Expresiones con palabras claves - Palabra "so"

    • Who cares if Ann is going out with so and so? It's her life.

    • If Daniel wants to go to trial, so be it! I'm not afraid.

    • I can only help you so far, I'm not an expert.

    • We can't complain about the business. So far, so good.

    • I promise I will never leave you alone again, so help me God.

    • See you guys on Monday! Have a nice weekend, so long!

    • All right, so much for this subject. Let's start with a new one.

    • I'll let the door open so that you can get in.

    • In the countryside, it is so quiet you can hear a pin drop at night.

    • How do the four of you live here? The place is so small you could barely swing a cat!

    • Tom wasn't exactly drunk, he was a bit tipsy, so to speak.

    • Yes, you failed your driving test again, so what?