under the circumstances, we can make an exception.

    • I quit my job because there were lots of things going on under the counter.

    • I'm sorry, I've got a lot of work to do and I'm under the gun with it.

    • A series of items belonging to John Lennon went under the hammeryesterday.

    • Moe seemed to be under the impression that we were going with him.

    • Lots of celebrities get arrested for driving under the influence.

    • My sister has gallstones and she has to go under the knife.

    • Helen had to go home because she was feeling a bit under the weather.

    • The whole thing was a secret and they kept it all under wraps.