Expresiones con palabras clave - Palabra "as"

    • Pat lives in Australia. As a matter of fact, she's been living there since 1998.

    • As a rule, we don't let any strangers in when my parents aren't home.

    • Glenn washed the car today and he left it as clean as a new pin.

    • Campbell is an honest man. I've investigated all his deeds. He's as clean as a whistle.

    • Don't worry, the instructor gave us all the instructions. He was as clear as crystal.

    • The teacher explained it in class, but it was all as clear as mud. Can you help me?

    • After a weekend getaway in the country, I came home as cool as a cucumber.

    • We arrived at the disco and there was nobody there. It was as dead as a doornail.

    • My mom and dad are as different as night and day, but they really get along.

    • That play was as dull as dithcwater. Next time we'll go dancing!

    • Crossing the lake was as easy as pie. We had a little boat and rowed to the other shore.

    • Grace didn't tell me she was in Madrid. As far as I know, she was in Paris with Ann.

    • My grandad is 89 years old and he rides his bike everyday. He's as fit as a fiddle.

    • Pete went to the pub last night and he came home as full as a tick.

    • My mother-in-law is as mad as a hatter. First, she loves me; then, she hates me!

    • Will's uncle had money but he gambled a lot and lost it. He died as poor as a church mouse.

    • We visited an old medieval town in Florence, it was as pretty as a picture!

    • Sally's dad told her off for coming home late and she went to her room as quiet as a mouse.

    • Whenever I have to deliver a speech, I get as red as a beetroot, I can't help it!

    • Are you sure you'd never surfed before? You do it as to the manner born!

    • Last night I came home as usual, had a shower and went to dinner with some friends.

    • Rose went out on a blind date the other night and the poor guy was as ugly as sin!