Expresiones con verbos claves - Verbo "to come"

    • When I first started I was just a clerk, now I own the bank. I've come a long way.

    • The party came alive when the band started to play.

    • After ten years of marriage, their relationship came apart at the seams and they got divorced.

    • The murderer felt guilty and he finally came clean. He's in jail now.

    • Johnny Depp's new movie is coming down the pike and we can't wait to see it!

    • I've come full circle in this job and it's time for me to move on.

    • If you copy an essay from the internet and hand it in as your own, you'llcome home to roost.

    • That extra flashlight sure came in handy the other night at the camping site.

    • My children have all come of age but they will always be my babies.

    • Do you know that man? He's coming our way and waving at you.

    • Don't worry, I'm sure this problem will come out in the wash very soon.

    • The whole process came to a halt because one of the machines broke down.

    • The conversation came to an end when Sally entered the room.

    • Can't we just settle this matter without having to come to blows?

    • Kate's plans to go to Harvard came to grief when she got that rejection letter.

    • Harry has started to come to grips with the subject, but he still doesn't like it.

    • The whole truth came to light when Pat confessed she had stolen the bag.

    • Try to think of an idea for the party, something good will come to mind.

    • Susan suddenly fainted but she came to her senses a few seconds later.

    • Helen hasn't come to terms with the fact that her husband's dead.

    • When you make a wish, you shouldn't say it out loud or else it won't come true.

    • Senator Stern was the only one who came up smelling of roses after the drug scandal.