Lista de expresiones - Letra S

    • All this sabre-rattling between the two countries will only lead to a war.

    • It was late at night and pouring but we managed to get home safe and sound.

    • Mark and Stacey broke up again. It's always the same old story: she's jealous of his friends!

    • I won't settle for second best! I want the best house in the neighborhood!

    • That restaurant really is second to none: great service, great food, great atmosphere...

    • All right, then, the meeting will be short and sweet, so let's start right away.

    • We are all working shoulder to shoulder to find a solution to the problem.

    • I'm moving to the countryside, I'm so sick and tired of the city. Always rushing!

    • We will have the contract signed, sealed and delivered tomorrow morning.

    • He's trying to kill me! I know it! He won't rest until I'm six feet under!

    • We can go tonight or we can go tomorrow. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other.

    • The magician took a handkerchief and with a sleight of hand he turned it into a bunch of flowers.

    • There was a deer smack-dab in the middle of the road and I hit the brakes.

    • Failing an exam is small beer compared to being expelled from school.

    • The grocery stores are small fry compared to the the big supermarkets.

    • Sally's cutting remarks are just sour grapes because she can't find a boyfriend.

    • When I graduated from Law school I felt still wet behind the ears to start my own business.

    • Jen's moving in with her boyfriend. I heard it straight from the horses mouth.

    • I couldn't believe it! He told me "I love you", straight from the shoulder!

    • Living illegally in a country is like having a sword of Damocles hanging over your head.