Lista de expresiones - Letra C

    • The new party has thousands of camp followers all over the country.

    • The new teacher soon found out that handling a fifth grade is a can of worms.

    • Are you sure they're not twins? They're a carbon copy of each other!

    • The boss turned to a carrot-and-stick policy: we work extra hours, he pays us double.

    • In order to buy the house we have to pay a $5,000 safety deposit, cash on the barrelhead.

    • My mum used to say that men are cast in the same mould.

    • Joe says he's going to be the CEO of the company but I think it's all castles in the air.

    • It was like a huge chain reaction: the children got sick, then the mother, and then the ret of the family.

    • My dad was a chain smoker; he used to smoke up to three packs of cigarettes a day.

    • I know I said I didn't want to go, but I've had a change of heart and now I want to come.

    • Tim daydreams of living the charmed life of the rich and famous.

    • Can you believe I bought this purse at $50? Cheap at half the price!

    • I know you don't like her, but telling Bob's girlfriend she had put on a ton of weight was a cheap shot.

    • The school has a system of checks and balances to guarantee the authorities do their work.

    • The bus was so crowded that the passengers were all cheek by jowl.

    • My mum is down with the flu so my dad is chief cook and bottlewasherthese days.

    • Going hunting and handling a gun isn't child's play, you know?

    • I've been waiting for the bus for hours in the cold rain, I'm chilled to the bone!

    • I had to inspect lots of cars and give them a clean bill of health.

    • You said that Kate was in love with Ben? Close, but no cigar. She's in love with his brother!

    • All right, I'll let you explain, but don't give me a cock-and-bull story!

    • Paul thinks he's the best. He's always acting as if he were the cock of the walk.

    • Johnny Depp is so hot! Every time I see his movies I have to take a cold shower!

    • We went camping last summer but there was a sudden cold snap, we were freezing!

    • When a drug addict stops taking drugs, he goes cold turkey.

    • The doorman has to watch all the comings and goings in the building.

    • I know we seldom see eye to eye but we need to find some common groundif we're going to work together.

    • Some people get married too young and lack the common sense to realize how serious marriage is.

    • The mother of the bride wasn't at the wedding; she was conspicuous by her absence.

    • I don't believe in the conventional wisdom that men are better than women at some activities.

    • Becky's trip to India was the conversation piece at last night's party.

    • When Charles was elected Senator, he got access to the corridors of power.

    • Lord and Lady Darcy belong to the English aristocracy, the cream of the crop.

    • Andy's living in the country, away from everything and without any creature comforts.

    • I don't believe Sarah's story. There's a credibility gap between us.

    • Mary is such a liar. Surely, you didn't believe her crocodile tears.

culture shock

culture vulture

cup of tea

choque de culturas

devorador de cultura

santo de su devoción

    • There was a huge culture shock between the Spanish and the indians during the Conquest.

    • Henry loves literature, music, the theater; he's a real culture vulture.

    • Hip-hop isn't exactly my cup of tea. I prefer rock 'n' roll.