
El tiempo Conditional responde a la pregunta: What would happen? = ¿Qué pasaría? o What would be happening? = ¿Qué estaría pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + would + verbo presente (I would work). Sujeto + would + be + verbo en progresivo (I would be working).

Simple Tenses - Continuous Tenses

Conditional Simple

What would happen? - ¿Qué pasaría?

I would work - Trabajaría

  • If Bill had enough time and money, he would travel.

    • Si Bill tuviera suficiente tiempo y dinero, viajaría.

  • If we knew where your keys are, we would tell you.

    • Si supiéramos dónde están tus llaves, te lo diríamos.

  • If Lizzie were offered a job at Sears, she would take it.

    • Si a Lizzie le ofrecieran un empleo en Sears, lo aceptaría.

  • If I were you, I would buy that car.

    • Si fuera tú, compraría este auto.

  • If Nancy were accepted at university, she would ask for a scholarship.

    • Si aceptaran a Nancy en la universidad, solicitaría una beca.

  • I would not do that if I were you.

    • No haría eso si fuera tú.

  • If Mr. Jones were a millionaire, he would not work any more.

    • Si el Sr. Jones fuera millonario, no trabajaría más.

  • What would you buy if you had a fortune?

    • ¿Qué comprarías si tuvieras una fortuna?

  • Would you come to the jazz concert if I got the tickets?

    • ¿Vendrías al recital de jazz si yo consiguiera las entradas?

Conditional Continuous

What would be happening? - ¿Qué estaría pasando?

I would be working - Estaría trabajando

  • Mr. Baxter would be typing if his secretary were absent.

    • El Sr. Baxter estaría escribiendo a máquina si su secretaría estuviera ausente.

  • I would be reading a book if it were cloudy.

    • Estaría leyendo un libro si estuviera nublado.

  • We would be sailing if we were in the Caribbean.

    • Estaríamos navegando si estuviéramos en el Caribe.

  • Linda would not be listening to me if I were telling lies.

    • Linda no estaría escuchándome si yo estuviera diciendo mentiras.

  • Would you be painting your house if it did not rain?

    • ¿Estarías pintando la casa si no lloviera?