Expresiones con verbos claves - Verbo "to put"

    • Two guys started to fight, and that put a damper on the party.

    • His wife decided to put a lid on her husband's affair for the sake of the kids.

    • Don't put all your eggs in one basket. You should apply for other universities.

    • Joe was too overcome with grief for his wife's death and he put an end to himself.

    • After spending years going here and there, Deb put down roots in France.

    • Sam's been putting ideas into Tom's head about quitting school and starting a rock band!

    • A friend of Bob's put in a good word for me at the English Department in Oxford.

    • I took Pam to this restaurant and I ordered shrimp to put a lead on my pencil.

    • Jen puts on airs because she's moved to L.A. but she's no better than us!

    • It was their second album, 'Morning Glory', that put Oasis on the map.

    • I can finish the house by next month if I put my back into it.

    • We were already ten minutes late for the meeting so we put our best foot forward.

    • Sometghing's going on with Sarah but I can't put my finger on it.

    • The man insisted on going to Miss Hilton's room but the receptionist put his foot down.

    • Jake really put his foot in it when he told the boss his daughter was hot.

    • Why doesn't Eric put his own house in order before telling me what to do?

    • The project doesn't go forward because you don't put your shoulder to the wheel.

    • If you put your thinking cap on you'll do the test in twenty minutes.

    • We have to put out a few feelers before launching the product into the market.

    • The teacher told us what the test would be like and she put us at ease.

    • Tommy was acting like a spoiled little brat so I put him in his place.

    • The poor dog was dying and there was nothing we could do but to put him out of his misery.

    • I can't study with music or the TV turned on, it puts me off my stride.

    • Joe was put through the mill to get that job at the hospital.

    • Our team beat yours! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

    • Ann's putting the cart before the horse, tha race hasn't even begun and she's already celebrating.

    • You shoud've seen Mary's face when she saw us on the window! We put the fear of God into her!

    • The workers have been putting the heat on the owner to raise the salaries.

    • The neighbors got together to put the skids under the plans to build a new tower.

    • My brother was put to death for a crime he did not commit!

    • All the candidates will be put to the test during the week.

    • Liz didn't tell me she failed the exam, I saw her crying and put two and two together.

    • No! I'm not doing drugs! You see me go out at night and put two and two together to make five!

    • Phil says he's unemployed but does nothing to get a job. He should put up or shut up.

    • I never said I wanted to leave! Don't put words in my mouth!

    • If people want clean streets they should put their money where their mouth is!